November 2002 Community Survey
Town of Deering, New Hampshire
Community Survey for the 2004 Master Plan
General Questions
1. Do you live in Deering:
68.3 % Year-round
16.2 % Seasonally, if so what months? ______
If you do not live in Deering, please check here _15.5%_ and skip to Question 8.
2. Please indicate which Area of Town you live in using the appropriate Area number on the map (on the back of the survey):
Area # 1 – 15.4% 2 – 17.7% 3 – 27.3% 4 – 4.9% 5 – 14.6% 6 – 2.3%
3. Are there any Areas where you feel growth should be restricted?
61.9% Yes 19.7% No 18.4% No opinion
If yes, which Area(s)? 1 – 11.0% 2 – 14.4% 3 – 15.7% 4 – 8.3% 5 – 30.5% 6 – 20.1
4. Please rate each of the following features for their importance to you:
VeryImportant / Important / No
Opinion / Somewhat
Important / Not
Small town / rural atmosphere / 73.7% / 20.5% / 2.2% / 3.2% / 0.3%
Employment opportunities / 9.5% / 15.1% / 11.8% / 17.4% / 46.1%
Educational system / 38.1% / 27.1% / 10.0% / 10.3% / 14.5%
Location / 34.8% / 38.2% / 15.9% / 6.1% / 5.1%
Natural resources / 54.9% / 33.3% / 6.3% / 3.8% / 1.6%
Town services / 22.4% / 44.2% / 5.8% / 19.5% / 8.1%
Scenic areas / 52.7% / 33.3% / 3.5% / 8.9% / 1.6%
Historic character / 42.8% / 33.9% / 8.0% / 9.6% / 5.8%
People / community spirit / 39.4% / 39.7% / 8.7% / 9.9% / 2.2%
Community and recreational facilities / 17.2% / 37.7% / 9.7% / 25.0% / 10.4%
Other: ______/ 74.1% / 3.7% / 14.8% / 3.7% / 3.7%
Population & Economics Questions
5. How long have you lived in Deering?
Please respond prior to November 15. Thank you! 4
November 2002 Community Survey
5.6% Less than 1 year 21.9% 11-20 Years
24.8% 1-5 Years 14.1% 21-30 Years
13.2% 6-10 Years 20.45% Over 31 Years
Please respond prior to November 15. Thank you! 4
November 2002 Community Survey
6. For all employed people in your home, please provide the following information:
How Many Town / State e
A. Full Time 78.0% Works in: ______
______Works in: ______
______Works in: ______
B. Part-time 22.0% Works in: ______
______Works in: ______
______Works in: ______
7. Please indicate the type of employment for each person:
Please respond prior to November 15. Thank you! 4
November 2002 Community Survey
A. 2.3% Agriculture/Forestry
7.3% Health Care
10.5% Professional
7.3% Building Trades
9.6% Manufacturing
6.2% Retail
7.3% Business Services
9.8% Education
2.3% Finance
5.5% Government
2.7% Homemaker
5.2% Computer / High Tech
2.1% Non-profit
0.7% Real Estate
10.9% Retired
1.8% Student
0.7% Unemployed
8.0% Other______
Please respond prior to November 15. Thank you! 4
November 2002 Community Survey
B. Is anyone in your home self-employed? 22.5% Yes 77.5% No
8. Which of the following enterprises / services would you like to see in Deering? Please check as many as you wish.
6.2% Professional office park 8.7% Light industry park
1.6% Heavy industry park 4.2% Retail shopping mall
9.3% Restaurants 7.4% Recreational businesses
3.2% Hotels / motels 4.6% Major grocery chain
6.9% Tourism-related businesses 5.2% Conference Center
11.2% Agricultural-related businesses 11.5% Health clinic / doctor’s office
9.8% None of the above 8.9% Day care / after school care
1.5% Other:______
9. Should Deering try to encourage light commercial/industrial (non-residential) growth to broaden its tax base?
48.3% Yes 41.9% No 9.9% No opinion
10. In what area(s) would you like to encourage this growth (please refer to the map on back of the survey)?
29.0% Area 1 18.5% Area 2 20.4% Area 3 20.7% Area 4 5.6% Area 5 5.6% Area 6
Housing Questions
11. In what type of housing do you live? Do you… Rent or Own?
73.9% Single family home 2.9% 97.1%
0.5% Two family home 50.0% 50.0%
0.5% Multifamily home or Apartment 100.0% 0.0%
8.6% Manufactured or Mobile home 0.0% 0.0%
1.3% Other______ 20% 80.0%
15.1% Do not live in Deering
12. Would you like to see the following type of housing encouraged or not encouraged in Deering?
HighlyEncouraged / Encouraged / Somewhat
Encouraged / Not
Encouraged / No
Single family / 46.0% / 22.6% / 17.8% / 8.5% / 5.1%
Two-family / duplexes / 4.7% / 12.2% / 24.1% / 50.9% / 8.1%
Multi-family (3-4 units) / 2.3% / 4.5% / 8.1% / 76.4% / 8.7%
Elderly housing / 22.6% / 19.1% / 24.9% / 24.9% / 8.5%
Conversion of large homes into apts. / 3.5% / 7.2% / 11.3% / 69.2% / 8.8%
Manufactured / mobile home parks / 3.1% / 2.5% / 5.0% / 82.6% / 6.8%
Manufactured / mobile home on individual lots / 5.2% / 6.4% / 16.8% / 63.6% / 8.0%
Condominium / town houses / 3.7% / 7.7% / 16.4% / 65.4% / 6.8%
Apartment buildings (5+ units) / 1.6% / 1.9% / 5.7% / 82.6% / 8.2%
Temporary emergency housing / 4.4% / 8.4% / 16.8% / 52.6% / 17.8%
Cluster developments (single family units
on smaller lots with open space retained) / 12.4% / 13.6% / 18.2% / 47.0% / 8.8%
13. In your opinion, which statement best describes Deering’s residential rate of growth?
26.7% Growing too fast 6.9% Growing too slowly 54.5% Growth is acceptable 11.9% No opinion
14. Should the Town implement ordinances to regulate the number of new housing units built annually in Town?
57.8% Yes 26.2% No 16.0% No opinion
Transportation Questions
15. Do you think the number of paved and unpaved roads in Deering is acceptable?
33.9% More paved roads 48.2% Keep roads unpaved 17.9% No opinion
16. Are there unpaved roads you think should be paved?
40.1% Yes 59.9% No
If yes, which?______
17. Do you believe there is a need to provide transit opportunities for the elderly/disabled in Deering?
37.6% Yes 24.0% No 38.4% No opinion
If yes, how? ______
Natural Features Questions
18. Please indicate how important the preservation of open space in Deering is to you:
VeryImportant / Important / Not
Important / Somewhat
Important / No
63.0% / 25.5% / 2.9% / 6.9% / 1.6%
19. Do you support the acquisition of lands for conservation purposes?
78.1% Yes 11.2% No 10.7% No opinion
20. What are the most important land conservation objectives to you? Please choose the three most important:
12.4% Fields / Agriculture 8.8% Aquifers 18.4% Forests 1.0% Non-game 9.3% Ponds 11.8% Fish / Wildlife management 13.9% Rivers/ Streams 9.9% Scenic views 8.6% Wetlands
5.0% Recreation
0.9% Other, please explain______
21. Would you support a warrant article for appropriating money for land conservation?
57.6% Yes 21.2% No 21.2% No opinion
22. What one special place in Deering is most important to permanently conserve?
Land Use Questions
23. Do you favor separating the Town into zoning districts with different lot sizes, setbacks, and frontages?
33.1% Yes 45.3% No 21.5% No opinion
24. The current minimum residential lot size in Deering is 2 acres. Should minimum lot sizes be changed?
Please respond prior to November 15. Thank you! 4
November 2002 Community Survey
50.3% (No) Stay with 2 acres 32.5% (Yes) Enlarge to more than 2 acres
10.4% (Yes) Reduce to less than 2 acres 6.8% No Opinion
If yes, what size? ______
25. The current zoning regulations have only one zone, Residential/Agricultural. Commercial or industrial
uses are only permitted by issuance of a special exception. Should the Town have a separate zone(s)
dedicated for industrial or commercial uses?
37.5% Yes If Yes, where should the zone(s) be located?:______
41.6% No 20.9% No opinion
26. Would you support an increase or decrease in the land use change tax to be allocated to the Conservation Commission, now currently at 50%, for land protection and acquisition?
21.3% Increase 12.8% Decrease 65.9% Same
27. In what ways do you enjoy Deering’s recreational opportunities? Please check all that apply:
3.9% ATV or four-wheel driving 10.3% Bird-watching 3.1% Personal Watercraft 12.5% Hiking
9.8% Canoe/kayak 5.9% Cross-country skiing 10.1% Fishing 2.7% Skiing
2.1% Horseback riding 3.8% Mountain biking 6.3% Hunting 0.6% Trapping
3.9% Snowmobiling 7.3% Snowshoeing
14.9% Wildlife observation 3.0% Other, please explain ______
28. Are maintaining agriculture and forestry as economically viable land uses in Deering important objectives of the Master Plan?
80.9% Yes 3.8% No 15.3% No opinion
History Questions
29. Do you believe that historic places (or areas) should be preserved in the Town?
86.6% Yes 2.9% No 10.5% No opinion
30. Are you in favor of enacting a Historic District ordinance to protect designated places?
67.2% Yes 13.0% No 19.8% No opinion
31. Do you have any comments relating to Deering’s historical resources?
Community and Recreational Facilities Questions
32. Do you favor building an Elementary School in Deering?
20.7% Yes 57.3% No 22.0% No opinion
33. What is your position on the disposal of solid waste (trash, recycling, old appliances, etc)?
79.6% Continue using Hillsborough facilities
17.4% Develop a solid waste program in Deering
3.0% Other, please specify: ______
34. Are you in favor of combining police forces with another small nearby town?
29.7% Yes 47.5% No 22.8% No opinion
35. How important is it for the Town to expand, provide, or improve each of the following:
VeryImportant / Important / Not
Important / Somewhat
Important / No
Access to Contoocook River / 11.6% / 26.0% / 18.8% / 12.4% / 31.2%
Access to Deering Reservoir / 17.8% / 34.6% / 10.8% / 8.8% / 28.0%
Access to Piscataquog River / 9.4% / 22.2% / 20.8% / 12.9% / 34.8%
Senior Center / 11.3% / 22.8% / 23.4% / 15.0% / 27.5%
Elderly activities / 12.6% / 23.5% / 22.1% / 17.5% / 24.4%
Youth / Teen Center / 14.9% / 26.7% / 19.3% / 13.2% / 25.9%
Public swimming area at Deering Reservoir / 19.6% / 35.5% / 11.1% / 13.4% / 20.5%
Picnic areas / 15.2% / 31.8% / 11.7% / 20.1% / 21.2%
Playgrounds / 13.1% / 24.5% / 17.8% / 15.5% / 29.2%
Basketball courts / 6.5% / 17.7% / 24.5% / 13.3% / 38.1%
Athletic fields / 8.5% / 21.5% / 20.3% / 14.1% / 35.9%
Community Center / 10.2% / 28.0% / 19.0% / 13.4% / 29.4%
Recreational trails (all types) / 18.5% / 41.9% / 10.5% / 14.5% / 14.5%
Cultural activities / 11.3% / 30.2% / 17.4% / 16.3% / 24.7%
Ice / skateboard rink / 6.3% / 15.5% / 24.1% / 10.4% / 43.8%
Emergency housing or shelter / 8.9% / 18.4% / 21.7% / 16.6% / 34.4%
Other: ______/ 23.7% / 5.3% / 39.5% / 0.0% / 31.6%
36. Do you use the Deering Reservoir for any of the following activities? If so, how often?
Activity Use / Amount of UsageYes / No / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly
Fishing / 49.3% / 50.7% / 36.2% / 29.0% / 34.8%
Swimming / 63.7% / 36.3% / 27.9% / 45.2% / 26.9%
Canoeing/boating / 58.7% / 41.3% / 30.3% / 35.4% / 34.3%
Nature observation / 55.3% / 44.7% / 32.1% / 44.2% / 23.7%
Hunting / 11.5% / 88.5% / 14.8% / 14.8% / 70.4%
Personal Watercraft / 19.8% / 80.2% / 20.8% / 43.8% / 35.4%
Other: ______/ 21.7% / 78.3% / 23.5% / 41.2% / 35.3%
37. Do you think the Town should develop recreational programs or activities for its residents?
Do you want Deering to develop these programs? / Should the Town charge user fees?Yes / No / No Opinion / Yes / No / No Opinion
For Teens / 46.0% / 25.4% / 28.6% / 41.6% / 32.7% /
For Seniors / 42.1% / 26.6% / 31.5% / 36.6% / 36.6% /
For Adults / 30.5% / 33.5% / 36.0% / 42.3% / 28.4% /
Other: ______/ 8.5% / 22.5% / 69.0% / 13.0% / 32.6% /
38. Please provide your opinion on how well you think the Town is performing the following services
or activities and if the Town should reevaluate its level of spending on these services:
Please "rate" these Town services. / How much money should the Town spend on each service?Good / Fair / Poor / No Opinion / More / Same / Less / No Opinion
Animal control / 2.3% / 17.7% / 9.9% / 47.0% / 6.7% / 43.5% / 5.4% / 44.4%
Cemetery care / 35.7% / 28.4% / 3.8% / 32.2% / 10.4% / 55.4% / 2.1% / 32.1%
Fire protection / 62.7% / 13.7% / 0.6% / 23.1% / 24.3% / 45.8% / 3.6% / 26.3%
Library / 16.7% / 23.7% / 20.8% / 38.9% / 26.5% / 34.5% / 2.5% / 36.6%
Natural resource conservation / 38.0% / 24.0% / 3.8% / 34.2% / 19.5% / 45.2% / 6.2% / 29.0%
Parks & recreation / 20.4% / 21.9% / 12.1% / 45.6% / 15.5% / 42.4% / 5.5% / 36.6%
Police protection / 50.9% / 26.4% / 4.5% / 18.2% / 22.6% / 44.0% / 9.5% / 23.8%
Rescue / ambulance service / 60.9% / 13.0% / 0.8% / 25.2% / 24.8% / 48.4% / 0.8% / 26.0%
Road maintenance / 53.8% / 28.5% / 7.1% / 10.5% / 25.7% / 54.2% / 3.2% / 17.0%
School system / 29.2% / 22.4% / 8.2% / 40.2% / 13.6% / 43.0% / 12.0% / 31.4%
Snow removal / 56.3% / 19.4% / 4.6% / 19.7% / 11.4% / 61.4% / 3.7% / 23.6%
Garbage disposal & recycling / 23.7% / 15.1% / 11.3% / 49.9% / 7.7% / 42.7% / 6.4% / 43.2%
Welfare / 10.9% / 8.6% / 2.9% / 77.6% / 5.0% / 25.2% / 10.4% / 59.5%
Planning regulation admin &
enforcement / 16.0% / 22.6% / 10.1% / 51.3% / 9.0% / 38.6% / 6.0% / 46.4%
Zoning administration &
enforcement / 17.6% / 22.3% / 13.5% / 46.6% / 9.8% / 40.9% / 6.0% / 43.4%
Health regulations &
enforcement / 12.7% / 15.4% / 8.3% / 63.6% / 4.8% / 34.2% / 6.5% / 54.5%
Other:______/ 2.7% / 5.4% / 89.2% / 100.0% / 4.8% / 23.8% / 4.8% / 66.7%
39. Are you in favor of creating a municipal complex with major facilities in one area?
30.7% Yes 47.8% No 21.5% No opinion
40. Are you in favor of improving or expanding the following Town Facilities? Please check one for each facility.
No,Keep As Is / Yes,
Rehabilitate / Yes,
Expand / Yes,
Relocate / Relocate where?
Town Hall / 58.6% / 31.6% / 4.9% / 4.9%
Police Department / 60.6% / 19.1% / 9.4% / 10.9%
Fire Department – Route 149 / 86.4% / 7.1% / 4.9% / 1.5%
Fire Department – Old County Road / 84.3% / 10.3% / 4.5% / 1.0%
Fire Department – West Deering / 86.3% / 9.6% / 3.8% / 0.3%
Highway Department / 77.2% / 9.4% / 9.1% / 4.4%
Library / 59.6% / 16.0% / 21.6% / 2.8%
Thank you for completing this Community Survey!