7th Grade Spanish Immersion Social Science – Medieval History

Teacher: Cristina Hernandez Avalos

email: Room # 427

Dear parents/guardians,

Welcome to an exciting year of 7th grade social science!

This year your child will learn about:

  • The fall of the Roman Empire
  • The development of feudalism
  • The development and legacy of Christianity
  • The Renaissance
  • The Scientific Revolution
  • The Enlightenment
  • The development and legacy of Islam
  • Medieval African civilizations
  • Medieval China
  • Medieval Japan
  • Early Mesoamerican civilizations
  • Aztec and Incan Civilizations

As you can see this is a rather ambitious set of goals but with hard work and dedication I am confident that each student can excel to reach his/her learning objectives.

Rules and Procedures

In an effort to establish a safe and comfortable learning environment for ALL students, I have established a set of rules and guidelines. The rules of the classroom are very simple yet extremely important to follow EVERYDAY:

1)Be respectful to the teacher, fellow students and visitors - please refrain from non-constructive criticism, teasing, belittling and offensive comments or gestures.

2)Be respectful of others personal space and property.

3)Listen to the teacher and peers quietly and attentively.

4)Participate actively in class by raising your hand to ask/respond to questions or contribute to class discussions.

5)Take responsibility for your actions and performance

Rules Enforcement

Violation of these rules will result in ONE warning. Continued violation of the rules will result in written warning with student-teacher conference after class to discuss the situation. Continued violation of class rules will result in parent notification via email or phone call, loss of class privileges, detention and/or possible referral to administrative team.

Class Expectations

Students are expected to arrive to class on time (as a general rule this means you are ready to work when the bell rings)and complete ALL assignments on time. Students (not parents) are responsible for contacting me (in person or via e-mail) if there is a problem completing an assignment on time. Students should use time-trackers provided to write down all assignments, tests and projects.

Late Work

All work must be turned in on time for full credit. Students will receive two (2) late passes at the beginning of each semester. They may use these passes at any point during the semester. COMPLETED late work with pass will be graded at 80%. No incomplete late work will be accepted. No late work after the end of the unit test will be accepted. No more than two late assignments accepted for credit per semester. If a student does not have any missing assignments and has not use the late passes, they may turn those in for extra credit two weeks before the end of each semester.

Absentee Work

All students are required to make-up work after an absence in the number of days they were absent. For example, if a student is absent for 2 days, they have 2 days to complete all missed work for full credit. Students must make up an exam within a week of returning to school. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule the exam.

Student Supplies

All students are expected to arrive to every class prepared with the following supplies:

  • Working pencil
  • Blue or Black Pen
  • Paper
  • Time-Tracker (provided)
  • Interactive Notebook (70-100 page, college ruled preferred)

If your student already hasall or some of these or can easily access them, please have him/her bring them by Monday August 29, 2016. If you have any extra at home, feel free to send them my way. If you need assistance securing these supplies please know that they will be provided to you on or around Monday August 20, 2016. Please let me know if you have any concerns about this list. A lengthier list of suggested supplies will be attached. Those items are recommended, but not required.


Students will have opportunities to demonstrate their progress through a variety ofassessments. In addition to traditional tests/quizzes, students will be required to apply their skills and understanding in the form of creative projects, presentations, historical source analysis, and writing assignments. These projects will include aspects of art, music, literature, public speaking, and/or multi-media/technology.

Furthermore, a series of formative assessments will be given. These will not affect grade, but it is important that students and parents are aware of the results as they may indicate areas that a student needs to focus on to achieve the learning objectives.

All assessments labeled “common” have been developed by the 7th grade social science team and all 7th grade students will take them.

Students may retake quizzes and tests once ONLY if student demonstrates additional preparation. This may include attending targeted PAWs sections or completing additional work. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they understand what acceptable additional preparation is required, it may change depending on the standard covered.

Grades Breakdown

1)Homework 10%

2)Classwork (including notes, warm-ups and exit tickets)20%

3)Participation (including the frequent use of Spanish in class) 10%

4)Historical Document Analysis10%

5)Quizzes 20%


Important *** WHILE EXTRA-CREDIT IS AVAILABLE IT WILL NOT BE AWARDED IN LIEU OF REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS AND IT WILL NOT BE PROVIDED PER STUDENT REQUEST. It will mostly consist of additional questions on tests and extensions on classroom projects. Occasionally, it will result from classroom discussions or questions.

Grade Scale

A+97.5% +

A 93.5 - 97.4

A- 89.5 - 93.4

B+ 87.5 – 89.4

B 83.5 - 87.4

B - 79.5 – 83.4

C+ 77.5 - 79.4

C 73.5 - 77.4

C- 69.5 - 73.4

D+ 67.5 – 69.4

D 63.5 - 67.4

Please keep this letter as a reference and feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns.

Please sign, remove and return the attached paper indicating that you have read and understand the class syllabus.

D- 59.5 – 63.4

F59.4 -

I have read the class syllabus and understand the course expectations and requirements for 7th Grade Social Science (Spanish Immersion). Also, I will keep the syllabus for reference throughout the course.

Print Student’s Full Name ______Student’s Signature______

Print Parent/Guardian’s Name/s______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature/s______

Parent’s phone number: ______May I call? Yes/No Text Yes/No

Secondary phone number: ______May I call? Yes/No Text Yes/No

Parents email address/es: ______

Home address: ______

If I need to contact a parent or guardian, which method do you prefer? ______

Student’s birthday: Month: ______Day: ____ Student’s primary language: ______

Languages spoken at home (most used first): ______

Anything else I should know about your child on the first week of school: ______

______Any questions or concerns: ______



If you would be interested in volunteering please check here [] and provide as much information as possible:

When would you be able to volunteer:______

Are you cleared with the district as a volunteer? Yes / No / Don’t Know

Do you speak Spanish? Yes/ No Do you write Spanish? Yes/No Do you read Spanish? Yes/ No

Do you have a particular interest/expertise in the units mentioned in the syllabus? If so, which one/s: ______

Do you speak/write/read: Arabic/ Chinese/Japanese/Native American Languages/Latin

Any other ideas?______

Due date: ______