Year Four Newsletter

Spring Term 2017

Dear Parents,

We hope you had a lovely Christmas break. We would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and to say a big thank you for all the kind gifts and cards we received for Christmas. The children have already made a great start to the New Year.

This letter outlines what the children will be learning throughout the coming term.

Mathematics: This term, the children will compare and classify shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles, based on their properties. They will also begin to learn about equivalent fractions, how to simplify fractions and how to add and subtract fractions. Children will revise using the column method to add and subtract and will be using this method in relation to decimals and money. We will also learn about Roman numerals, revise how to read, write and convert time between analogue and digital, and 12 to 24-hour clock notation, as well as answer questions related to timetables. During the term, we will continue to develop organised, systematic approaches to solving complex problems; children will complete Maths investigations independently choosing an efficient method to ensure they find all possible answers and solutions.

English: Our English work will continue to focus on four key areas; reading, writing,speaking and listening. Through reading ‘The Iron Man’ and other stories, the children willlearn how words and phrases are used to create atmosphere and mood in story settings. They will learn how to describe story settings in interesting ways and will create a new setting for our book. Our non-fiction work will focus on persuasive writing and will link to other areas of the curriculum. All units incorporate reading and other activities to develop speaking and listening skills. In addition, the children will continue to learn the rules related to English spelling and grammar. Adult led,small group Guided Reading sessions will take place daily.

Reading: Year 4 children will be given responsibility for ensuring they are reading enough at home. However, to ensure children are not rushing through our reading stages they will not be changing their book on a daily basis. They will be asked to show a member of staff their reading diaries and will be expected to demonstrate a real understanding of texts read.

It is so important for children to read regularly; just ten minutes every day has been shown to make a real difference. Confident readers can access the wider curriculum in a more independent way so please take time to enjoy books together. ‘First News’ is a popular newspaper for children which keeps them up-to-date with current affairs too. Remember to visit your local library together; let your child see that you value and enjoy books too.

Handwriting:This term, all children will be introduced to ‘Penpals’, a new whole school policy to develop neat, legible and joined handwriting. Our aim is for all children to take a real pride in the presentation of their work and to write with increased speed and fluency.

Science: ‘Sound’ is our first topic this term. The children will explore and investigate how sounds are made and how pitch and volume can be changed in a variety of ways. They will also learn about the anatomy of the ear and how we hear through the vibrations of sounds. This topic will be followed, next half term, by ‘Animals and Humans’ when the children will be introduced to the main body parts associated with the digestive system – mouth, tongue, teeth, oesophagus, stomach and intestine. In addition, children will work scientifically to compare the teeth of carnivores and herbivores, suggesting reasons for differences.

MFL (Modern Foreign Language): Children will be learning to engage in conversation, ask and answer questions and express opinions and respond to others. We will be trying to speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language skills and begin to develop accurate pronunciation and intonation. This term we will be focusing on ‘At School’ ‘Classroom Objects’ and ‘What’s the time?’.

History: In our historical studies, children will learn about Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots. They will learn about Scots’ invasion from Ireland to Northern Britain (now Scotland). Our topic will also cover Anglo-Saxon invasions, settlements and place names, as well as village life.

Design and Technology: Our Design and Technology topic will enable children to apply their acquired knowledge of’Sound’ in a purposeful way through designing and making a simple instrument. Whilst designing and making skills will be used, there will be anemphasis on working scientifically to find patterns in the sounds made by different objects of different sizes.

Music: Miss Tunstill will be continuing to teach the children to play the clarinet on Mondays this term.

Computing: We will be continuing with our ‘Bringing Images to Life’ topic. The Children will design, create and edit their own animations. Later on in the term we will then focus on ‘Turtles and Games’ topic. Children will develop skills in the use of control devices in the real world, understanding that these include onscreen as well as physical devices. Children will explore turtle program languages (Logo) and write instructions to control a program to draw a variety of shapes. They will also be aware that the devices are programmed using instructions to respond to events and conditions and will discuss the benefits and problems associated with these devices.

PE: Mr Baker will continue to lead our PE sessions this term. PE days are Thursday and Friday with lessons taking place outdoors on Friday. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school, including sensible trainers, a white t-shirt and a plain black or navy blue tracksuit and jumper. It is important for children to have a specific jumper for P.E. sessions as, for hygiene reasons, they should not be wearing school jumpers. Children have been asked to take their PE kit home every Friday so it can be washed. Please remember kits must be back in school on a Monday in case of additional PE sessions. If your child wears earrings please take them out on P.E. days (if they cannot do this for themselves). If children need to tape up their earrings, please provide tape for them to do so. If your child is unable to take part in either of these lessons, please write a letter giving the reason.

Other Information

How can you support your child at home? Thank you for the support you already provide for your child. Please continue to support your child’s learning:

  • listen to your child read regularly – relax and enjoy this special time together.
  • help your child to complete weekly homework - taking a real pride in the presentation of work submitted
  • help your child to learn spelling rules
  • help your child to learn times-table facts up to 12x12
  • help your child to tell the time using analogue and digital clocks
  • discuss what your child has been learning at school; maybe extend your child’s learning through the sharing of books and the internet – especially if your child is keen!

Clothing: All items of clothing must be labelled clearly as this will ensure that, if an item of your child’s uniform is found, it can be returned immediately.

If there is anything you need to discuss with us regarding your child, please send a note in with your child or see us after school when the children are brought out. Alternatively,if you require more time, make an appointment with the office so we canmeet at a mutually convenient time after school.

We hope you find this information useful and we thank you in advance for supporting your child’s learning.

Kind regards

Mrs I Danaher and Mrs J Chrysandreas

Year 4 Class Teachers