This Document issued and sealed by Thomas W. Harwell PE #4836 on July 11, 2011 and revised on January 20, 2012. No changes are authorized.



JULY 2011




102 Oakmont Drive

Greenville, North Carolina


NC # C-0262

(252) 756-8440

July 11, 2011


January 20, 2012

Thomas W. Harwell, P.E.


Solicitations of Proposals

Instructions to Bidders


Bid Schedule


General Conditions

Supplemental General Conditions

Technical Specifications

Certificate of Owner's Attorney

Notice to Proceed



JANUARY 20 2012

Sealed proposals will be received by The Town of Winterville, Winterville, North Carolina in the Town Hall until 2:00 P.M. local time on the 9th day of FEBRUARY, 2012 and immediately thereafter opened and read for furnishing of labor, materials, and equipment entering into the installation of a water system dry bore.The Town of Winterville will furnish materials for Tapping Tee and Valve, Six inch Valve, and PVC pipe. Proposals must be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Town Manager, Town of Winterville, NC, P. O. Box 1459, Winterville, North Carolina28590. The outside of the envelope must be marked "REEDY BRANCH WATER SYSTEM DRY BORE JULY 2011". All proposals must be made on the blank forms provided for that purpose. The name, address, and license number of the bidder shall be plainly marked on the outside of the sealed envelope.

Complete plans, specifications and contract documents will be open for inspection in the at the Town Hall, 2571 Railroad Street, Winterville, NC28590. Bid documents may be obtained from the Town of Winterville.

The work will consist of the following major items of work:


All contractors are hereby notified that they must have proper licenses under the state laws governing their respective trades and have experience in performing the type of work specified. Payment will be made upon submittal of periodic payment request and final payment after full completion and acceptance of the work. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids for a period of one hundred fifty (150) days. .

All bidders must make a good faith effort, and document such, to recruit minority and disadvantaged participation in this project. Compliance with NC General Statute 143-128.2 (Minority Business Participation) is required. A list (by the City of Greenville) of approved minority and disadvantaged firms is on file at the WintervilleTown Hall. All Bidders are encouraged to view and utilize firms on this list. Small, minority, and women's businesses and labor surplus area firms are encouraged to submit bid

The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.

Purchasing Department

Town of Winterville



Proposals must be made in strict accordance with the "Form of Proposals" provided therefore, must not be detached from these documents and all blank spaces for bids and alternates properly filled in. Numbers shall be stated both in writing and in figures and the complete form shall be without any limitations, alterations, or erasures. In accepting the proposal the Owner and Engineer will assume that no such alterations have been made and if they appear afterwards, they shall not be binding upon either of them.

The Contractor shall fill in the Form of Proposal as follows:

(a) If the documents are executed by a sole owner, that fact shall be evidenced by the word "Owner" appearing after the name of the person executing them.

(b) If the documents are executed by a partnership, that fact shall be evidenced by the words "Co-Partner" appearing after the name of the partner executing them.

(c) If the documents are executed on the part of a corporation, they shall be executed by either the President and Secretary or the Vice-President and Secretary and the title of the office of such persons shall appear after their signatures. The seal of the corporation shall be attached to each copy of the documents.

Proposals shall be addressed as indicated in the Solicitation of Proposals and shall be delivered enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope, marked "Proposal" and bearing the title of the work, name of the bidder, and the bidder's license number.

Modifications of bids will be acceptable only if delivered in writing or by telegram to the place of the bid opening prior to the time for opening bids. Should the bidder find discrepancies in or omissions from the drawings, or documents or should be in doubt as to their meaning, he shall at once notify the Engineer who will send a written instruction to all bidders. Neither the Owner nor the Engineer will be responsible for any oral instructions. If plans and specifications are found to disagree after contract is awarded the Engineer shall be the judge as to which was intended.


Bid security is not required for this contract.


Any bulletins or addenda to specifications issued during the time of bidding are to be considered covered in the proposal and in closing a contract they will become a part thereof. Receipt of addenda shall be acknowledged by the bidder on the proposal form.


The award of the contract will be made to the lowest responsible bidder as soon as practicable; provided that in the selection of equipment or materials a contract may be awarded to a responsible bidder other than the lowest in the interest of standardization or ultimate economy if the advantage of such standardization or ultimate economy is clearly evident. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Before awarding contract the Owner may require the apparent low bidder to qualify himself to be a responsible bidder by furnishing any or all of the following documentary data:

(1) A financial statement showing assets and liabilities of the company current to date within 30 days of the date of opening bids or other information satisfactory to the Owner.

(2) A listing of not less than three (3) completed projects of similar scope and nature.

(3) Permanent name and address of place of business.

(4) The number of regular employees of the organization and length of time the organization has been in business under the present name.

(5) The name and home office address of the Surety proposed and the name and address of the responsible local claim agent.

(6) The names of members of the firm who hold appropriate trade licenses, together with license numbers.

Should the Owner adjudge that the apparent low bidder is not the lowest responsible bidder by virtue of the above information furnished, said apparent low bidder will be so notified and his bid security, if any, shall be returned to him without prejudice.


The submission of a bid will assume that the contractor has fully examined the site and knows existing conditions and has made every provision for operation under existing conditions, and has included all necessary items.


Payment shall be made on a basis of ninety percent (90%) of monthly estimated cost of labor and materials, including freight or hauling on receipted bills. The contract payment shall be due and payable within ten (10) days after the contractor's invoice has been certified for payment by the Engineer, the balance to be paid upon completion and acceptance of the job. Total payment shall not exceed ninety percent (90%) of material and labor performed at any time, and shall not exceed ninety percent (90%) of the total contract. Final payment shall be made to the contractor within thirty (30) days after all work has been finally completed and each and every provision of the specifications and accompanying drawings complied with to the Owner's and Engineer's satisfaction. Acceptance of the completed job shall be made by the Owner, or his representative, and the Engineer. Monthly invoices shall be forwarded to the Engineer not later than the 5th day of the month following in order to receive consideration.


No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids for a period of one hundred fifty (150) days pending the execution of a contract by the successful bidder. Should the successful bidder default and not execute a contract, then if the next low bidder be in line, the contract would be offered to the next lowest and responsible bidder.


The bidder's attention is directed to the fact that all applicable State laws, municipal ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the contract throughout, and they will be deemed to be included in the contract the same as though herein written out in full.


The undersigned bidder proposes and agrees that if this proposal is accepted to contract with The Town of Winterville in the form of contract specified to furnish all necessary materials, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, transportation, labor and other facilities necessary to complete the in full and complete theREEDY BRANCH WATER SYSTEM DRY BORE JULY 2011 in accordance with the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents, to the entire satisfaction of the Town of Winterville with a definite understanding that no money will be allowed for extra work except as set forth in the General Conditions of the Specifications; and further agrees to accept in full compensation therefore the prices named in the attached and initialed schedules and, except as otherwise provided in the Contract and Specifications, such prices only.

The undersigned, as a bidder, hereby declares that the only person or persons interested in this proposal as principal or principals is or are names herein and that no other person than herein mentioned has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be entered into; that this proposal is made without connection with any other person, company, or parties making a bid or proposal; and that it is in all respects fair and in good faith without collusion or fraud.

The bidder further declares that he has examined the site of the work and informed himself fully in regard to all conditions pertaining to the place where the work is to be done; that he has examined the specifications for the work and the contract documents relative thereto, and has read all special provisions furnished prior to the opening of bids; that he has satisfied himself relative to the work to be performed.

The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

Bidder shall submit bids for each and every item shown. Bidder agrees to perform all the work in this contract for the following prices.





1. 1eaInstallTown furnished

6x6x6 Tapping Tee and Valve

$______per each


2. 1 eaInstallTown furnished

6 inch valve

$______per each


3. 75lfInstallTown furnished

6 inch PVC Water Main

pressure test, chlorinate

and test for absence of bacteria

$______per lf


4. 50 lf 10 inch dry bore steel pipe

with three steel spiders assemblies

and enclosed ends

$______per lf


Grand Total Item 1, 2, 3 and 4$______

NOTE: The Town of Winterville will furnish materials for only the Tapping Tee and Valve, Six inch Valve, and PVC pipe.

The Town may award any or all of the items above.

The bidder further proposes and agrees hereby to commence work under his contract on a date to be specified in a written order of the Engineer and shall fully complete all work hereunder within 30__ consecutive calendar days from and including said date.

The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following ADDENDA to the Drawings and/or Specifications.

Addendum No. ______Dated:

Submitted this day of , 20 .


Name of bidder/corporation/firm/individual


Signature of Officer/Individual - Title


License No.Business Address of Corp./Firm/Individual

Telephone number




JULY 2011

THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of __in the year 2012, by and between, hereinafter called the Party of the First Part and TOWN OF WINTERVILLE, North Carolina hereinafter called the Party of the Second Part.

WITNESSETH:That the Party of the First Part and the Party of the Second Part for the consideration herein named agree as follows:

1. Scope of Work: The Party of the First Part shall furnish and deliver all of the materials except for the tapping tee, valve and pipe, and perform all of the work in the manner and form as provided by the following enumerated plans, specifications and documents, which are attached hereto and made a part thereof as if fully contained herein: Solicitation, Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Supplement to General Conditions, Technical Specifications, Accepted Proposal, Workman's Compensation, Public Liability, Property Damage and Builder's Risk Insurance Certificates.

2. That the Party of the First Part shall commence work to be performed under this agreement on a date to be specified in a written order of the Party of the Second Part and shall fully complete all work hereunder within _30_consecutive calendar days from said date. The Party of the First Part, as one of the considerations for awarding of this contract, has furnished to the Party of the Second Part a construction schedule setting forth planned progress of the work broken down by the various divisions or parts of the work and by calendar days. In the event that the progress of the work is not maintained on schedule by the Party of the First Part, or in the event the work is not completed within the time above specified, the Party of the Second Part may upon fifteen (15) days notice, sent by Registered Mail, to the Party of the First Part,declare this contract in default, and, thereupon, the Town shall promptly take over the said work and complete the performance of this contract in the manner and within the time above specified, and all funds due or to become due to the Party of the First Part shall be withheld by the Town. The Party of the Second Part shall have the right to let the work remaining to be done to some other contractor, either by public letting or by negotiation

3. The Party of the Second Part hereby agrees to pay to the Party of the First Part for the faithful performance of this agreement, subject to the installed quantities and unit prices attached hereto as provided in the specifications or proposal, in lawful money of the United States, the total amount, not to exceed______($______).

4. On or before the 15th day of each calendar month, the Party of the Second Part shall make partial payments to the Party of the First Part on the basis of a duly certified and approved estimate of work performed during the preceding calendar month by the Party of the First Part, less ten percent (10%) of the amount of such estimate which is to be retained by the Party of the Second Part until all work has been performed strictly in accordance with this agreement and until such work has been accepted by the Party of the Second Part.

5. Upon submission by the Party of the First Part of evidence satisfactory to the Party of the Second Part that all payrolls, material bills, and other costs incurred by the Party of the First Part in connection with the construction of the work has been paid in full, final payment on account of this agreement shall be made within thirty (30) days after the completion by the Party of the First Part of all work covered by this agreement and the acceptance of such work by the Party of the Second Part.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and date first above written in four counterparts, each of which shall, without proof or accounting for other counterparts, be deemed an original contract.








WITNESS:Town of Winterville SEAL


By: ______


This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.






The contractor shall, unless otherwise specified, supply all labor, transportation, materials, tools, apparatus, lights, power, heat, sanitary facilities, water, scaffolding, and incidentals necessary for the entire proper and substantial completion of his work, and shall install, maintain and remove all equipment of the construction, other utensils or things, and be responsible for the safe, proper, and lawful construction, maintenance and use of same, and shall construct in the best and most workmanlike manner, a complete job and everything incidental thereto, as shown on the plans, stated in the specifications, or reasonably implied there from, all in accordance with the contract documents.