Unit 6 – The Cold WarGuided Notes

Immediately following WWII- Tension developed between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

This fierce struggle for world power would last for decades and become known as the ______.

Why did the U.S. and Soviet Union stop being allies and become enemies?

  1. ______called Superpowers.
  2. They had Opposite ideas about government


Soviet Union- ______

•U.S. practiced policy of ______- attempt to restrict Soviet power and influence around the world by preventing the spread of communism.

•Soviet Union took control of Eastern European countries (economically and militarily)

  1. Eastern Germany, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Soviet Union Control in East Germany

•______Germany was controlled by the Allied Powers, The Soviet Union dominated ______Germany

•Berlin Blockade- Soviet government shut down all highways and railroads to East Berlin. East Germany could not receive any supplies

•Berlin Airlift

•Rather than send troops into Soviet territory, Allied Powers used planes to drop food, clothing, and fuel each day

•After 321 days of the airlift- Soviets ended the blockade

Causes of the Cold War- Containment Policy

Truman Doctrine –______.

•Four-Point Program- use American ______and ______specialist to help developing nations grow. Goal- increase agricultural production, improve government, advance education, and promote public health

•Created by President Truman

•Much of Europe was in need of help after WWII- Soviet Union promised support! Helped Soviet Union to spread power throughout Europe!

Marshall Plan

The______was the U.S. response to Soviet Aid to Europe.

•Organize all European nation to work together in order to rebuild and recover

•U.S. would provide money and support for the plan

•Result-______went to 16 Western European countries (no communism spread there)

The Iron Curtain

The term “Iron Curtain” from a famous speech by Winston Churchill came to symbolize the growing divide between the East and West. This divide was ideological, political, economic, and military.

Cause of the Cold War- Alliances

•Soviet Union and U.S. both joined multiple world organizations that helped to lead to additional tension

•______- Atlantic bordering nations promised to defend each other from Soviet attack

•U.S. provided ______to be stationed in Europe

•______- Soviet Union and Soviet Satellite nations joined in a treaty to protect each other from a NATO alliance attack

Causes of the Cold War- Nuclear Threat

•1949- Soviet Union develops and successfully detonates______!

•______- U.S. and Soviet Union competed with each other to develop more powerful and expansive armories/ weapons

•The nuclear weapons of the Arms Race threatened to destroy the world.

•The combined nuclear arsenals of the two super powers creates a policy known as M.A.D. – Mutually Assured Destruction.

The Space Race

•On October 4, 1957 the world changed forever when the Soviet Union launched ______, the first manmade satellite in to orbit around the Earth.

•The launching set off a panic in the United States and led to the creation of the “space race”between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The goal of the space race was to be the country that could be the first to send a man in to outer space, land men on the moon, and ultimately, be the country to dominate outer space.

•In April of 1961, the Russians took another leap forward in the Space Race, when they launched the first human in to outer space on board a space craft called ______.

•The pilot was Soviet Cosmonaut, ______. The young, air force pilot became

the first man to go in to outer space and became an immediate international celebrity.

The Cold War- The Berlin Wall

•During the night of August 13th, 1961, Soviet military constructed a wall dividing______. The Communist government of East Germany wanted to stop people from fleeing to Western Germany

•Following the building of the wall, East Germany released some economic control and allowed economic growth.

•People who were found trying to escape to West Berlin were arrested or killed by border guards.

The Cold War- The Cuban Missile Crisis

•1959- ______becomes dictator of Cuba after leading a revolution.

•In two years, Castro converted Cuba to a ______and allied the nation with the Soviet Union.

•Fall of 1962- U.S. satellites showed Soviet medium range______being placed on Cuban territory (90 miles from the Florida coast)

•The U.S. Navy blockaded Cuba. For 13 days the nations “stared war in the face”

•President John F. Kennedy demanded the missiles be removed

•Soviet leader ______agreed if U.S. missiles be removed from Turkey and promise to not invade Cuba

End of the Cold War

•1972- policy of ______established

•Détente is a French word meaning “relaxation of strained relations”

•President Nixon and Soviet leader Brezhnev signed many agreements promising to work together on technology, sciences, and economically

•1989- ______is removed

•President Reagan- “Tear down this wall!”

•Overtime, tensions “cooled” as the nations worked together

•1990 – East and West Germany ______to form one nation again.

•1991 - The Soviet Union collapsed. It became 15 separate countries.

The Cold War is over.