Summer Math "Boost"

Robbinsdale Area Schools is committed to providing multiple pathways for students to access high school math courses to earn college credit (i.e. AP-Calculus). Towards that end,low costsummer math “Boost” courses are an option for 6th through 11th grade studentswho want to independently cover course material for the purpose of advancement or review.


Please speak with your child’s math teacher if you have questions about which class your child should take.Although students will primarily cover the material independently, help sessions will meet on Wednesdays at Sandburg Learning Center beginningJune 10with the following schedule:

Pre-Algebra: 8:30-9:30 am

Linear Algebra 9:30-10:30 am

High School (Higher) Algebra 10:30-11:30 am

Additional Help Time 11:30-12:00 pm


  • Students who master the material are allowed to advance to the next logical math course in the fall.
  • Students do not receive credit for the course covered.
  • The program is offered at a low cost of $35 for district students. Students on free lunch will pay $8.75. Non-district studentsare welcome in the program for a fee of $75.
  • Students can choose to advance a grade-level in math, or review the last course they just completed. Middle School Summer “Boost” support sessions will be located at Sandburg Learning Center.(Note: Sandburg Learning center will be closed June 29-July 3for an electrical issue, so there will be an alternate location that week.)


  • This program is intended for those students who can study independently.
  • A course book is available if needed.
  • Teacher-led study sessions are available once a week throughout the summer. Attendance is not mandatory, but highly recommended.
  • Students also have the support of the online Compass Odyssey Computer Program. The middle school program will be primarily a self-directed class using Compass Odyssey with once-a-week classroom support.
  • Students can email the teacher if questions arise.


  • To show mastery of the material, students must score at least an 80% on the first and second semester final exams for the course they are studying.
  • Students must have both exams completed by August 14.
  • Teachers will contact school counselors by August 19 with the names of all students who have demonstrated mastery. Counselors will change the fall math course enrollment
  • Teachers will contact all students with their results by August 21.


Students coming to Sandburg Learning Center are welcome to use buses that will be in place for Summer Activities. This does not mean that they will have separate transportation, but rather that they can use what will already be planned during the following weeks:

June 15-19

June 22-26

July 6-10

July 13-17

Aug 10-14

Aug 17-21

Buses arrive at Sandburg Learning Center at8:15 am, and then leave at12:15 pm. There are no buses available outside of this time frame.Sign-up ahead of time is required. Students are not allowed to be unsupervised while at Sandburg Learning Center. Students may want to consider enrolling in anotherSummer Activitiesprogram those weeks.

If you have questions about transportation or how to sign up, please contact Diane Dickmeyer at


Information sessions will be scheduled at Robbinsdale Middle School and Plymouth Middle School before the summer program begins. However, registration for these classes is now available on-line.


  • Registration for Summer Math “Boost” is done on-line using the Robbinsdale Community Ed registration systemat Enter “Summer Math” in the search field and then pick your desired course. You can also click hereor copy this link into your browser
  • You can also register via phone at 763-504-6999.
  • Students on Free or Reduced lunch will need to register using the phone number above.