UCML Executive

Meeting on 20 May 2011

Senate House

University of London


Jim Coleman (Chair), Liz Andersen, Jonathan Bunt, Tony Chafer, Raquel de Pedro, Mary Fischer, Bob Gould, Annie Morgan James, Tony Shannon-Little, Kris Spelman Miller, Jocelyn Wyburd, Liz Hudswell (Minutes)

1.  Apologies for absence

Mary Anne Ansell, Uwe Baumann, Lucille Cairns, Daniella La Penna, Terry Lamb, Teresa Mackinnon, Pam Moores, Mike Kelly, Linda Parker, Nebosja Radic, Paul Starkey, Carol Tully,

2.  Minutes of the last executive meeting and matters arising

These were approved as a true record of proceedings

European Language Council

It was agreed that UCML would continue to pay the subscription for one more year and review it in 12 months. It was also suggested that the Vice Chair for Engagement could take that on the role of liaising with the ELC.


It was reported that videos are now available from the launch on www.linguistics.ac.uk


Jim Coleman reported that he will be attending an event organised by IGRS on 17 June. It is a high profile event and IGRS are hoping for a good attendance.

Vice-Chancellor’s network

Jim reported that Colin Riorden had held a meeting of interested VCs on 13 May but he is waiting to hear the outcomes of the meeting.

University of Manchester event

Jim noted that Manchester has not yet progressed this event.

3.  Chair’s report


Jim reported on the petition and the letter in the THE as a result of the inclusion of ‘the Big Society’ in the AHRC planning document. Professor Rylands is defending the inclusion of the phrase. There is a meeting of annual subject associations on 24 June in London. Annie Morgan James has agreed to go on behalf of UCML. It was agreed that the Executive would want to make sure that the whole spread of research in Languages is represented, that they are aware that languages are diverse and that languages can support other areas of research. Executive members should send any relevant information to Annie on the UCML executive list.


Jim reported that he had had an article published in Languages Today, produced by ALL. He encouraged the Executive to continue to take opportunities to say that ‘English is not enough’.

All Party Parliamentary Group

This had met the previous Monday. Jean Coussins, Chair of the Group is a great supporter of Languages. Graham Stewart, Chair of Education sub committee had attended the meeting. He had stated that there would be no further information on the position of languages in the curriculum until January 2012 as Languages are in phase 2 of the Curriculum Review. Jim noted that UCML had put in a submission for languages in the consultation period on the review. There had been over 5000 responses to the consultation, which is a record.


AUPHF were holding their annual meeting on the same day as the Executive. This should be avoided in future. Their programme had included a session on the REF. David Docherty, Michael Worton Pam Moores and Mike Kelly were also contributing to the programme.

Tony Chafer reported on the David Sweeney’s session on the REF. It had given a useful insight into HEFCEs vision. He has negotiated on behalf of HEFCE with the Treasury. It was clear that HEFCE plays an important role as a buffer between universities and government and that HEFCE is lobbying on behalf of languages. Tony reported that HEFCE is keen to receive feedback on the process and that it would be important to respond to the consultation documents published in July if they do not take sufficient account of languages and area studies.


Jim reported that CILT had gone into administration. It has merged with CfBT, a substantial organisation and the 20th biggest charity in the UK. CILT will retain its brand and activities in primary, secondary and ITT. It will not continue community, business and HE activities. Jim stated that UCML had written to the DfE in support of CILT. The majority of staff have transferred to Reading but some key staff have been lost such as Teresa Tinsley and Anne Marie Graham. The Executive noted its regret that these staff members have left CILT and wished to thank them for their excellent work. CILT Cymru has merged with WJEC.

Jim noted the importance of ensuring that those activities carried out by CILT which were of benefit to the HE community be continued. This applied particularly to the statistical analysis. He would discuss this further with BIS.


Jim noted that he would be asking for assistance to establish the blog. It was agreed that monthly communications to members would be important.

E bac consultation

UCML did submit a response to the consultation. Jim reported that, anecdotally, parents are pushing children away from vocational GCSEs and teachers of vocational subjects are under threat. However, there is a substantial resurgence of interest in languages in the light of the e bac.

Eurobarometer reports

One has been produced recently on languages and the internet. 9/10 internet users want websites in their own language. JW agreed to put this on the UCML website.

Action JW

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

They have also stated that languages are important for both the FCO and the economy.

Higher Education Academy

The HEA has been consulting with major customers of Subject Centres to see what should happen after funding for Subject Centres has been withdrawn. Jim reported that he was to discuss with Mike Kelly what the relationship would be between LLAS and UCML in the light of reduced government funding. He noted that UCML has been working very successfully with LLAS for 11 years but the relationship may need to change in the light of LLAS future funding arrangements.

Jim reported that the HEA will have an Arts and Humanities lead but there will also be a discipline lead for Languages . Liz Hudswell reported that LLAS is continuing to receive a grant from the Academy though this is substantially less than current funding. It is envisaged that LLAS will continue to receive grants from the Academy beyond 2012. Jim noted that the Academy is aware that LLAS is one of the most successful Subject Centres.


Jim noted that Languages is the only subject within BIS where there is a group convened of department members and representatives of other bodies. It is not clear where languages will sit within BIS and Mary Gurteen will no longer be the key contact. Jim reported that the HESA data now includes the OU which makes the figures look healthier.

Wolfe report on vocational qualifications

Jim noted that this report is very hard-hitting. It suggests too many people are being pushed into vocational qualifications. No mention was made of Languages, an issue which he had raised with the DfE.

HE White Paper

Jim reported that this is due to be published shortly but there are two versions of the White Paper and it is not yet clear which one will be favoured

Visits to institutions

Jim reported that he had visited Oxford to meet senior people in the Languages department there. It is a substantial department with 250 academics. Oxford has now agreed to join UCML. He noted that Middle Eastern languages, the Language Centre and European languages are separate entities.

Jim was also invited to Cambridge University. He noted that staff there raised the same concerns as elsewhere such as the Year Abroad

Jim noted that he was keen to visit other institutions to raise the profile of UCML.

4.  Secretary’s report

Jocelyn Wyburd reported that Tony Chafer and Bob Gould come to the end of their terms of office after the Plenary meeting. They were thanked for their involvement in UCML.

It was agreed that elections would be held in the autumn for the Hispanic Studies and Area Studies constituencies, held by Bob Gould and Tony Chafer respectively. At the same time there could be the elections for Germanic Studies and Linguistics as Liz Andersen and Kris Spelman Miller come to the end of their terms of office in December. Nebosja Radic has resigned his post on the executive owing to other commitments so an election for that post would also be held then. It was suggested that, in future, elections could be held once a year in the autumn.

A number of members finish a three year term of office in July: Jocelyn Wyburd, Uwe Baumann, Teresa Mackinnon*, Matthew Treherne* , Jonathan Bunt, Daniel Newman, Annie Morgan James*, Daniel la Penna, Raquel de Pedro, Carol Tully, Terry Lamb

It was proposed that all executive members continue in their posts until the new structure is in place and/or the autumn elections have taken place. Those members marked with an * represent constituencies which are not continuing. Those in constituencies which are continuing should be asked if they are willing to continue in office for a fourth year.

Restructuring the executive

Jocelyn reported that the final version of rewording of the constitution and standing orders is on the website with track changes visible. No comments had been received but the proposals need a formal vote at the Plenary by show of hands. Jocelyn agreed to check if a quorum is needed.

Action Jocelyn Wyburd

Jocelyn also reported that she had put up a number of consultations on the website

5.  Treasurers report

Tony Shannon-Little reported that the majority of subscriptions had been received. £13,000 income had been received. The current account stands at £27,000 and the reserve at £5,000 . Anticipated costs include £4,500 in direct costs as well as the fee to LLAS.

Tony reported that the collection of subscriptions had been very smooth and Carol Churchouse and Claire Wilkins at LLAS were thanked for their efforts.

It was agreed that the fee should remain the same for 2011-2012.

6.  Update from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland


Mary Fischer provided an update from Scotland. She reported that Scotland has similar concerns to those in England but the context is increasingly different. Andrew Ginger has stood down as Chair of UCML Scotland as he moving to Bristol. Margaret Anne Hutton of St Andrews is replacing him. UCML Scotland has been a useful lobbying body for the Scottish Funding Council and has forged stronger links between institutions. It was agreed that Andrew has done an excellent job as Chair and that Jim or Jocelyn would write formally to thank him for his work

Action Jim Coleman/Jocelyn Wyburd

Mary also reported that Scottish CILT is separately funded and is continuing.


Jim provided a report from Carol Tully. Although some staff are leaving the University of Swansea, the picture is generally very positive with a new department being created led by Andrew Rothwell. It was suggested that he might talk at a future plenary meeting or the UCML/LLAS event in September. It was also reported that Glamorgan are in the process of reviewing their curriculum. Carol had also reported that she had written to HEFCW about funding for the Year Abroad.

Northern Ireland

John Gillespie had sent a message saying that a languages strategy for Northern Ireland was due to be published but that it had run into some legal issues in the Assembly because of the position of Irish.

7.  Report from LLAS including report on the UCML/LLAS survey for BIS and Routes into Languages

Liz Hudswell reported that LLAS would continue to exist next year and was planning to offer the kind of events and activities which had been well received by the community in the past. These included the e learning symposium, an event for languages of the wider world, a workshop for new staff. She reported that the Academy had provided a grant for one year to help support this activity. There were a number of events still to take place this year including one on teaching linguistics and using the National Student Survey. On 14 September there would be an event for Heads of Department, organised jointly with UCML.

Liz reported that John Canning was working on the UCML/LLAS survey. The survey was now on line and would stay open till the end of July. John was also interviewing Directors of Language centres to get some qualitative data. He would be happy to have more volunteers. Annie Morgan James agreed to be interviewed. The report would be written in the summer and would go on the UCML website.

8.  Shaping the Future

Liz Andersen provided an update on this project which is funded by HEFCE and provides a response to the Worton Review. She reminded the executive that there are three strands of activity: unity and diversity, internationalisation, and languages and society. Pam Moores is leading the project. She is receiving information from those working on the three strands which will then be posted on pages of the UCML website.

The aim of the project is to provide materials which Heads of Department can use when making the case particularly with senior managers in their institutions. Liz Andersen provided more details about the materials produced by the languages and society strand which she is leading. These included:

·  A series of documents about what university departments can get from a university careers service written by Diane Appleton from the University of Liverpool

·  A tutorial informing tutors about employability and languages.

·  A document advising how to conduct interviews with tutees.