Call for Papers

Legal Aspects of Sustainable Natural Resources

The Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) is calling for papers featuring cutting edge research for its new Working Paper Series on "Legal Aspects of Indigenous Sustainable Management of Natural Resources." The Working Paper Series will bepeer-reviewed and edited by Dr. Konstantia Koutouki, professor at the Université de Montréal, faculty of law and CISDL Lead Counsel for Natural Resources.

The vital relationship between Indigenous Peoples and the natural environment is steadily being accepted in international law through such important legal instruments as the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the ILO Convention 169 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples. A concrete example of how international law can promote sustainable development in Indigenous communities would be the recognition and application of the legal aspects of sustainable management of natural resources in Indigenous lands using traditional and other methods. This would lead to empowerment for Indigenous communities in the promotion and advancement of their culture, economy, and the health and welfare of community members.

With this Working Paper Series on "Legal Aspects of Indigenous Sustainable Management of Natural Resources," the CISDLaims to encourage new and rigorous scholarship of compelling interest to scholars and policy-makers active in relevant fields. Contributions should focus on the law and policy aspects of different pillars of Indigenous sustainable management of natural resources. Interdisciplinary contributions are especially welcomed.

Selected working papers will be posted on the CISDL website and will be launched at a conference on Indigenous Peoples and International Law to be held at Cambridge University in September 2011. The working papers may also be collected into a book to be published at a later date.

Submissions of abstracts will be accepted on a rolling basis until June 15, 2011.Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts as soon as possible to ensure paper eligibility and avoid overlap between different papers in the Working Paper Series. Full papers should be submitted by 1 August 2011.Full papers submitted before the deadline will be reviewed and posted on the CISDL website when they are received. Papers should not have been published elsewhere before being submitted to the Working Paper Series. Inclusion in theWorking Paper Series does not preclude future publication elsewhere however.

Abstracts submitted for inclusion in the Working Paper Series should be submitted as Microsoft Word Documents and should:

-include a 500 word abstract and a50 word biography of the author;

-be formatted inTimes New Roman, 12-point font, with single spacing; and

-include footnotes formatted in accordance with the style guide of the European Journal of International Law (available at:

All abstracts should be submitted to CISDL Associate Fellow Nicole Matip at .