
Shared Governance Executive Committee

UNA Shared Governance

Monday,November 8, 2010

I.Call-to-Order: 3:35 pm. Quorum present: C. Hamilton, V. Hansen, C. Horn, K. Jacques, S. Loew, B. Peeden, R. Statom, J. Thornell.

II.Approval of the Agenda: Motion to approve Agenda by C. Hamilton, 2ndby V. Hansen, Unanimously Approved.

III.Approval of the October 25, 2010 Shared Governance Executive Committee Meeting Minutes:Discussion revealed two spelling corrections, Agenda – Motion to approve amended minutes by C. Hamilton, 2ndby V. Hansen, Unanimously Approved.

IV. Report from the Chair

1.Copyright policy sent to VPAA & P with revision recommendations on 11/1/10Dr. Thornell reported that the copyright policy will be sent to SACS Reaffirmation Team tomorrow

2. Acceptance of Credit from Non-Regionally Accredited Institutions sent to VPAA & P by Academic & Student Affairs Committee (A&SA) on 11/2/10

3.University Admissions Requirements sent to VPAA & P by A&SA on 11/2/10

4. Second Chance Provision sent to VPAA & P by A&SA on 11/2/10

5.Acceptance of Seniors/Unclassified Students sent to VPAA & P by A&SA on 11/2/10

Dr. Thornell reported that items 2-5 above had all been forwarded to the President

V.Unfinished Business: None (Although it was noted that changes to the Volunteering Services to Establish Endowments are still pending)

VI.New Business

1. Retroactive Withdrawal Policy: Motion to send to Academic and Student Affairs Committee by V. Hansen, 2ndby C. Hamilton. Discussion of specific provisions of the policy by Dr. Thornell and V. Hansen. Motion Unanimously Approved.

2.Academic Dishonesty Policy: Motion to send to Academic and Student Affairs Committee by K. Jacques, 2nd by R. Statom, during the discussion of the need to rewrite the current policy it was noted that the current policy can be difficult to administer and is cumbersome to students. The motion was Unanimously Approved.

3. Nomination from SGA for Jessica Ezell to replace a student who resigned from the Academic & Student Affairs Committee: Motion to approve nomination by K. Jacques, 2nd by R. Statom, Unanimously Approved.

VII.Comments from Constituent Representatives

1.SGA: C. Hamilton reported that the SGA is reviewing 4 currently proposed policy revisions.

2.Staff and/or Staff Senate President: C. Horn reported that the Staff Senate approved the Repeat/Recompute policy.The Staff Senate still has concerns about slow changes in dining services by Sodexo. Sodexo has responded that part of slow changes due to late signing of the new contract (mid-August). The Staff Senate has also had discussions with D. Shields concerning parking problems

3.Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President -None

4.Administration: Dr. Thornell reported that the International Student Study Abroad program is commencing the week of November 15th. Dr. Thornell also noted that there are some discussions about the possibility of closing the university for a week for Thanksgiving break. Discussion by the committee indicated approval of the proposal. It was noted that a formal proposal was best to be forwarded to the SGEC committee by the SGA

VIII. Adjourn: 4:09 pm.