Blackhawk Hockey Board Meeting minutes from April 10th, 2013

Held at the UCC in Baldwin, WI

Members present: Jason Connett, Lance Albrightson, Craig Campbell, Pax Rasmussen, John Bresina, Mike Lindberg, Rebecca Paulsen, Jeremy Sanders, Tim Rens, and Ryan Veenendaal.

Members Missing: Andy Lindus, Andy R., Brian Stevens

Lance called the meeting to order.

Secretary’s report – Rasmussen brought the minutes from last month. It was such a fantastic read that Connett quickly made a motion to approve them followed closely with a second from Rens. All happily approved.

Treasurer’s report– Rebecca made note that she’d like to extend our line of credit to cover the dehumidifier installation. Connett made the motion to extend the loan to any amount $50,000 or under Rebecca deems necessary. Sanders seconded the motion. All approved. We reviewed treasurer’s report from May. Bresina made motion to approve her report. Pax seconded. All approved.

Open Forum –.We reviewed both Syttende Mai and June Bug Days. Neither were huge successes but some money was made. Weather played an important role as always. Different ideas were tossed around to make both run more efficient and some new ideas will be implemented next year. One major change we are going to try is to buy Nilssens’ homemade brats over Johnsonville. They are a little bit longer and .12-.15 less each which would be roughly a $600-$800 savings.

-USA Hockey would like all associations to have a “Safe Sport Director”. Jeremy Sanders got volunteered. He will watch the videos associated with this and report back to the board.

-Impact Testing: Lance re-checked into the program and reported the costs, details, etc. So long as WAHA does not require it and most kids are tested through the school, BHA will not require it. We will however get the information from the schools and make that readily available for all members upon request.

-MAHA: Craig has not got any response from anyone at MAHA.

-Rate Increase: After much discussion and years of putting it off it was deemed necessary to increase rates for Blackhawk Hockey members. The new rates are as follows:

1st year Mite $50 and $2/skate sharpening

2nd year Mite $150 sharpening included

Squirts and U10 $300 sharpening included

Pee Wees and U12 $350 sharpening included

Bantam and U14 $400 sharpening included

High School (boys and girls) $450 sharpening included

Family cap is set at $800 with online registration fees (USA Hockey Registration) and High School players not counting towards cap.

Fundraising Committee – Pax will email and attempt to get workers to run the brat stand on a Friday. If successful, we will try twice.

Golf Scramble is July 12that Pheasant Hills with a shotgun start at 1pm.

Sportsman’s Banquet is October 19that the Baldwin American Legion beginning at 5pm.

Ryan Veenendaal offered to help Pax with the rink advertising this fall.

We will sell all the old jerseys for $20/jersey at registration and in the Pro Shop until all are gone.

Buildings and Grounds–Dehumidifier will be replaced in the next couple of weeks. Paint is scheduled for July 21, 2013.

Coaches – Nothing to report.

Concessions – Nothing to report.

Tournaments – John Bresina gave potential dates for tournaments. After review, the 2013-2014 tournament dates are as follows:

U10/U12 December 13-15

Bantam January 10-12

U14 January 24-26

Mite Jamboreeee February 8-9

Squirts February 15-16

Pee Wee March 7-9

Work Hours – Nothing to report.

Lance made the motion to adjourn. Rens seconded the motion. All approved.

Next meeting is July 10th at UCC.