ECDC Country Support

Expression of Needs Form

The purpose of this form is to facilitate expression of EU Member States’ needs within the domain of prevention and control of communicable diseases identified for the ECDC Country Support[1]. Upon receipt of expressions of needs from Member States wishing to participate in the pilot, ECDC will review the submitted needs in light of their eligibility (i.e. must fall within the ECDC mandate), four key criteria (1. Public health importance, 2. EU added value, 3. Resources and commitments offered by the beneficiary country, and 4. Expressions of needs submitted by less-resourced Member States) and the available resources for implementation of ECDC activities[2]. If returned to 18thApril 2017, the result will, as one of several sources of input,inform the planning of ECDC activities in 2018 (detailed planning within already agreed activities) and 2019 (if need for specific resource allocation).

Please note that the form could also be used for more urgent requests, that may be catered for within the already planned ECDC resources. In that case the form could be used at any time of the year.

The form is divided into two parts, first one being dedicated to general information regarding submission and second to details regarding the identified need, its justification and any preference regarding implementation. There should be one form per expressed need, meaning each Member State can submit more than one expression.

  1. General Information

Submitted by
Contact for further communication (can be the same as above; email, telephone number)
Date of submission
  1. Description of a Need

Summary description
(please, be as specific as possible)
Technical area of support(please, specify disease-specific[3]and/or public health function[4] specific domain/s)
(please, provide the reason why this is a national priority need for your MS and why ECDC should provide support; please elaborate on public health importance and any EU-added value that addressing your need would bring) /
  1. National priority and impact:

  1. Public health importance:

  1. EU-added value (importance to more than one country):

Commitment by the MS
(please, specify what resources could your MS contribute towards satisfying the need in a collaborative effort, i.e. financial, human, pro-bono provisions, etc.)[5]
(please, indicate any preference as to the method of support[6] and implementation timeline[7]) /
  1. Method of support:

  1. Timeline:


For more information or support, please contact:

[1] ECDC Country Support Strategy can be accessed at:

[2]Please note that the Centre’s resources (both financial and human) are limited. Should there be a surge in the volume of needs submitted, the Centre may not be able to respond to all expressed needs within one-year planning cycle.

[3] ECDC Disease Programmes are: 1. Antimicrobial Resistance and Health-care Infections (ARHAI), 2. Emerging and Vector-borne Diseases (EVD), 3. Food- and Waterborne Diseases (FWD), 4. HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Viral Hepatitis (HASH), 5. Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses (IRV), 6. Tuberculosis (TUB), and 7. Vaccine-preventable Diseases (VPD)

[4] Public Health Function specific domains of ECDC mandate: 1. communication, 2. microbiology, 3. preparedness and response, 4. training, 5. scientific advice coordination, 6. Surveillance, and 7. Threat detection, EWRS and IHR.

[5] It is desirable that the justification provides reference to any commitment of the country to the priority area at policy level, i.e. national action plan or other strategic documents.

[6] Methods can include capacity building activities (e.g. training, twinning, workshops, simulation exercise, etc.) as well as other technical supporttraditionally offered by the Centre as per its Founding Regulation (e.g. country visits, support to technical assessments, technical documents, production of guidance, literature reviews, tools, infographics, support to national campaigns etc).

[7] Please, indicate any urgencies or projected timelines and deadlines, including proposals for multiannual implementation i.e. implementation should take place during 2018 and 2019.