Internet References for:ANNUAL EDITIONS: Sociology 13/14, 41e
Internet References for:
ANNUAL EDITIONS: Sociology 13/14
Some websites continually change their structure and content, so the information listed here may not always be available.
General Sources
Intute: Social Sciences
Formerly SOSIG, this online catalog of Internet resources is relevant to social science education and research. Resources are selected by librarians or subject specialists.
Library of Congress
Examine this extensive website to learn about resource tools, library services/resources, exhibitions, and databases in many different subfields of sociology.
Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace
Prepared by Michael Kearl at TrinityUniversity, this extensive site provides essays, commentaries, data analyses, and links on death and dying, family, the sociology of time, social gerontology, social psychology, and more.
UNIT 1: Culture
Anthropology Resources Page
Many cultural topics can be accessed at this site from the University of South Dakota. Click on the links to find information on the differences and similarities in values and lifestyles among the world’s peoples.
Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
Through this part of the World Wide Web Virtual Library, you can conduct research into a number of human-rights topics in order to gain a greater understanding of issues affecting indigenous peoples in the modern era. The site also provides links to many other subjects related to sociology.
New American Studies Web
This eclectic site provides links to a wealth of resources on the Web related to American studies: gender studies, environment, race, and more. It is of great help when doing research in demography, genealogy, and population studies.
UNIT 2: Socialization and Social Control
Center for Leadership Studies
The Center for Leadership Studies (CLS) is organized for the research and development of the full range of leadership in individuals, teams, organizations, and communities.
Crime Times
This interesting site lists research reviews and other information regarding causes of criminal, violent, and psychopathic behavior. It is provided by the Wacker Foundation, publishers of Crime Times.
Ethics Updates/Lawrence Hinman
This site provides both simple concept definition and complex analysis of ethics, original treatises, and sophisticated search engine capability. Subject matter covers the gamut, from ethical theory to applied ethical venues. There are many opportunities for user input.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Use this site index of the National Institute of Drug Abuse for access to NIDA publications and communications, information on drug abuse, and links to other related websites.
UNIT 3: Groups and Roles in Transition
The Gallup Organization
Links to an extensive archive of public opinion poll results and special reports on a huge variety of topics related to American society are available on this Gallup Organization home page.
Marriage and Family Therapy
This site has links to numerous marriage and family therapy topics. Online directories, books, and articles are also available.
The North-South Institute
Searching this site of the North-South Institute—which works to strengthen international development cooperation and enhance gender and social equity—will help you find information on a variety of issues related to social transitions.
PsychNet/American Psychological Association
By exploring this site, you will be able to find links to an abundance of articles and other resources related to interpersonal relationships throughout the life span.
SocioSite: Feminism and Woman Issues
Open this enormous sociology site of the University of Amsterdam’s Sociological Institute to gain insights into a number of issues that affect both men and women. It provides biographies of women through history, an international network for women in the workplace, links to gay studies, affirmative action, family and children’s issues, and much more. Return to the site’s home page for many other sociological links.
UNIT 4: Stratification and Social Inequalities
American Scientist
Investigating this website of the American Scientist will help students of sociology to access a variety of articles and to explore issues and concepts related to race and gender.
Americans With DisabilitiesActDocumentCenter
This website, the Job Accommodation Network, contains copies of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and ADA regulations. This website also provides you with links to other Internet sources of information concerning disability issues.
Give Five
The Give Five website is a project of Independent Sector, a national coalition of foundations, voluntary organizations, and corporate giving programs working to encourage giving, volunteering, not-for-profit initiatives, and citizen action.
JointCenter for Poverty Research
Finding research information related to poverty is possible at this site. It provides working papers, answers to FAQs, and facts about who is poor in America. Welfare reform is also addressed.
NAACP Online: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
The principal objective of the NAACP is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of minority group citizens in the United States.
UNIT 5: Social Institutions: Issues, Crises, and Changes
Center for the Study of Group Processes
The mission of the Center for the Study of Group Processes includes promoting basic research in the field of group processes and enhancing the professional development of faculty and students in the field of group processes.
International Labour Organization (ILO)
ILO’s home page leads to links that describe the goals of the organization and summarizes international labor standards and human rights. Its official UN website locator can point to many other useful resources.
The project on Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector (IRIS) aims to understand transitional and developing economies. Examine this site to learn about research into government institutions and policies that helps to promote successful economic change in the global age.
NationalCenter for Policy Analysis
Through this site, you can reach links that provide discussions of an array of topics that are of major interest in the study of American politics and government from a sociological perspective, including regulatory policy, affirmative action, and income.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Consult this site for links to extensive health information and scientific resources of interest to sociologists from the NIH, one of the eight health agencies of the Public Health Service.
UNIT 6: Social Change and the Future
Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
Through this part of the World Wide Web Virtual Library, you can conduct research into a number of human-rights concerns around the world. The site also provides links to many other subjects related to important social issues.
The Hunger Project
Browse through this nonprofit organization’s site to explore how it tries to achieve its goal: the end to global hunger through leadership at all levels of society. The Hunger Project contends that the persistence of hunger is at the heart of the major security issues threatening our planet.
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
Consult this home page of UNEP for links to environmental topics of critical concern to sociologists. The site will direct you to useful databases and global resource information.
William Davidson Institute
The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School is dedicated to the understanding and promotion of economic transition. Consult this site for discussion of topics related to the changing global economy and the effects of globalization in general.