A.  Reconvene from Work Session to Regular Business Meeting

B.  Establishment of a Quorum

C.  Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

D.  Approval of Agenda

E.  Approval of Minutes*

F.  Approval of Claims*

G.  Announcements: Presentation of Resolution to Berkeley Jones

H.  Public Comment

I.  VDOT – Road Matters

J. Public Hearing Beginning at 7:15 P.M.

1. Issuance of Buckingham County Wastewater Facility Bonds*

2. Buckingham County Mobile Home Park Ordinance Revisions*

K. Zoning Matters, Rebecca S. Cobb, Zoning Administrator/Planner

1. Comprehensive Plan and Ordinances- Proposed Request for Proposals*

2. Introduction: Private Airstrip -13-SUP-220*

L. Presentations

There are no presentations scheduled.

M. Committee/Commission/Agency/Department/Reports/Requests/Appointments

1. Water/Wastewater Department:

A. Consider Paying off an existing Debt in the amount of

$345,706.81 from the Water Enterprise Fund*

B. Consider Proposed Mutual Agreement to be Presented for the Consideration of the

Buckingham County Industrial Authority and the Buckingham County Sewer System

For financial assistance in paying the Sewer Upgrade Debt Service Payment*

2. Consider Appointments/Reappointments to the Industrial Development Authority*

3. Karl Carter, Assistant County Administrator: Appropriations

A. Anti-Litter Task Force: Appropriation of Anti-Litter Grant in the Amount of $6,867.00*

B. Appropriation of $15,408.00 State Library Grants for the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office*

N. Other Matters for Board Consideration

1. Consider Scheduling a Public Hearing for Revisions and Reinstatement of the Buckingham

County Ordinance to Provide Real Estate Tax Stabilization for Qualified Elderly and

Disabled Persons*

O. County Attorney Matters

P. County Administrator’s Report

1. Senator Garrett’s Office Advised they will get back to us with dates for a meeting with

Senator Garrett.

2. Sensus USA, Inc. – Sole Source Capability with our Water Meters. *

3. Update on Start Up of New Water Treatment Facility (will provide during the meeting as

Tests and Inspections take place daily)

4. Dillwyn Christmas Parade*

5. 23rd Annual Community Tree Lighting Ceremony*

Q. Information

1. October 2013 Building Permit Report*

2. Comcast Increase in Reactivation Fee*

R. Other Board Matters

S. Executive Closed Session

Section 2.2.3711.A.7. – Consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to actual or probable litigation, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the public body; and consultation with legal counsel employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel.

T. Return to Regular Session

V. Certification that to the Best of each Board Member’s Knowledge only Public Business Matters as were identified by the Motion by which the Closed Executive Meeting was convened were Heard, Discussed or Considered in the Executive Closed Session

U. Adjournment

*Denotes Items with Attachments