Wednesday 29th April

Dear Parents

Oak visiting Cadbury World on Wednesday 20th May

I am delighted to tell you that as part of our work on the Maya, Oak will be visiting Cadbury World.

The agenda for the day will be as follows:

7:20am Children to arrive at Flax Bourton School

7:30am Leave Flax Bourton School on coach

10:30am ish Arrive Cadbury World

11:15am – 12:15pm Presentation on ‘The Maya’

12:15pm Eat packed lunch

1:10pm Entry into the main exhibition

3pm Leave Cadbury World

5:50pm ish Arrive back at school.

At some point between our set times we will make the most of the playground there to give the children chance to have a run around and we also hope to fit in the 4D cinema experience.

We have been able to link up with Northleaze School, which has reduced the cost of the transport for both schools. Also, this trip is being part-funded by a generous donation of £80 from the FBSA. However, we are requesting a £22:55 voluntary contribution from parents to enable the trip to go ahead. No child will be excluded if their contribution is not made however, the trip may need to be cancelled if insufficient money is received to cover the costs. If you have any concerns about this, please contact the school at the earliest opportunity. Payment should be made using our online payment system, ParentPay©. I do appreciate it is an expensive visit, so partly with that in mind and partly to aid good travel, we will not be visiting the shop; please do not send your child with any money. They will be eating chocolate in the exhibition tour and will be bringing home some of the ‘freebies’ they are given.

The children will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty of water for the whole day (no fizzy drinks please). School uniform must be worn.

Please return the permission slip to the school office by Friday 8th May.

It’s going to be quite a day and as well as being a great stimulus for our term’s topic, will also be a fabulous antidote to the stresses and strains of the test week before.

Best wishes

Jo Smith

To: Flax Bourton Primary School Class Oak

I give permission for my child…………………………………………...... …… (name) to travel to Cadbury World on Wednesday 20th May 2015.

I have made a £22:55 contribution via ParentPay©..

I understand my child will need to be at school for 7:20am and will not return until 5:50pm ish

  ………………………………………………….…………………(Parent Signature)………………………………(Date)


If you are really keen to come as an adult helper…… I only need 2 helpers, but have already had 3 really keen offers of parent helpers for this trip! To make it fair, at 3pm on Friday 1st May I am going to put adult helper names ‘in a hat’ to choose who gets to go. Please return your form by Friday 1st May if you wish to be considered for this aspect of the visit!