DPA/Inf (2009)301 September 2009

English only




Document prepared by the Directorate General of Democracy

and Political Affairs

For further information

please contact

Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs

Council of Europe

F-67075 Strasbourg CEDEX

Telephone: + (33)3 88 41 31 16


Albania / CoE Office in Tirana / 4
Armenia / CoE Office in Yerevan / 8
Azerbaijan / CoE Office in Baku / 12
Bulgaria / IOCE Sofia / 15
Czech Republic / IOCE Prague / 17
Estonia / IOCE Tallinn / 20
Georgia / CoE Office in Tbilisi / 24
Hungary / Information Centre in Budapest / 30
Latvia / IOCE Riga / 36
Lithuania / IOCE Vilnius / 39
Moldova / CoE Office in Chisinau / 43
Poland / IOCE Warsaw / 48
Romania / IOCE Bucharest / 56
Russia / IOCE Moscow / 65
Slovakia / IOCE Bratislava / 72
Slovenia / IOCE Ljubljana / 75
“the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” / IOCE Skopje / 83
Ukraine / IOCE Kyiv / 90



Inaugurated on 5 March 2004

Address: Pallati i Kultures, Sheshi Skenderbej, Tirana

Tel: +355 4 2228419; +355 4 2254227; Fax: +355 4 2248940

E-mail: ; Internet:


Decision-makers, professional groups and general public are made aware of CoE campaigns, including organisation of special events to mark the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe

Title / Introductory seminar on the CoE
Date and place / 16/1/2009
CEAD number
Synopsis / The IOCE organised a seminar in the framework of the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe for about 90 students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the University of Tirana. The CoE history, institutions, programmes and values were presented.
Title / Study visit at the IOCE premises
Date and place / 27/3/2009, Tirana
CEAD number / 27693
Synopsis / The IOCE organised a study visit in its premises for 25 pupils of a 9-year school from Elbasan. A presentation on the CoE, its role, principles and activities was made.
Title / Public lecture on “Citizens participation and the challenges of democracy”
Date and place / 9/4/2009, Shkoder
CEAD number / 27690
Synopsis / The IOCE director participated as a guest speaker in the public lecture on “Citizens participation and the challenges of democracy”at the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”.
Title / Postcards to raise the awareness on the 60th anniversary of the CoE
Date and place / 1-15/5/2009
CEAD number / 26879
Synopsis / The IOCE in cooperation with the Manicard published about 30,000 postcards (4 different models) which were distributed to more than 500 stands all over the country.
Title / Special website on the CoE action “Speak out against discrimination”
Date and place / 15/5/2009, Tirana
CEAD number / 27697
Synopsis / The IOCE launched a special website on the CoE action “Speak out against discrimination”.
Title / Raising awareness on the 60th anniversary of the CoE by means of billboards
Date and place / 1-15/5/2009, Albania
CEAD number / 26880
Synopsis / The IOCE established a big billboard (38 m2) with the 60th anniversary poster at the centre of Tirana.
Title / Radio programmes on the ECtHR
Date and place / 8-29/5/2009, Tirana
CEAD number / 27695
Synopsis / The IOCE in cooperation with the Radio Tirana organised 3 radio programmes. Well-known experts on human rights and lawyers were invited to talk about the Court, its functioning and the case law.
Title / Special website on the CoE action against sexual exploitation on children
Date and place / 20/5/2009, Tirana
CEAD number / 27698
Synopsis / The IOCE launched a special website on the CoE action against sexual exploitation of children.
Title / Radio programme on the CoE 60th anniversary
Date and place / 22/5/2009, Tirana
CEAD number / 27696
Synopsis / The IOCE in cooperation with the Radio Tirana organised a special programme on the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe.
Title / Radio spots on the CoE 60th anniversary
Date and place / 1-30/5/2009, Tirana
CEAD number / 27701
Synopsis / The IOCE in cooperation with the Radio Tirana prepared and broadcasted 2 radio spots on the CoE 60th anniversary and action against corporal punishment of children.

Performance indicators:

Translated documents [54]; Special website for the campaign [2]

Press conferences [2]; Articles on CoE activities in the Albanian newspaper [59]

TV/Radio broadcasts [411 references to various CoE activities in the Albanian media]

Number of events (co)-organised by the Office [7]

The IOCE distributed about 5,070 publications and awareness materials in Albanian to various activities and partner institutions in Albania.

The IOCE updated regularly the website, special websites on the campaigns and distributed 6 monthly e-newsletters to various institutions, NGOs and media.

Media work:

-Publication of the CPT report on Albania at Shqip newspaper;

-IOCE arranged participation of Mr Jean Pierre Liégeois, the author of the CoE publication “Roma in Europe” in the morning programme ”ZIP” at Vision + TV and an interview at daily “Shqip”;

-Media coverage of the Conference on Data Protection organised by CoE and OSCE on 4 February;

-IOCE organised a press conference for the PACE co-reporters during their visit in February in Albania;

-Work with the media for the distribution of the 12 stories through the main Albanian newspapers;

-Publication of the SG article on 60th anniversary at the “Shqip“ newspaper.


Contribution to and implementation of the new information strategy of the CoE - in particular: media monitoring; quarterly up-date of the national media landscape and regular contacts with the media; forward planning of forthcoming events

Weekly monitoring on the CoE visibilityfor the Directorate of Communication [about 411 references in the Albanian media]. The database of media representatives and experts was updated regularly.


An increasingly wide public is given access to key CoE information and materials in their language


1. 84 news for the website

  1. 12 stories – CoE presentation file
  2. CoE campaigns presentation files
  3. CoE Human Rights Commissioner’s Newsletter of April, May and June.
  4. Translation of the SG article on 60th anniversary of the CoE
  5. Translation of the PACE delegation statement on their pre-electoral visit to Albania
  6. Brochures “Travel the Universe of Greater Europe” and “The Council of Europe in the international arena”
  7. Article from DC “New media”
  8. Translation of various podcasts

Title / Introduction seminar on the CoE publication “Roma in Europe” in Tirana and Korça
Date and place / 20-21/2/2009, Tirana and Korça
CEAD number / 26149
Synopsis / The IOCE in cooperation with DGIII - Roma and Travelers Division, organised an introductory seminar on the CoE publication ''Roma in Europe'' in Tirana and Korça with participation of the central and local authorities, national and international NGOs operating in the field of the protection of the Roma rights; students and teachers.
Title / Translation/printing/distribution of the CoE brochures
Date and place / 1-15/5/2009
CEAD number / 26878
Synopsis / The IOCE translated and published in Albanian 2 brochures: “Travel the Universe of Greater Europe” and “The Council of Europe in the international arena”.
Title / Presentation of the CoE publication in Albanian “Eliminating corporal punishment – A human rights imperative for Europe”
Date and place / 29/5/2009, Tirana
CEAD number / 27699
Synopsis / The IOCE in cooperation with the Centre “Children Today’ organised in Hotel Tirana International a presentation of the CoE publication in Albanian “Eliminating corporal punishment – A human rights imperative for Europe”. Participants: representatives of the state institutions, international community, civil society and media. The event was broadly covered by press and electronic media.

Performance indicators:Translated documents [126]


Potential complainants better informed about appropriate mechanisms to deal with their human rights problems, and ECHR procedures, especially admissibility criteria

Performance indicators:

Number of potential complainants at the IOCE premises [23]

The IOCE distributed about 1,410 copiesof human rights publications in Albanian to various activities and partners; the IOCE received 23 requests on the ECHR.


Where applicable, member states benefit from more effective and efficient co-operation activities and visiting missions through on-the-spot organisation / facilitation by the Information Office

Assistance to the CoE Secretariat missions:

-Assistance to the IPA Regional Programme for Social Security Co-ordination and Social Security Reforms - CoE Regional Office in Skopje;

-Visit of DYS delegation to Albania for the preparation of the International Youth Policy Review;

-PACE co-rapporteurs visit to Albania from 9-11 February to Albania;

-Visit of 2 experts from the Secretariat on health care in prison (16-17 February) and on establishment of the Probation Service (18-19 February);

-DG IV and DG-HL meetings in the framework of the negotiations for the project on anticorruption under IPA 2008;

-ECRI visit on 16-20 March in Albania;

-DSP meetings and participation in the donor conference in Albania;

-DG-HL seminar on Cybercrime with the General Prosecution Office;

-Venice Commission visit in Albania;

-PACE pre-electoral mission to Albania on 4-5 June;

-Delegation of PACE Election Observation Mission to Albania on 26-30 June.

Performance indicators:Number of missions facilitated [11]


The Office provided regular support to the programme of the AlbanianSchool of Political Studies.

The IOCE Director did the appraisal of the Officestaff for 2008 and set the objectives for 2009 within the deadline.Office carried out all financial procedures in compliance with the CoE rules and national legislation. The IOCE provided the headquarters with regular reports within the deadlines; Activity report for the period January – June 2009 was submitted on 15.7.2009.


Number of visitors in the Office / 615
Number of complainants in the Office / 23
Number of CoE visits facilitated / 11
Number of website hits / 523,534
Number of activities put in the CEAD / 26
Number of documents translated (all Expected results) / 126
Number of published documents (all Expected results) / 2
Number of press conferences (all Expected results) / 2



(Inaugurated on 8 July 2003)

Address: Zarobyan 60; 0009 Yerevan

Tel: +37410 546322; Fax: +374 10 546326; E-mail:



Decision-makers, professional groups and general public are made aware of CoE campaigns, including organisation of special events to mark the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe

Title / Council of Europe in International Arena (brochure)
Date and place / April-May 2009, Yerevan
CEAD number / 26820
Synopsis / The brochure was translated, published and distributed with a view of increasing the CoE visibility and highlighting its unique character in the international arena. 1,000 copies were published and the e-brochure uploaded on the website:
Title / “Europe is more than you think”(fact sheets)
Date and place / May 2009, Yerevan
CEAD number / 27646
Synopsis / The publication is very useful to promote “Europe is more than you think” campaign and to present the CoE in general. Translation was done, but the publication is yet pending due to financial constraints.
Title / CoE 60th Anniversary webpage
Date and place / May 2009, Strasbourg-Yerevan
CEAD number / 26834
Synopsis / The initial plan was to have a joint launch of the CoE 60th anniversary webpage with other Information Offices, namely the translation of the official page into Armenian and the launch of the page to invite the attention of media and public at large to the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe.Because of time and financial restrictions this did not happen and only the English website was promoted through media, the public and CE&RA Newsletter.
Title / Europe is more than you think
Date and place / May 2009, Yerevan
CEAD number / 26851
Synopsis / Screening of the Flag's film in the waiting halls of Yerevan metro during May both to promote the slogan and celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Council of Europe.
Title / Seminar devoted to CoE 60th Anniversary
Date and place / 20/4/2009, Yerevan
CEAD number / 26854
Synopsis / The IOCE assisted the Open University students to organise a seminar on the 60th Anniversary of the Council of Europe. 40 information packs were distributed to the participants. Prizes (CoE Law book and English - Armenian Glossary on CoE related Terms and Expression) were provided to students who prepared speeches. Publications were donated to the University library.
Title / “The Conscience of Europe” – film on the 50th Anniversary of the ECtHR
Date and place / May-June 2009
CEAD number / 26849
Synopsis / The film was translated into Armenian, voiced over and broadcast free of charge in the Armenian regions through Internews Media Support NGO’s local TV network (Lori TV, Vanadzor; Alt TV, Armavir; Ankyun TV, Alaverdi; Qjavar TV, Gavar; Sosi TV (Kapan), Sjuni TV, Sisian; Zangak TV, Martuni; Hrazdan TV, Hrazdan, Tsaig TV, Gyumri and Kamut TV, Noyemberyan) and on Public TV in Yerevan.

Performance indicators:

Translations [5]; News Releases [4]; Events [5]

Publication[1000] of a brochure “CoEin International Arena”

[13]The film on the ECtHR was broadcast on 13TV stations

[250000-300 000] viewers (Raise Your Hand against Smacking; Europe against the Death Penalty; Live and Learn democracy; CoE Flags; and an ECHR PSA)


Contribution to and implementation of the new information strategy of the CoE - in particular: media monitoring; quarterly up-date of the national media landscape and regular contacts with the media; forward planning of forthcoming events

Title / Daily News Digest
Date and place / On-going, Yerevan
CEAD number / 26847
Synopsis / Daily monitoring of the Armenian printed and electronic presswas done for the daily news digest:

Performance indicators:

Daily and weekly monitoring of the CoE visibility in the Armenian media for the Directorate of Communication.The IOCE made regular news digests of the printed press and posted it on the website ( in English.

[90] News digests; Translation of [30] News Releases

[1,650] references to the CoE activities (including 1 publication of the article by SG on CoE 60th Anniversaryin Aravot daily facilitated by the Office)


An increasingly wide public is given access to key CoE information and materials in their language

Title / CoE/IOCE webpage tours and presentations
Date and place / Ongoing, Yerevan and Regions of Armenia
CEAD number / 22514
Synopsis / 1/ On 21/1the IOCE held a presentation on the CoE and screened “One of 47” documentary for a group of pupils (12) from School for Human Rights Defenders Project run by Yerevan Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex of Armenia’s Ministry of Education and Science. 12 information packs were distributed.
2/ On 5/2the IOCE Director held a presentation on the CoE in Tsakhkadzor at the request of Armenian Young Women Association in the framework of Compass training for trainers. 33 CoE information packs were distributed. The ECHR PSAs were screened.
3/ In February, the IOCE provided a presentation on CoE Youth related activities and on the campaign to combat violence against women at the request of the Rule of Law Party’s youth representatives and provided information packs on the CoE campaigns.
4/ In June, the IOCE Director delivered a welcoming speech and made a presentation on CoE Structure and Goals during the "Scaling Up Youth Participation" Young People Working Meeting on dissemination of lessons learned and best practices in youth participation projects (seminar), organised by the Armenian Young Women's Association and partially financed by the CoE Youth Foundation. 22 information packs on CoE were distributed.
Title / IOCE Information Points in the regions
Date and place / Ongoing, regions of Armenia
CEAD number / 26843
Synopsis / 11 Infopoints were set up in the town of Gori and neighbouring villages in cooperation with the Rights Information Centre NGO.
Cooperation with the World Vision Armenia community schools by providing CoE information materials for 9 village schools in the Alaverdi region (Akori, Arevatsag, Ayrum, Tchochkan, Haghpat, Jiliza, Kachachkut, Qarinj and Mghart).
The key 5 info-points created with the Constitutional Rights Centre NGO in their libraries were continuously supplied with CoE materials.
Title / Publication of CE&RA Newsletter
Date and place / June, Yerevan
CEAD number / 26841
Synopsis / The IOCE prepared and posted on its website the 12th issue of “CERA - Council of Europe and Armenia” bilingual newsletter. The electronic version is available on IOCE website.
Title /
Date and place / Ongoing, Yerevan
CEAD number / 26848
Synopsis / The Officewebsitewas updated regularly. Particular additions were made to CoE documents on Armenia, CoE Campaignsand Publications sections.
Title / Lecture Series on CoE within the INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS MA Programme in the Yerevan State University Journalism Department
Date and place / Ongoing
CEAD number / 26822
Synopsis / The project is organised by the CoE, OSCE, EC, UN, NATO Information Office and ICRC.2-3 lectures were delivered by each organisation. Research papers were written by students. In the first half of 2009a textbook was created by all participants. The University prepared a special room for International Organisations both to deliver the lectures and to equip with the info-shelves.

Performance indicators:

[6] IOCE translated and proofread the CE-RA Newsletter

[26] press-releases translated/disseminated; [1] General CoE presentation translated

[1] On-line publication of the 12th issue of the CE&RA Newsletter

[2500] CoE promotional packs distributed; [16] General presentations and events


Potential complainants better informed about appropriate mechanisms to deal with their human rights problems, and ECHR procedures, especially admissibility criteria

Performance indicators:

[1000] Information packs and complaint forms, as well as ECtHR: Q&A brochure disseminated upon request to potential applicants and NGOs organising the ECHR related events

[24]Number of potential complainants at the IOCE premises


Where applicable, member states benefit from more effective and efficient co-operation activities and visiting missions through on-the-spot organisation / facilitation by the Information Office

Performance indicators:

[12] Missions facilitated; [2] Review of the media coverage of CoE officials

[3] Translations and publications - the texts are available at Internet

[3] Contact media lists for DC


  1. Assistance in production of the 60th Anniversary Stamps
  2. Participating in the assessment board to evaluate the compositions devoted to CoE 60th anniversary “How I see the Future European” within the Contest initiated by the Ministry of Education
  3. The CoE Campaigns on Domestic Violence; Roma; Death Penalty; Anti Discrimination; Safety on the Internet; Sexual Exploitation and Abuse; Corporal Punishment and CoE Podcasts were promoted through Armedia information agency on their website (
  4. On 18 April, the IOCE Director was a guest of the programme “A View on the World TV”on Yerevan TV Channel, devoted to the relations between the media and the CoE. The opportunity was used to highlight the IOCE media resources and the CoE campaigns. (The estimated viewership of the programme is 250,000-300,000)
  5. Provision of information materials to multiplier NGOs for further dissemination