Business Analysis: Business Requirements DocumentCOM016

[Version: 00.543]


Stage: Business Analysis

Business Requirements Document

Committee Intranet Replacement




Document Version: 00.653

Date: 18281/54/15


1Document Management


1.2Version Control


2.1Project Description


2.3Business Dependencies and Constraints

2.4Legislative Impact


3.1Business Process Description


4.1Functional Requirements

4.2Non-Functional Requirements

4.3Supported web browsers for 2014-2015


5.1Acceptance Test Strategy


1Document Management

When completing this document, please mark any section that is not required as ‘N/A’. A brief description of why the section is not required should also be included.


Please provide details of all contributors to this document.

Role / Unit / Name
Business Analyst (Owner) / IS Project Services / Sue Woodger
Project Manager / IS Project Services / Colin Watt
Project Sponsor / Service Management / Alex Carter
Business Area Manager / Service Management / Stephen Smith
Systems Analyst Designer / ISG Dev / Richard Good
Other document contributors / IS User Services / Judy Thomson
Helpline / Tanya Houston
Callum Greer
Court / Katherine Novosel
Evelyn Dunton
Kirstie Graham
Records Management / Anne Grzybowski

1.2Version Control

Please document all changes made to this document since initial distribution.

Date / Version / Author / Section / Amendment
9/3/15 / 0.1 / SW / First draft
25/3/15 / 0.2 / SW / Following updates from stakeholders
1/4/15 / 0.3 / SW / Updates from first draft
13/4/15 / 0.4 / SW / 3.1.6 / Changed image of Remit on wiki as it was website image.
20/04/15 / 0.54 / CW / Updated with changes requested by Project Sponsor and Business Lead.
18/05/15 / 0.6 / CW / 4 / Section 4 summarised as requested by Project Sponsor.


Please provide an overview of the project in the sections below

2.1Project Description

This project will replace the legacy committee intranet application with a solution based on a centrally-supported platform. It is required as a dependency of the web hosting rationalisationproject (COM014), as the existing intranets are hosted on the same infrastructure. Aside from the requirement to migrate from the current platform, there are advantages to moving to a new solution based on a centrally supported platform (standard supported platform, SLAs for data backup and recovery, scheduled application upgrades).


As identified at TOR stage

  1. Maintain Business Continuity for committee intranets service.Must Have
  2. Provide enhanced functionality to Committee Intranet.Should Have
  3. Demonstrate potential value of SharePoint platform for IS and University.Should Have
  4. Building capacity for future SharePoint projects. Should Have

2.3Business Dependencies and Constraints

Certain business dependencies exist that may affect the project team's ability to implement the project, e.g. concurrent projects, unknown technology. These dependencies are listed below so that they can be communicated and addressed.

  • COM014 – this project required as a dependencyof the web hosting rationalisationproject COM014as the existing intranets are hosted on the same infrastructure.

2.4Legislative Impact

Legislative issues that could impact this project include:

  • Data Protection Act 1988
  • The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA)
  • Records Management

UoE guidance

UoE Guide to data protection can be found at

UoE Guide to information can be found at

UoE Records Management section at

UoE Committee Servicing Guidelines


3.1Business Process Description

The current Committees intranet is to be moved to SharePointlike for like i.e. the same functionality of the existing site must still be available when moved. There will be some out of the box functionality that would be available to the new intranet but this would be of lower priority.

There are currently over 230 instances of the Committee Intranets to be migrated to the new platform.

As well as the Committees Intranet some areas of the University use the internet and the university wiki to host their committee intranets. For example the Court use the Court and Committee web pages for all their "Open" information including: remit; meeting dates; membership and agendas; papers and minutes, etc. The wiki is used to distribute complete (open and closed) papers to Court and Committee members and attendees. The screenshots within this document will show the current intranet application with web and/or wiki equivalents for comparison.

Users will be able to continue with this practice butfor future development the requirements of the newintranet should take into account differences between the current intranet application and the web/wiki so that users of the web/wiki can migrate to the new system in the future if they so required. These items will be off lower priority as the priority for this project is the like for like functionality.

3.1.1Applying for a committee intranet to be set up

If a user wants an intranet set up they apply to Helpline who set up the intranet template for them. They apply via the wiki

The Committee Intranet Setup Form:

The form is in 3 parts (General Information, Committee Editors and Committee Secure Group) and requires no changes as users will still have to apply to Helpline for the present to get their intranet set up. Helpline will also add and remove members and apply access rights. It is anticipated that this process will eventually move to the Administrators of the intranets where they can set up their own sites using templates and add their own groups and users within SharePoint but before that can happen more work needs to be carried out to ensure the Active Directory matches SharePoint and this will be taken ahead by Service Management, but not as part of this project. Users are added using their UUNs (Universal User Name)

Once Helpline have set up the intranet the inform the requestor by using the Committee Intranet Now setup Template

Helpline also send Administration Guidelines to users to help them edit the intranet.

( - may need permissions to see this information so have attached separately)

Currently the Committees Intranet consists the following sections:


Administrators are added to this section via Helpline adding them to the Editor AD (Active Directory) group. This gives them permissions to edit their specific committee intranet. Although added to the Editor AD group they are referred to as administrators in this document to distinguish them from document editors.

Example of Admin section of current intranet application:


Example of Meetings section of current intranet application:

Example of Web equivalent of Intranet Meetings section:

  • The current fields are still required
  • Year
  • Date
  • Time
  • Venue
  • There is an issue with setting up meetings in the Admin section whereby they have to first insert the venue before they can add other details – and often the venue is not known at this point so this process should be improved when moving to the new platform so that the process is more intuitive.
  • There is a dropdown list of venues admins use which they manually add. There are happy for this to continue as the administrators prefer not to have integration with bookable rooms
  • Currently administrators have to apply to Helpline to get a new meeting year added which elongates a simple process
  • The Court have a combined list of all meetings dates only which is in Polopoly
  • Future improvements would be to have a view of the different committee meetings and having reminders automatically sent out for meetings coming up


Example of Membership sectionof current intranet application:

Example of Web equivalent of Intranet Membership section:

  • The current fields are still required
  • Title
  • First Name
  • Surname
  • Currently this field does not have a title and it being used to record different things but it was agreed with Intranet administrators (at meeting on 25/2/15) that this field should depict the persons role on the Committee. It should therefore be called Role on Committee. A further field could be added to record the School the person represented.
  • There are times when you would not want to publish a name – only a role - but this should be an exception as it does not happen very often so administrators would have to be able to amend the membership name to a role (and should be dealt with on a case to case basis)
  • Every time you publish a name on the web you need consent but this has impact on the committee and the papers therein. However if asked the University must take the name down.
  • Membership Changes - members of the committee can be added by the admins to appear on the committee intranet page. For closed papers Helpline must add the users to give them the permissions to see and edit the closed papers
  • Court CMG (Central Management Group) links out to the biographical notes of its members on the university website from its list of members (see
  • Thecurrent membership page doesn’t work for everyone –for example the Court require that each committee should have a terms of reference which is different to the Remit so flexibility is required - i.e.Terms of Reference could be set up as a separate template page which could be removed if not required(See Remit section)


Examples of Papers section (Open and Closed sectionof current intranet application:

Example of Web equivalent of Intranet Papers section:
/ Example of Wiki equivalent of Intranet Papers section:

  • The current fields are still required for Open papers
  • Year
  • Date
  • Agenda
  • Papers
  • Minutes
  • The current fields are still required for Closed papers
  • Year
  • Date
  • Papers
  • Minutes
  • The intranet should display the golden copy i.e. the copy that has gone to Committee
  • Administrators should be able to upload papers individually or amalgamated as one pdf
  • Having separate papers is tedious to open all to print all and it is especially difficult using ipads to open individual documents
  • Admins email out if a document is changed though they wouldn’t change a document once it had gone to committee – if they did it would be an amended paper
  • Open papers
  • The default position of a paper is Open. If you want to close it you must have a reason (freedom of information applies)– There are no set of current reasons to make a document open again but probably just due to the restriction no longer applying
  • All open papers can be seen by the public
  • Open papers can only be uploaded, edited or deleted by administrators of the specific committee intranet
  • The Court also allows closed papers that are redacted and can then be seen as an open paper. This is handled manually at present and the redacted copy can be viewed under Open papers.
  • Closed paper
  • If you don’t have permission to view a document there is a permission denied message
  • Court closed papers are non-redacted
  • Court must allow redacted closed papers to be seen by the public on the wiki – these are treated as open documents
  • For both general committees and Court committees closed papers can only be uploaded, edited or deleted by administrators of the specific committee intranet (the Court has 3 administrators updating on wiki and Polopoly)
  • It should be possible to open closed papers
  • Over time some exemptions fall away e.g. once the decision is finalised it is no longer sensitive, exemption no longer applies and can be made open
  • The reason for making the closed paper open should be recorded but isn’t at present
  • There are some time based items for a paper going from closed to open – e.g until reports and accounts are published – should say how long the exemption is likely to last (is a best guess)
  • Currently Court closed documents always remain closed but that is due to pressures on administrators time – they will open them up if specifically asked
  • To access the closed papers users are prompted by the university password i.e. their UUN and password
  • Court members who access the closed papers are on the visitor registration system (VRS)
  • Court need assured closed papers are not shared


Example of Remit sectionof current intranet application:

Example of Wiki equivalent of Intranet Remit section:

  • This section notes how the committee functions – describes its reporting range
  • Currently page is just free text
  • If a Terms of Reference page was added it should contain the following information though this can vary from committee to committee:
  • Purpose
  • Composition
  • Conduct of Meetings
  • Remit
  • Reporting Arrangements
  • Other

Example of Terms of Reference sectionon university website:

Examples can be found at:


  • HSS doesn’t do archiving
  • Court use the university archive for documents that have to be kept forever – i.e. with historic value – these are only received in paper format meantime but are working on electronic copies – need to be able to print documents meantime
  • Documents should have review dates
  • Records Management has guidelines on archiving which each committee secretary should follow

3.1.8What happens to papers when committees die?

  • In closing down old system would need to tidy up and decide if anything is required to be carried over to new system
  • Check for documents with lost ownership


  • Support training required at rollout


4.1Functional Requirements

Review the current process maps and targeted processes with the customer to identify the business requirements for the new development.

Specifying technical solutions should be avoided unless these are an agreed constraint on the solution. Technical specifications will be detailed during the Design Stage.

Record the agreed business requirements below:

Separate requirements into sections e.g. by functional area

Uniquely identify each requirement

Describe each requirement in sufficient detail to enable verification by the business user, definition of acceptance criteria and cross-referencing during the Design stage.

The expectation of this project is that by moving the Committee Intranets to a SharePoint environment it will deliver a number of additional features out of the box or with minimal additional effort. It is essential however that scope changes do not impact on the primary objective of continuity of service for the “basic” service.

NB this section summarises the essential requirements for the replacement platform. For more detailed analysis please refer to XXXX

Therefore categories have been set for each requirement as follows:

oMH = must have –is available in the current system – the as-is;

oSH = should have- not in the current system but would make the new system easier to use

oCH = could have – future developments to improve the service

1Ease of use

A set of public facing pages is required to provide the equivalent to the current public facing intranet, to provide public access to open papers and content about the Committee. This will at a minimum include the following content and functionality:

1.Papers (Open Paper, Agenda, Notes, Closed Paper, Minutes).

2.Meetings (Start date, End date, Venue).

3.Membership (Title, First Name, Last Name, Position, Role).

4.The ability to print out documents from the Committee.There are different levels of interest in different areas e.g. level of interest in Court papers is different from the level of interest at college levels. System should be flexible to meet differing needs.

Administrators of the committee intranet are set up in the 'Editor' AD (Active Directory) group. They are referred to administrators throughout these requirements to distinguish them from editors of documents.

ID / Requirement / Category / Responsibility
1.1 / There should be a public facing intranet where administrators can set up committee information and the public can see the committee information / MH
1.2 / The intranet should hold the following areas:
Members, Remit, Meetings and Open papers: areas and the papers therein can be viewed by the general public.
Closed papers: area can be viewed by the general public but only a secure group can access and read the papers
Admin: only administrators can access this area
Note: this is the current position / MH
1.3 / It should be possible to print out documents from the committee intranets / MH
1.4 / Many users link to the committee intranet through their university web and wiki pages. The new system should continue to allow links to materials inside the intranet from the web and the wiki / MH
1.5 / The intranet should be aesthetically pleasing
Note: Current format is considered old fashioned and not well laid out / SH
1.6 / Should be easy to add committee details, including links to papers to University Web Sites / SH

2 Setting up a committee intranet

A mechanism for requesting a committee intranet equivalent to the current form is required. This should capture in a single form all the information required by Helpline to set up the intranet. This will at a minimum include:

  1. The location for the Sharepoint site if not in the Committees site collection.
  2. Name of the committee
  3. Administrator of the committee

The current practice is to request setup from Helpline via webforms. This should continue meantime as Helpline will still have to add users as the Active Directory does not currently match SharePoint - more work is required to ensure AD matches SharePoint before users can set up their own templates and add users.

ID / Requirement / Category / Responsibility
2.1 / People who wish to set aA committee intranet must still apply to Helplinecan be requested using the existing webform at
They Requestor must supply
The Committee name
Who is requesting the intranet[Office1]
Website url of their unit/department/school
A common abbreviation of the committee name
/ MH
2.2 / On this webform they must add who will beThe request will specify the committee editors i.e. the administrators of the intranet. This will be by UUN[Office2]
/ MH
2.3 / The requestor On this webform those requesting the intranet must also add which committee members can access the closed papers[Office3]. This will be by UUN / group etc..
/ MH
2.4 / Helpline will continue to receive the webform and will set up tThe committee intranet for the requestorwill be set up using a basic template which includes the following existing sections
Remit / MH
2.5 / Add Terms of Reference to the template
Note: not part of existing template but would be helpful as some users need a Terms of Reference for the committees - if added users should be able to choose if they want this in their site or not / SH
2.6 / Helpline will stillA domain will be set up the domain for the intranet / MH
2.7 / Helpline It will be possible for should still be able[Office4] to set up groups to be set up and in Active Directory and add for users to be added to the groups / MH
2.8 / Starting permissions Helpline willwill be assigned the starting permissions for who should get access to the admin section, based on the details provided by the requestorin the webform / MH
2.9 / Administrators must contact Helpline to add or delete people from the Editors AD Group / MH
2.92.10 / Helpline will assign the permissions for who should get access to the closed paper section, based on the details in the webform. This will be for both staff and visitors.
Note: this varies within the university e.g. For general committees only committee members can view closed papers however for the Court it is not just the committee members but is every single member of the court that has read-only access to the closed papers - all these people will have to be listed on the webform.Admins should be able to m
anage permissions themselves / MH
2.101 / Helpline The Committee Site will set up the intranet with a default colour themescheme
Note: the default colour scheme is currently
blue: royal blue with red bar (default) example / MH
2.112 / Alternate colour themesschemes should be available to help, as if a a domain/department already has a committee intranet it will help distinguish between themexisting sites.
Note: The following colour options are currently available but are dated so a revised palette would be welcome
red: burgundy red with gold bar example
navy: navy blue with silver bar example
brown: mocha brown with light blue bar example
purple: purple with lime green bar example
green: leaf green with yellow bar example
Or other methods to distinguish would also be welcome / SMH
2.123 / THelpline will inform tHelpline will inform the requestor will be informed when the when the intranet has been set up using the Committee Intranet Now Set Up form / MH
2.134 / There should be a visible link on all committee intranets to the university’s Freedom of Information page at
Note: This link is currently in the footer to the intranet pages as Freedom of Information / MH
2.145 / There should be a visible link on all committee intranets to the intranet secretary
Note: This link is currently in the footer to the intranet pages as Contact / MH
2.156 / There should be a visible link on all committee intranets to the University website. The copyright notice should be included (if these are still required)
Note: This link is currently in the footer to the intranet pages as copyright © The University of Edinburgh 20xx / MH
2.167 / Future development
Administrators should be able to use a template to set up their own committee intranet / CH
2.178 / Future development
Administrators should be able to add other pages based on existing template pages once they have created their intranet from the template / CH
2.189 / Future development
Administrators should be able to add other pages which are blank pages which they can configure once they have created their intranet from the template / CH
2.1920 / Future development
There is no need for an advanced template as long as users can add their own pages / CH
2.21 / Future development
Administrators should be able to add users and assign permissions themselves
Note: requires being able to do in SharePoint - which should match Active Directory / [Office5]CH
2.20 / Future development
Administrators should be able to add users and assign permissions themselves
Note: requires capability to carry out action in SharePoint or Grouper. / CH
2.212 / Helpline’s current guidelines on setting up a committee intranet are at
These will require to be updated to reflect setting up committees within SharePoint / Departmental Process

3 Papers[Office6]