Elementary School Physical Education Teacher Expectations

Teacher scheduling

o  Work with your principal/assistant principal/special area teachers at the beginning of the year to create a campus master schedule

o  When creating the schedule, try to group classes by K-2 and 3-5

o  Turn in a current written yearly plan to the PE Coordinator by September 15 each year

o  Turn in a current ABC class schedule to the PE Coordinator by September 15 each year

New PE teachers

o  Ensure that you have a copy of the district curriculum

o  Ensure that you have all of the resources needed to teach your classes

o  Observe a veteran PE teacher at another campus at least once per semester; PE Coordinator will pay for the sub and make suggestions on who to visit

o  Attend all PE Mentor meetings throughout the year

o  Attend all district meetings throughout the year

o  Ask for assistance when needed

Veteran PE teachers

o  Make sure that new PE teachers feel welcome to the district

o  Assist new PE teachers in locating all of the resources needed to teach their classes

o  Allow new PE teachers to observe you when requested

o  Be a resource for new PE teachers in lesson planning

o  Attend all district PE meetings throughout the year


o  Educate your students on the correct Fitnessgram procedures

o  Test all of your 3rd-5th grade students using the correct Fitnessgram procedures

o  Enter the testing data into Fitness Tracking by the district deadlines

o  Review Fitnessgram diagnostic data with your principal and create campus goals based on students’ needs

o  Review Fitnessgram data with students

o  Print Fitness Tracking Individual Student Report and give to the campus nurse after diagnostic testing


o  Locate all of the PE resources and equipment on your campus

o  Replace any missing/broken equipment using the approved district vendors

o  Use the district Special Order List to purchase equipment for the next school year

o  Inventory CATCH equipment and report to the principal what needs to be replaced and ordered

Grade Level IPGs

o  Follow the IPGs as a suggested guide for lesson planning

o  Assess students following district guidelines

o  Plan for 50% or more Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA)

Proficiency Tests

o  Administer the proper Proficiency Tests for each grade level

o  Meet the campus deadlines for inputting grades into GradeSpeed

o  Provide 4 grades per nine-weeks

Campus Meetings (2 or more teachers on a campus)

o  Meet with your co-teacher at least 1 time per week to plan lessons, teaching area rotation and equipment

o  Discuss any problems with students or curriculum with co-teacher on a regular basis

o  Request district updates with your co-teacher after each district PE meeting

o  Each teacher should have and use their own separate teaching area (gym and covered playslab)

o  Rotate teaching areas

Best Practices

o  Review the NASPE Best Practices at the beginning of each school year and set campus goals

o  Meet with your principal at the end of the year to review your campus goals and set focus goals for next year

Physical Activity and Health Concept Lessons

o  Teach the physical activity and health concept lessons following the district schedule

o  Integrate physical activity and health concepts lessons in your daily PE lessons

o  Discuss healthy food choices and increased physical activity time with each of your students on a daily basis

Policy, Laws, and Procedures

o  Read and understand all policies related to healthy and physical education and activity (Quick Reference to Health and PE Related Policies)

o  Work with your principal to create a proper shoe/attire policy for your campus

§  Implement the campus proper shoe/attire policy consistently with all of your classes

o  Create a non participation policy for your campus

§  Implement the campus non participation policy consistently with all of your classes

o  Create a Fitnessgram make-up policy for your campus

§  Implement the campus Fitnessgram make-up policy consistently with all of your classes

Track and Field Day/Fundraising

o  Organize a Track and Field Day for your campus

o  Ensure that only healthy snacks are being sold at the campus Track and Field Day per the district nutrition policy

o  Communicate with your principal any needs or concerns regarding fundraising efforts on your campus

Coordinated School Health

o  Plan and discuss CSH activities such as WOW training, CATCH events, bulletin boards and school messages for a healthy environment with co-teacher and CATCH Wellness Committee

o  Train campus staff on the new WOW Integration Activities by the end of October

o  Collaborate with Principal and CAC to ensure coordinated school health is represented in the CIP

o  PE

§  Be a positive role model for CATCH on your campus

§  Report on the progress of CSH at weekly faculty meetings/highlight classes and grade level activities

§  Teach all CATCH games in the PE curriculum

§  Communicate with the classroom teachers per grade level the games that the students know how to play for use during WOW time

§  Post “Go, Slow, Whoa” foods lists/signs in the gym

§  Be an active member of the CATCH committee on your campus preferably the CATCH champion

o  Food Services

§  Encourage the food service manager on your campus to post signs in the cafeteria

§  Encourage students in the cafeteria to eat the healthy foods

Classroom Health Lessons

§  Distribute the WOW/CATCH equipment to all grade levels

§  Encourage teachers to teach the CATCH/Health lessons using district overviews

§  Encourage teachers to participate in daily WOW time on your campus

§  Assist teachers as needed to implement WOW on your campus

Parent Involvement

§  Send out notes/newsletters to parents informing them of the good things happening in your gym

§  Post CATCH/district activity-related information on a bulletin board outside the gym-use a wall if necessary

§  Assist in the planning and implementation of a CATCH event on your campus at least 1 time per year