/ Association of Healthcare Internal Auditors
Board and Committee Report Form
Please e-mail your report to:
Michelle Cunningham

No later than May 14, 2012

Name of Committee: 2012 Annual Program Planning Committee

Committee Chair: Mary Jane Schroeder

Daytime Phone #: 410-933-3086

Email Address:

Board Liaison: Debra Muscio

Committee Members:

Summer Daniel, Joyce Lang, Bob Michalski, Marta Quinones, David Richstone, Beth Schindler, Donna Wachman, Debi Weatherford, Valla Wilson

Committee Goal(s) From Strategic Plan:

1.  Develop relevant and high quality educational program

2.  Engage high quality speakers

3.  Meet the conference budget or come in under budget

4.  Develop marketing to meet the challenges presented by the timing and location of the conference

5.  Reach last year participation level or surpass it

6.  Develop sponsorship proposal and increase participation

7.  Enhance the overall quality and professional execution of the conference by focusing on detail in regarding aspects of the conference and the conference planning process

8.  Plan for the smooth transition of planning committee leadership


1.  Held first committee call on 10/10/11. Discussion centered on special budget items and preliminary changes to the conference.

2.  On site meeting held in Philadelphia on 11/4 – 11/5/2011. Conference theme developed, program format identified, tracks identified and assigned including pre-conference tracks.

3.  Sponsorship packet sent out to prospective sponsors.

4.  Both keynote speakers identified.

5.  Schedule for committee meetings identified (every two weeks starting January 16).

6.  Conference logo selected and presentation templates created.

7.  New for 2012 – women leaders panel, speed mentoring, two data mining hands on training.

8.  Registration is open.

Problems/Challenges in meeting Committee Goals:

EHR sessions are not coming together. Worked very hard with the Tech Committee to set up these sessions. Committee was assured that these sessions would be possible and Tech Committee had speakers lined up. As of 5/7 – two EPIC sessions and one general session have been confirmed. Target was to have 6 sessions running concurrently. Two sessions (Cerner and AllScripts) are still in limbo. If not confirmed by 5/11 – we will be removing from the program.

Early registration has been slow. Only 47 individuals signed up as of 5/7/2012. Hope for increased push over the next month and a half.

Will need to reconsider continuing with this plan for 2013 Conference.

Committee meeting(s) and key outcomes since last Board meeting:


11/4-11/5/11 (on-site)











Key outcomes:

Conference theme and logo, tracks and overall structure identified.

Keynote speakers under contract.

Program complete.

Registration open.

Speed mentoring finalized.

Action needed, motion or policy to be approved by the Board:

None at this time.