
Form SelectionAction / Object / MethodInput DataNotes


APPENDIX B: Instructions to run Patran/Abaqus: Part 1 (Year 2007/8) – (revised 28 Jan 2008)


This document provides detailed step-by-step instructions for completing the four parts of the analysis required for module 4D6 coursework.

Before using these instructions, please read sections 1 to 3 of ‘PATRAN Beginner’s Guide’.

2.Starting a Patran session

Login:...Log-in to the cluster timetabled for this lab. (Clusters 4 , 6 and 5B)

Then click the RMB in any clear area and from the menu which appears choose the Open Terminal option. In the X-term window

type slogin <server>  substituting for <server> from the list shown below depending on which bench you are at :

for 4A : scimitar 4B : kukri 5B : tanto 6A : khopesh 6B : tachi

Example if you on 4A type : slogin scimitar In the new window enter your Password.Check that the x-term prompt has the appropriate server name. This is to ensure the session loads are equally divided between the different servers.

df -k /homesMake sure you have enough diskspace. You will need around 50000 Kb to run PATRAN.

Your quota should have been increased to allow this, but if there are any problems,

email .

export PATH=$PATH:./ Set the current directory to be included in the current path .

You need to type this every time you login to run this lab.

echo $PATH  Type this and check the PATH name has :./ (dot followed by forward slash) at the end.

If not re-type the exportabove command again and repeat the echo command.

start 4D6 Start the lab. This command first creates a working directory called pat4D6 and

copies the necessary files and then starts the PATRAN program. This is the

only command you need to use throughout.

DO NOT USE the patran COMMAND for this labs. Always use start 4D6.

In the following pages under the heading Form Selection (First column) the following symbols have the following interpretation :

This represents Menu selection from the TOP line. (eg FILE, GROUP). This refers to forms below the menu level (eg. GEOMETRY, ELEMENTS).

Click on this to open the form next to it. Click on it again to close the currently open form or click on of another form to close the current form.

whereverthis symbol appears FURTERuser action is required (in the instructions which follow).


Cycle Show Labels Plot/Erase FORM labels point size

3.Create a new database

File/New ...Change Template ...Create a new model database

Select: 4D6_template.db... from the Database Template list

OK... in the Database Template form

New Database Name: quake... in the New Database form

OK... in the New Database form

Approx. Max Model Dimension: 60... in the New Model Preferences form

Analysis code: ABAQUS

Analysis type: Structural

OK... in New Model Preferences form

4.create geometry of structure This section creates the geometry of your structure — the nodes and elements

used by the finite element analysis will be created later by PATRAN.

Cycle Show Labels

First click on the Cycle Show LabelsIcon which will display the Point labels as these are created.

Note : It is important to follow the instructions given below precisely and check the resulting geometry at every stageto make sure that any mistakes made are corrected before moving to the next stage. Main reason for errors (a) incorrect choice of options. (b) Incorrect entry of data.(c)Failing to unsetAUTO EXECUTE where indicated (d) Duplicate entities (points/curves). (d) could be a result of (c). This is when PATRAN puts up a message saying that Do you want to Create a Duplicate Entity. This should act as a warning to indicate that the task has already been carried out. Choose the option NO and check.Any mistakes which remains undetected at the end of section 4 will give wrong results at a later stage. If this happens then you will have to re-do the labs from the beginning. Therefore take your time and carry out each step only when you have understood the action and the result of that step (From step 4.1 to 4.10).The Entity (Point/Curve) count in the Create form always refers to the NEXT entity to be created. So the last entity created would be 1 less than this number. When you start, this will display 1.


the t


Repaint Clear STOP UNDO

P Point .

Node ON (SET)


Pickiing Filter

n.b. When you are using PATRAN, the Backspace key may not work

In that case try using the delete key instead.


Viewport/Modify… Background ColorClick on the Blue and change it to Black

Apply, CancelClick on these buttons in turn.


GeometryCreate / Point / XYZPoint Co-ordinates List: [0 0 0]Create first point at ground level

ApplyRefer to Fig. 4 in Page 5 of handout.

Point Co-ordinates List: [5.6 0 0]Create second point at ground level

ApplyCalculate the co-ordinates from Fig.4

Continue to create all 5 points at ground level

If you make a mistake then click on the UNDO icon. This will undo the last action.

4.3 COPY these points to first floor level

GeometryTransform / Point / TranslateTranslation Vector Change the Action from Create toTransform

Direction Vector: <0 3.65 0Translate these points by 3.65m in y-direction.

Repeat Count: 1Do this once for the first storey.


Auto Execute Make sure this is UNSET. See previous page

to tell the set and unset positions apart.

Point List: Point 1:5Click on Point List box, then draw a rectangle

Applyaround the Points 1:5.

If heartbeat is pulsating Red continuously while you are trying to create the geometry and it is also taking too long,

then try click and drag the MMB (Middle Mouse Button) in the viewport area. This should turn the heartbeat to Green.

If this does not happen ask for help from a Demonstrator. .

4.4 Create the curves at first floor level

GeometryCreate / Curve / Point Auto Execute Check and make sure this is UNSET .

Pickiing Filter: Point iconClick on the ‘point’ icon in the tool bar

Starting Point List: Point 6Click on the Starting Point List Box and

And then click on point 6.

Ending Point List: Point 7 Click on the Ending Point List box and

Apply then click on point 7. Then APPLY.

Starting Point List: Point 7Click on point 7. Follow the above procedure.

Ending Point List: Point 8Click on point 8.

ApplyContinue with 8 & 9 and 9 & 10.

Continue to create the 4 horizontal beams, which form the first storey (4 in total)Curves 1 to 4. Confirm this.

4.5 COPY the curves to the other 3 levels

GeometryTransform / Curve/ TranslateTranslation Vector: <0 3.65 0Copy the 4 horizontal curves (1-4) 3.65m

in the y-direction

Auto Execute Make sure this is UNSET.

Repeat Count: 3Repeat for the remaining storeys.

Curve List: Curve 1:4Click on Curve List box, then draw a rectangle

Applyaround curves 1–4 in the input box.

This should create all the horizontal beams (12 in total) Curves 5 to 16. Confirm this.

4.6 Create the curves forming the first column

GeometryCreate / Curve / Point Auto Execute Make sure this is still UNSET

Pickiing Filter: Point iconClick on the ‘point’ icon in the tool bar

Starting Point List: Point 1Click on point 1. %

Ending Point List: Point 6Click on point 6.

ApplyCreates curve 17

Starting Point List: Point 6Click on point 6.

Ending Point List: Point 11Click on point 11.

ApplyCreates curve 18

Starting Point List: Point 11Click on point 11.

Ending Point List: Point 16Click on point 16.

ApplyCreates curve 19.

Starting Point List: Point 16Click on point 16.

Ending Point List: Point 21Click on point 21.

ApplyCreates curve 20

Create the curves which form the first column (4 in total). Curves 17 to 20. Check these numbers.

% When it says click on a point it means click on the marker for the point. This is a circle which is slightly to the left and below the label. This marker can be made visible by clicking on the icon (point size, 3rd from right on the icons in the main window). It is also the 3rd icon shown in Page B9. This marker also becomes visible when the cursor is over it.




Form SelectionAction / Object / MethodInput DataNotes


4.7 COPY the frst COLUMN INTO the Second column

GeometryTransform / Curve/ TranslateTranslation Vector Translate these 4 curves

Direction Vector: <5.6 0 0> by 5.6 m in x-direction

Repeat Count: 1Do this once to create the second column.

Auto Execute Click on this to UNSET it.

Curve List: Curve 17:20 Click on Curve List box, then on curve 17

and then HOLD DOWN the SHIFT key

and click on curves 18 to 20.

Apply Then Click on APPLY.

This should create all the curves in second column(4 in total). Curves 21 to 24.

If you make a mistake then click on the UNDO icon. This will undo the last action. Check these.


GeometryTransform / Curve/ TranslateTranslation VectorCopy for the remaining columns

Direction Vector: <12.3 0 0Translate the 4 curves by12.3 m in x-direction

Repeat Count: 3repeated thrice for the remaining columns.

Auto Execute Make sure this is still UNSET .

Curve List: Curve 21:24 Click on Curve List box, then on curve 21

and then HOLD DOWN the SHIFT key

and click on curves 22 to 24.

ApplyThen Click on APPLY

This should create all the remaining beams in columns(12 in total). Curves 25 to 36. Check and confirm these.


GeometryDelete / CurveCurve List: Curve 13 20Click on Curve List box, then HOLD DOWN

the SHIFT key and click on curves 13 and 20.

ApplyDelete the extra curves not required.


GeometryDelete / PointPoint List: Point 21Place cursor in input box. Click on point 21.

ApplyDelete the extra point not required.

Check the Points and Curves numbers match the ones shown in Figure 1.1 Only then proceed.

NB : If in doubt check with a demonstrator. Any errors detected at this stage can be corrected easily. Also avoids later re-doing the labs from the beginning.

5ACREate THE Boundary conditions

Loads/BCsModify / Displacement / NodalCurrent Load Case: xxxIf xxx is not static loading then click on it

Existing Load Cases: static loading and select it from the existing list.

OK... in the Change Current Load Case form

Select Set to Modify: fixedClick on this to select it.

Modify Application Region ...... in the Loads/Boundary Conditions form

Select : Geometry

Pickiing Filter: Point iconClick on the ‘point’ (2nd ) icon in the tool bar

Select Geometry Entities: Point 2Click on point 2

Add... in the Select Application Regions form

Select Geometry Entities: Point 5HOLD DOWN the SHIFT key for

Add making multiple selection.

OK... in the Select Application Regions form

Apply ... in the Loads/Boundary Conditions form

Select Set to Modify: pinnedSelect pinned boundary condition

Modify Application Region ...... in the Loads/Boundary Conditions form

Select the remaining points at ground level (1,3 and 4) and repeat the above procedure.

These should then appear in the Application Region box, as above

OK... in the Select Application Regions form

Apply... in the Loads/Boundary Conditions form

 The Blue cones should be displayed pointing to the directions which are fixed

along with labels of variables fixed. 1 & 2 for pinned and 1, 2 & 6 for fixed.

If these icons are not displayed then try clicking on the Apply button again.

Note :nnbb`

If If the APPLY or any box referred to in the script cannot be seen in the form, the form needs extending.

Click the LMB on the Top RHS corner and when the cursor changes into the icon shown drag it in the .vertical direction and then release it. Repeat until APPLy is visible.

5BCrEate THE loads

Loads/BCsModify / Force / NodalCurrent load case: : xxxIf xxx is not static loading then click on it

Existing Load Cases: static loading and select it from the existing list.

OK... in the Change Current Load Case form

Select Set to Modify: static load floor 1Apply a force to the first floor

Modify Data ...Click on this.

Force < F1 F2 F3 >: < w1, 0, 0Where w1 is the static equivalent load in

to be applied to the first floor

OK... in the Input Data form

Modify Application Region ...

Pickiing Filter: Point iconClick on the ‘point’ icon in the tool bar

Select Geometry Entities: Point xClick on point x,

x is the point where the load is applied

(first floor of lift shaft, RHS end).

AddClick on this.

OK... in the Select Application Regions form

Apply... in the Loads/Boundary Conditions form

Add the appropriate static loads to all four floors, remembering to click onApply

before continuing with the next load. Yellow arrows would be displayed indicating the

direction of the loading along with the magnitude of the load applied. Repeat for all 4.


6.DEFINE properties of elements

PropertiesModify / 1D / Beam in XY PlaneSelect Prop. Set to Modify: beam_ADefine which curves are beams of type A

OK... in the Input Properties form

(properties are pre-defined)

Select Application RegionClick on this.

Click in the Select Members input fieldRefer to Figure 4 in Page 5 of the handout

Pickiing Filter: Select curve element iconto get the curves for this category.

Select Members: Curve x y Click on the first curve and then HOLD DOWN the SHIFT key and click on

Addother curves one at a time. This allows for

Applymultiple selection to be made. No visible

effect when this is assigned except for

message in the PATRAN message window.

Assign properties for every beam and column, remembering to always click on Apply

before continuing with the next beam or column type until the last column K.


7.CREATE Finite Elements FROM beam geometry

ElementsCreate / Mesh Seed / UniformNumber: 5Assign 5 mesh seeds to

each beam or column

Curve List: Curve 1:1214:1921:36Draw a box around the entire model


Create / Mesh / CurveElement Topology: Bar 2Choose standard beam elements

Curve List: Curve 1:1214:1921:36Draw a box around the entire model.

Apply This generates the mesh.

Node 205 Element 171 is displayed


Equivalence / All / Tolerance CubeApplyConnect all the beam elements together

Message in the PATRAN window : Geometric equivalencing complete. 44 nodes deleted.


Optimize / Nodes / Cuthill-McKeeMinimization Criterion: RMS WavefrontOptimize node numbering


OK... in the Bandwidth Optimization Parameters dialogue box.


8.A Improve display of model

Click on the Reset Graphicsicon for cleaning up the the display.

Display/Entity Color/Label/RenderHide all Entity LabelsGet rid of superfluous information

Curve: LabelReplace Curve labels.

Node: LabelReplace Node labels.

ApplyCurve labels are in Yellow and Node labels are

Cancelin Red.



ElementsShow/ Node / LocationTotal in Model : 160 Check that the last ID is also 160

Show/ Element/ AttributesTotal in Model : 170 Check that the last ID is also 170

Check that the node number of the top of the RHS column is 1 . Also check that the nodes at the support points 1 to 5

have the numbers 160, 123, 95, 63 and 31 respectively. If not DO NOT PROCEED until finding the mistakes and making corrections.

The Finite Element Mesh with Node numbers is shown in Figure 1.2. It is possible that these node numbers could be different

even though no mistakes may have been made. In that case note down the nodes at ground level on the Figure in page E1. Use

the corressponding numbers instead of the above in appendix E. For now carry on with the next section.



Display/Entity Color/Label/RenderHide all Entity LabelsGet rid of superfluous informaApply, Cancel

Properties Show Existing Properties: Material name Select this. Display Method : Scalar Plot

ApplyThis will display the colours for each property

Viewing/Scale Factors…Model X : 1.2This will re-scale it to show

Model Y : 1.5 the labels clearly.

Apply, CancelClick on Apply and then on Cancel



Utilities/Display… Property/Material Names… Select Element : Elm 1:170 Draw a box around the mesh.

.Apply Click on APPLY. This will display the

curves in colour

Reset Graphics, Cancel Click on Reset Graphics and then CANCEL


Properties Show Existing Property: Property Set Name Select this.

Display Method : Table This gives a table to check that the curves

Apply are assignedthe correct properties.


Viewing/Scale Factors…Model X : 1.0 Reset these to original values

Model Y : 1.0




Click on the left most icon (Plot/Erase Form) shown and in the form, which appears, click on the ERASE button under Geometry(Posted Entities)

Properties Show Existing Properties: Material name Select this. Display Method : Scalar Plot Fringe Attributes… Click on this. Element Shrinking factor : 0.5 Set this value using the slider.