Alabama Community Education Association

Extended Day Scholarship

2015 Scholarship Application


The Extended Day Program is an extension of theregular school day designed to offer enrichment

programs for students and to meet the after-schoolchildcare needs of working parents. Major benefits

of the Extended Day Program are a positive, supportiveenvironment for after-school care and opportunities

for students to participate in enrichment activities.There will be ten scholarships awarded in 2015. Nine $1,000 scholarships and one Sallie Chastain Scholarship award winner for $2,000. Equity amongst the three regions will be sought. However, excellence of applicant will take priority over regional location.

The award(s) will be givenbased on availability of funds. Funds will be dispersedthrough checks to be written to the individual(s)receiving the scholarship and dispensation of theallocation is not predetermined. However, thescholarship committee recommends the scholarshipbe used for tuition, books, room and board, etc.


Applicants must be a graduating senior in highschool or a college aged student who will bepreparing for a career in education at an academicinstitution of higher learning in the state ofAlabama. The scholarship will be awarded to oneor more individuals who have volunteered or beenemployed through the Extended Day Program in the state of Alabama and plan tomake a difference in the future of Alabama education.


Scholarship recipients will be selected by acommittee appointed by the Alabama Community

Education Association. The scholarship will beawarded on the basis of need, academic achievement,

aptitude, contribution and service to the Extended DayProgram, and personal and professional goals.


Please send the following information in onepacketto:

Chris Groccia at or Fax at 334-844-0558

All application material must be received byJune 2, 2015.

1. A completed application form

2. Three letters of recommendation:

• One letter from a teacher or administratorat the applicant’s high school

• One letter from a supervisor of the extended day work or volunteer experience

• One letter from a personal acquaintance


• Submit your application packet early to allow AlabamaCommunity Education directors time to notify you ofany missing items. This will give you an opportunity tocorrect omissions prior to the announced deadline.

• Letters of recommendation are often late. To avoidthis, make your request as soon as possible. This time of year teacher are busy.

• Only the requested information will be considered. Additional letters or resumes will not be sent to the

selection committee.

• For more information or questions contact Chris Groccia at 334-844-5781 or .

A photo of scholarship winners may be requested at a later date for publicity purposes.