Name: ______Partner: ______

Due Date: ______

Biome Travel Guide

The United Nations has contracted hundreds of travel agencies to create travel packages to different biomes around the world. The purpose of this project is to increase awareness of not only the beauty of the earth but also the plight of the biomes and the species that are threatened or endangered. It is your job, as owner of a travel agency, to create and produce a colorful and informative PowerPoint presentation that will serve this purpose.

You may use any website for your information and images. Images inserted must have text on the slide.

An effective travel guide tells visitors what to expect when visiting a location, so you must include the following information in your PowerPoint:

  • Name & information (where tours are available) about your “travel company”
  • Where is your biome located (include a map)?
  • Where specifically are you taking tourists? Hotel? Tour packages…
  • What type of food should the tourists expect to be eating? Local cuisine?
  • How will tourists get there? Plane, bus, train
  • List factual information about the biome that a tourist would want to know.
  • What is the climate like in your biome?
  • What will tourists do while in your biome?
  • What should tourists pack that would be appropriate for weather & activities?
  • What will tourists see while on vacation in your biome?
  • Information & pictures of at least 3 animals found in your biome
  • Information & pictures of at least 2 plants found in your biome
  • Info/picture on at least one endangered animal found in your biome
  • For more info on our vacation packages please check our “website” at www. ??? and more biome information on your works cited page

Biome Travel Guide

Power Point Presentation must include……

1. City:______Presentation Date: ______

2. Research your topic using a variety of sources.

-Make sure you and your partner put all of your information on a Word doc

*TAKE NOTES to help you organize!

3. Decide on dates and times to meet. Break up project into sections &split

tasks between members.

4. Layout rough draft of slides on PowerPoint

-include graphics, pictures, and background colors or ideas

- Make sure they are in order of how they will be presented

5. Check with me to make sure you have everything you need BEFORE

it is due!

6. Create a final copy for a 5 minute presentation in front of the class

~The grading rubric is attached to your packet-please look at before you present to make sure you have everything you need.

* Remember, when you are presenting that you are a travel agent-you are selling the positive & fun aspects of your biome. The customers (classmates) can only go on one trip- will it be yours?

A’s and Golden Tickets go to the winning agency!

Power Point Requirements

You Must Have a Minimum of…..

16 slides in chronological order

-1 Slide for introduction (Welcome! Including travel

company information)

-13 slides to discuss biome (see next page for ideas)

-1 slide for conclusion (Please come to our biome!)

-1 slide for works cited (weblinks)

  • Bullets of information on each slide (no paragraphs)
  • Slides have transitions and presentation has a logical flow
  • Make sure the font is big enough for the audience to see (at least size 35)
  • Make sure font color is clear over background or picture.
  • Graphics on slides (Sound, color etc.)

Extra credit opportunity:

Bring in appropriate props/costumes when presenting

Travel Brochure Due Date:______

Two days before presenting you need to hand in your travel brochure. This brochure should be designed with sales in mind! What would attract possible travelers to go to your location? Keep it positive and exciting-include tourist tips, must see sights, and prices! Also your travel agency information should be on the cover. Try to create a logo, slogan, etc for your company.

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Your Score
Attention to Audience / Did not attempt to engage audience / Little attempt to engage audience / Engaged audience and held their attention most of the time by remaining on topic and presenting facts with enthusiasm / Engaged audience and held their attention throughout with creative articulation, enthusiasm, and clearly focused presentation
Clarity / No apparent logical order of presentation, unclear focus / Content is loosely connected, transitions lack clarity / Sequence of information is well-organized for the most part, but more clarity with transitions is needed / Development of thesis is clear through use of specific and appropriate examples; transitions are clear and create a succinct and even flow
Presentation Length / Greatly exceeding or falling short of allotted time / Exceeding or falling short of allotted time / Remained close to the allotted time / Presented within the allotted time
Content / Thesis is unclear and information appears randomly chosen / Thesis is clear, but supporting information is disconnected / Information relates to a clear thesis; many relevant points, but they are somewhat unstructured / Exceptional use of material that clearly relates to a focused thesis; abundance of various supported materials
Creativity / Delivery is repetitive with little or no variety in presentation techniques / Material presented with little interpretation or originality / Some apparent originality displayed through use of original interpretation of presented materials / Exceptional originality of presented material and interpretation
Speaking Skills / Monotone; speaker seemed uninterested in material / Little eye contact; fast speaking rate, little expression, mumbling / Clear articulation of ideas, but apparently lacks confidence with material / Exceptional confidence with material displayed through poise, clear articulation, eye contact, and enthusiasm
Prepared / Unprepared; did not do necessary research / Attempted to research in preparation for presentation, but was misdirected / Evidence of purposeful research in preparation for presentation / Thorough and purposeful research in preparation for presentation
Biome Presentations
Group Names:______Topic:______
Presentation Start Time:______End Time:______

Intro slide : _____ Total: _____/28

Map of biome : _____

Climate of biome : _____

Facts about biome: _____

3 animals/pics : _____

2 plants/pics : _____

End. Animal : _____

Packing list : _____

Activities : _____

Both spoke : _____

# of slides :_____

Closing Slide : _____

Works Cited : ______