Emergency Procedures (Tornadoes, Fires, Bomb Threats and Physical Threats)

Updated/Reviewed: October 2007

Emergency Procedure

It must be stressed that although these general instructions should be helpful, there is no substitute for balanced judgment and cool reaction on the part of staff confronted with any emergency. The first priority must be to handle the immediate situation and then to report the emergency to other people more capable of dealing with the problem. A report should always be made to a member of the administrative staff as soon as possible.

Administrative staff to be notified in emergencies

Tom Roderick

Cell: 785-550-4546Office: 785-864-0470Home: 913-530-7497

Your supervisor will be responsible for notification of administrative staff in most cases. There may be times when your supervisor will pass this responsibility on to you, or in the event of a major disaster, you may have to take this responsibility on yourself.

In all cases, these procedures depend on the type of emergency situation that exists. In no case should any life be jeopardized in saving files or computer equipment if a major emergency exists. Note: Staff members are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the location of telephones and emergency exits in their areas.


Design Construction Management has determined that the entire basement area where the Budig Computer Lab is located is a designated safe zone for refuge during a tornado. Keep yourself and customers away from windows. The best place would be in the hallway, where there are no windows. During the microburst tornado in 2006, the glass doors at the front of the lab were blown out due to the roof tiles from Anschutz blowing through. Flying debris will cause the most damage and harm.

In the Union, file people into the hallway outside of the lab, but not into the lobby area, or stairway area with many windows. Tornado information is also posted on the board behind the desk. Union Administration may ask people to move to another location during a tornado.

People in Fraser should stay in the computer lab.

Information about Watson and Anschutz Library will be posted here as soon as the information is sent to Tom. Please contact a library administrator if something happens before information is posted.


Upon the slightest suspicion of a fire or emergency in the building, notify someone immediately. If a fire is small and localized, use fire extinguishers or a fire hose to extinguish the fire. If the fire cannot be extinguished with an extinguisher or hose, sound the alarm by following the instructions on the alarm (Budig: located in the hallway to the north of the lab). If the fire is large enough, the alarm will sound by itself. When the alarm sounds:

  1. Evacuate customers and personnel from the lab
  2. Use closest possible exits to evacuate the building
  3. Close all doors and have one person stand by at exits, if possible, to notify the police and fire departments that all known persons have been evacuated from the first floor. If you are unsure of the location of on-duty employees or know of specific customers who were not evacuated, notify the police or fire department immediately upon their arrival.
  4. If a supervisor is unavailable, call members of the administrative staff (listed above) only after all persons are safe.

Bomb Threats

In the event of a bomb threat, or the discovery of any suspicious device in or near the lab, take the following actions:

  1. Collect as much information as possible. If a bomb threat is received by phone, note the exact time of call, sex of caller, when a bomb is to explode, and attempt to identify the group the caller represents. If caller ID is available, get the phone number as well
  2. If you find a suspicious device, DO NOT TOUCH IT. Collect information such as color, shape, location and contact a supervisor
  3. If two people are working, one of you should evacuate customers and personnel from the lab while the other contacts KUPD
  4. Get a safe distance from the building as quickly as possible
  5. If a supervisor is unavailable, call members of the administrative staff (listed above) only after all people are safe
  6. KUPD will handle all investigations, and will direct any actions. Do not return to the building until they state it is clear.

Physical Threats

If at any time you do not feel safe working in the labs, or do not feel safe leaving the labs (especially at night, or by yourself), take the following actions:

  1. If a person threatens you in any way with physical harm, call KUPD immediately.
  2. Call your supervisor, inform them of what is happening, or what has happened.
  3. Collect any information that might be useful. What does the person look like, what are they wearing, were they at a computer, which computer and what time.
  4. If you do not feel safe leaving the lab at night, you can call a supervisor, KUPD or SafeRide for assistance.