
Oregon Joint Use Association

Publicity and Education Committee

Meeting Minutes

August 9, 2010

OJUA Publicity & Education Committee

Minutes of August 9, 2010, Meeting


Members Present

Stuart Sloan, (Chair) Consumers Power
Dan McGraw, (Vice-Chair) Qwest

Steve Ross, PGE

Colin Cavasher, PacifiCorp


Diana Winchester, Qwest

Michelle Green, Turning Technologies

Members Not Present

Dawna Farrell, Comcast

John Griebling, Osmose


Sharon Black

OJUA Publicity & Education Committee

Minutes of August 9, 2010, Meeting


Call to Order

Chair Sloan called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

The Committee reviewed the minutes of June 7, 2010.

Motion: moved by Steve Ross and seconded Colin Cavasher to approve the minutes of the June 7, 2010 meeting. Motion passed.

2010 Spring Training

Staff toured Embassy Suites Hotel, Holiday Inn, and Monarch for comparisons with the Sheraton.

Committee agreed to continue the Spring Training for 2011 at the Sheraton at the Portland Airport.

Committee is awaiting a proposal from Dave Marne. Chair Sloan will contact Dave if we haven’t received his proposal by September.

Request for photos of violations is a work in progress. When complete staff will place on OJUA letterhead and email to membership.

Annual Meeting-Giveaways

Committee is working on the padfolios for the Annual Meeting.

Staff will request a mock up of the padfolios with the OJUA logo and electronically send to committee members for approval.

New Business

Michelle Green with Turning Technologies, LLC. Presented to the committee a system by which we can incorporate the “Jeopardy Game” into our Spring Training. With this system we would have the ability to poll attendees for evaluations, and multiple other uses, while retaining information on demographics, age groups, etc. The software is free to download, the thumb drive is $495. And the individual key pads are $49. each. That is to non-profit organizations. The company does have the ability to rent out their equipment: thumb drive is $495. (they will assist with all the data on the thumb drive), and the key pads are $4. each.

Action Items

Staff – When request for photos letter is completed, staff will place on OJUA letterhead and email to membership.

Chair Sloan – contact Dave Marne for proposal for Spring Training 2011 if not received by September.

Staff will request a mock up of padfolio with OJUA logo for committee approval.

Discretionary Fund

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 13, 2010 10:00 a.m. at the OJUA Office in Salem


There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

OJUA Publicity & Education Committee

Minutes of August 9, 2010, Meeting