Securities Pledge File Formatting Instructions

To pledge a group of securities, please provide an electronic file meeting the following requirements:

  • file must be in comma separated values (CSV) format
  • file must contain the data elements in the exact order shown below
  • file must be saved to a local drive on your computer
  • the saved file must be uploaded from your computer.

Field Title / Field Description / Type(Max Size) / Format/Sample Data / Comments
Custodian Account # / Identification number for account holding FHLB Des Moines collateral / Alphanumeric(30) / 564ARB125 / If FHLB Des Moines safekeeping is holding the collateral enter FHLBDM into this column
Member or Affiliate Pledgor / This column identifies who is pledging the collateral / Alpha(8) / Member
Affiliate / Only use descriptions shown in Format/Sample Data column
Affiliate includes any member subsidiary
Security Description / Standard description of type of security pledged / Alpha(11) / Cash
Other / Only use descriptions shown in Format/Sample Data column see glossary for definitions of descriptions
CUSIP / The number that uniquely identifies a company or issuer and the type of security / Alphanumeric(9) / AB1234567
Acquisition Date / Date pledgor acquired ownership of pledged security / Date(8) / 02152011 / MMDDYYYY format only
Maturity Date / Date security matures / Date(8) / 09252013 / MMDDYYYY format only
Pledge Amount / Amount of security being pledged to FHLB Des Moines as collateral / Numeric(17) / 100,000.00 / Include decimal in pledge amount
Pledge Pool ID / FHLB Des Moines assigned identification number for specific advance(s) collateral support / Numeric(3) / 1 / Use 1 unless instructed by FHLBDes Moines to use a different Pledge Pool ID

Example of Securities Pledge File Layout:

Custodian Account # / Member or Affiliate Pledgor / Security Description / CUSIP / Acquisition Date / Maturity Date / Pledge Amount / Pledge Pool ID
564ARB125 / Member / UST / 12345SW67 / 1012011 / 02022012 / 100,000.00 / 1
ZME125452 / Affiliate / RMBS / 12345AC78 / 10251999 / 08172013 / 1,000,000.00 / 1

Instructions for submitting an electronic securities pledge file are found here.

Revised 10/03/11