JULY 2016






Dear Immanuel Community

You might wonder why when you enter a place of worship some worship spaces have colored cloths and now and then the colors change and sometimes there are symbols or pictures that could possibly mean something. Or maybe there are pictures on banners on the wall.

Some Christian congregations celebrate the church year with coverings on the altar, pulpit and lectern as well as the pastor wears a cloth (stole around his or her shoulders). I think of these colors as telling a story about the time of the year.

Remember the colors: blue, green, red, purple. White is part of the church year also and usually comes next to a color for a reason. The white is for the purity and holiness of Jesus.

The church year begins with blue---in Advent, about four weeks before Christmas. Blue is for preparation, hope, anticipation, and joy as we wait for the celebration of the Christ child’s birth and Christmastide.

When we celebrate the birth of Christ we use white for Jesus purity. Then we move into Epiphany, the revealing of Jesus to the world and his baptism (all in white). Then for the season after Epiphany the color for a few weeks is green that represents growth in faith as we see what Jesus the Christ is doing in the world. Then comes Transfiguration (white) when Jesus takes James and John to the mountain and Jesus meets Elijah and Moses where the three (Jesus, Elijah and Moses) prepare for Jesus ministry).

After Transfiguration comes Lent with purple, a six week period of reflection and repentance and hope for God’s mercy, before we walk with Jesus to his Crucifixion. The Crucifixion is black for Christ’s death if cloths are used. Then comes the Resurrection of Jesus (Easter) celebrated with white. This is the most celebrated and holy time of the church year. There are 50 days we celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection with white and conclude with the Red on the day of Pentecost the introduction of the Holy Spirit that sustains, nourishes and stirs our hearts and minds toward Christ. After Pentecost Sunday comes The Holy Trinity celebrated with white.

Then for a long, long time, we move into the church year of green. Green for growth in faith by

Jesus’ teachings and ministry. Until we come to Reformation Day with Red. After Reformation comes Christ the King Sunday—with white for purity and holiness--when celebrate Christ is the king of kings and ruler of the earth, the king who is much different than a human king. Then we begin the year again with Blue.

The use of color is not to make things look pretty although people seem to enjoy when colors please the eye. Yet the use of colors is to direct us to God’s Word in our lives during each season. The colors when we are aware can be useful to look forward to what God is doing in Christ in the world!

Below are pictures of altar cloths---can you guess which season they tell about? Maybe you would like to design an altar cloth or banner and perhaps you or someone in the congregation could create it for our altar table? Or perhaps the Holy Spirit is stirring you in another way to reach out and proclaim God’s love and mission?

Blessings and Love from Pastor Cheryll


I have been asked to begin taking photos to update our Church Directory. If you have ideas or suggestions, please let me know. Thanks, Che’rie.

FROM THE DESK OF the Property and Physical Assets Department (better known as Jerome):

The Property Report submitted:

Activities for Month of May 2016

Filled holes at mail box

Mowed lawn

Worked on updates of Cemetery Map and Logbook

Mailed receipt and information to Jane Wolff

FROM THE DESK OF the Sunday School Superintendent (better known as Sherry):

Sunday School Education

Immanuel Lutheran Church

Our adult Sunday School class is studying Adult Crossings, eight core stories from the Bible. These provide a remarkable account of the faith journey of God’s people. A DVD accompanies each lesson providing Biblical background by noted theologian, Rev. Mark Throntveit, (professor at Luther Seminary) Rev. Walter Brueggemann retired professor at Columbia Theological Seminary.

The first four stories:God’s Call, The Exodus, Sinai Covenant, and PromisedLand have led to lively discussions, scripture readings, and prayerful contemplation.

Presently Carl is leading us in an interesting exploration ofThe Davidic Rule.

In upcoming weeks, we will continue our journey with:Jesus’ Life, the cross, and Resurrection Life.

Please consider joining us!

Presently we have no children or youth classes but prayerfully look forward to the need for volunteers to teach. Age appropriate materials have been donated for lessons.

Join us as we can be a blessing to one another.


June’s Thrivent Fundraiser was for the benefit of David Brondos, with a total of $190.00 being collected. The activity for raising those funds was an airplane flying contest, and congratulations go to Bill Harwood for winning the contest.


During Immanuel’s Fourth of July event and during the month of July, a freewill offering will be collected for Stroud and Cushing Food Banks. Please support these needed missions.


“Has been helping others for as long as I can remember” was a remark from one of it’s volunteers. The Food Bank is open the 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 9:00-10:30 a.m. at 802 Maitlen Dr. Currently, the Cushing food Bank provides food to approximately 170 families every two weeks. To be eligible for the service, one must have a proof of Cushing address and complete an application. Food is purchased from the Food Bank of Oklahoma in Oklahoma city, donated by local individuals and/or given by the government. The food bank has an annual budget of $16,000 - $17,000 to purchases food. Money is donated by Cushing United Fund, Baptist Hunger Fund, other churches and individuals. Staple foods are sacked on Monday. Other foods such as cheese, apples, potatoes, bread, frozen items and seasonal foods are also provided to the families. There are approximately 15 regular volunteers and with the new building construction, the operation runs like clockwork.


It was established in 2004 and is open the 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 3:00-5:30 p.m. Currently, the Stroud Food Bank provides food to 70-85 families every two weeks. For Thanksgiving, it served 125 families. To be eligible for the service, one must have a Stroud address, social security card and proof of income. Food is purchased from the Food Bank of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City, donated by local individuals and given by the government. The government provides Meals Ready to Eat, which are meals that are provided to our military but are near its expiration date, so it is donated to food banks. The food is boxed for single, couple and family of three. The boxes of food also include seasonal foods, such as tomatoes. There are 8-9 regular volunteers, but local organizations have helped with the preparation of the food boxes to be distributed. The Stroud Food Bank is always looking for families that are in need of their services and needs volunteers.

Prayer List for July 2016

We pray against hatred and revenge of any kind as we sense the shock and sorrow over the loss of 50 lives by shooting in Orlando on June 12th, 2016 and 1689 lives over the first five months of this year in Chicago and other violent acts in this nation and in conflict of other nations. We pray for the families that are mourning. We pray for those who try to flee violence only to meet cruelty and starvation and illness. May we not try to blame or target people. May we not see our communities or nation as righteous. But may we with our whole heart and being ask: “ What O Lord would you have us do?” May we not see this as nor live this as if it is routine and forget to seek opportunities for peace and justice. We pray for victims and families and loved ones, for your care, and peace and hope and strength. Help us not to give up O Lord. We pray for your help and mercy to show your comfort, compassion and mercy that you give us so we can give to others. May we in the quiet listen to you to direct and guide. In your name we pray. Amen

Cindy Ashwood Farrow

Cindy Basinger

Jason Beal

Ryder Berryman

Don Brown

Dustin Brown

Ricky Brown

Judy Bush

Richard Buxton

Jim Choate and family

Lane Collins

Paul Dilbeck

Becky Edwards

Linda Ewen

Lizzie Ewen

Linda Gillotte

Mike Gillotte

Paul Glasby

Robert Graham

Vernon Harrison

Bill Harwood

Sherry Harwood

Pastor Tom Hilger

Cheryl Hockemeyer

George Hockemeyer

Cris, Jacob and Michele Hough

Robert Jenkins

Carrie Killingsworth

Ginger Little

Duane Little

Pastor Dean Maas

Katie McGee

Griffin Melson

The Melson Family

Che’rie Mitchell

Karen Oestmann

Gary Pierce

Jeannette Pierce

Tyler Pierce

Maddie Rasmussen

Nancy Roberts

Diane and Shawn Riley

Diana Riley

Cindy Rodgers

Don Rouze

Nancy Rouze

Mariyah Stuart

Berneice Taylor

Madeleine Taylor

Tommy Taylor

Chris and Christa Van Pelt

Bill Van Pelt

Carrie Waldman

Diaconal Minister Sue Way

May prayers surround the families and friends of Glen Smith, Bob Vaught, Richard Scherer, Otto Hockemeyer, and others who mourn the loss of loved ones. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of all mercies and the God of all consolation, who consoles us in all our affliction so that we may be able to console those who are in any affliction with the consolation with which we ourselves are consoled by God. For just as the sufferings of Christ are abundant for us, so also our consolation is abundant through Christ. We pray for comfort and strength in their loss, for the hope in Jesus Christ Resurrection and God’s eternal love and wide arms of mercy.

We pray for peace and justice all around us and beyond and may we be a giving of God’s peace and justice and reconciliation.

Prayers for Orlando Chicago and more! On June 12, 2016, 50 people were killed as a result of a persons actions. Each has family some have children each have parents and friends and many have siblings. There is a big question whether it has anything to do with an extremist faith group at all even though ISIS conveniently claimed it as such. The important piece is to pray for the families and what is needed.

What is not noted are the names of the many killed in Chicago this last weekend or Memorial weekend or inbetween. I want us to remember that 1689 people many of whom are innocent bystanders sitting on their porch or watching tv in their homes or with families, were shot in Chicago from January to the first week in June this year. We, I hope, pray for all and it is endless. So with sorrow we pray:

O Lord who weeps for His people, we gather in grief and sadness. But we do not grieve as those who have no hope for we are a people of resurrection.

We gather in anger, not a helpless and vindictive anger, but one that will be transformed into effective action for the good of many and bear faithful witness to God’s justice and peace.

We gather in solidarity whatever or sexual identity or orientation for we are all members of the same community as we are all God’s children together.

We gather in community. May we reach out to Latino, Asian, Native American, African descent and any others who have experienced serious losses.

We gather in fellowship with one another, and with the Muslim community and the Jewish community and many others, all fellow children of Abraham with whom we stand shoulder to shoulder in opposition to hatred and judgment and prejudice.

We gather in love determined that hate will not rule any day and we affirm our calling to love even those who would do us harm.

We gather in memory, remembering the victims, the injured, their families and communities. God has not forgotten them and neither shall we.

We gather in prayer opening ourselves and our world up to God’s healing grace.

We gather in worship, rejecting idolatries, idolatries in our opinions and beliefs, and idolatries of weapons. We worship the God revealed in Jesus Christ who came that we all might have life and have it more abundantly. In Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen

Written by the Rev. James Moos with some editing.

We celebrate the marriage of Amanda Greenfield and Roy Rasmussen Sr. We pray for your continued blessings and to surround them in care and love, so that they can live their whole lives together and by their union of love reach out in care and compassion to others.


1 Sherry Harwood

3 Lillyann Dean

4 Emily Rasmussen

5 Ronnie Bush

11 Delbert Taylor

11 Jason Pierce

13 Ryan Bush

15 Cheryl Hockmeyer

20 Duane Little

20 Stacie Wingfield

24 Ernest Barrett

25 Wayne Lemmons

28 Shane Sturgeon

30 Ricky Brown