A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Technology and Livelihood Education

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the different styles of napkin folding.

2. Perform the different styles of napkin folding

3. Appreciate the importance different styles of napkin folding.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Table Napkin Folding

B. Reference: Household Services Module, pages 340-344

C. Materials: Chalk, Pictures, Cartolina

Values Integration: Cooperation, Participation, Patience, Responsibility

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity / Student’s Activity
A.  Preparation
a.1 Daily Routine:
1. Opening Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of classroom environment
4. Checking of attendance
5. Review of past Lesson
B.  Motivation
Showing different styles of napkin folding and followed by asking question:
1.  Do you have any idea what is our topic for today?
Very Good!
2.  Where are usually seen this set-up?
3.  Who among you already know how to make this napkin folds?
C.  Presentation
Today we are going to learn about ways of different kinds of napkin folding.
Any idea what is napkin folding?
Very Good! And also crisp, starched napkin folded in an interesting shape often makes dining more festive.
Do you have any idea what are the sizes of table napkin we use?
Very Good! It depends upon the uses of table napkin.
Example the tea napkin, breakfast table napkin and formal/ Dinner table napkin.
Any idea what is the size of table napkin we use in formal dinner?
Very good
Now let’s start with the:
1.  Candle
(The teacher demonstrate step by step and students read the instruction and will also follow)
Kindly read the step?
2.  Bird of Paradise
3.  Pyramid
4.  Standing Fan
5.  Bishop’s Hat Napkin

6.  The Crown

/ Yes mam, about Napkin folding
In table setting
Napkin folding is the art of folding table napkins for neatness and beauty uses.
3 different sizes: small, medium and large.
20”x 20” square
1.  Fold the napkin in half diagonally.
2.  Fold up the bottom edge about one inch.
3.  Turn the napkin over and roll it up firmly lightly.
4. Stand the candle.
1.  Fold the napkin in quarters.
2.  Place it so the free corners are at the bottom, then fold it in half diagonally to form a triangle with the free corners on top.
3.  Hold your finger on top corner as you fold first the right side to the center.
4.  Fold the lower points under the napkin.
5.  Fold the triangle in half by bringing the left side under the right side. The center fold will open slightly.
6.  Lay the napkin down so the corner points are on top holding the broad end of the napkin with one hand, pull up the four corner points to form petals.
1.  Fold the napkin in half diagonally to form a triangle
2.  Place the folded edge at the top.
3.  Fold down the right point to the bottom point.
4.  Fold down the left point to the bottom point.
5.  Fold the napkin in half by bringing the bottom point under the top point. To make it stand, lift the napkin at the center of the bottom edge so it rests on the two side edges.
1.  Fold the napkin in half to make a rectangle.
2.  Fold the napkin into one-inch accordion pleats, leaving the last four inches unfolded.
3.  Fold in half, with the pleats on the outside.
4.  Fold up the bottom left corner and tuck it into the pleats. Then stand the napkin up so the pleats form fan.
1.  Fold napkin in half making a rectangle.
2.  Fold corners to create a parallelogram.
3.  Turn napkin over lengthwise.
4.  Fold up from bottom onto itself.
5.  Pull right tip down from under.
6.  Bring corners together tucking one into the other.
7.  Open base of fold and stand upright.
1.  Fold napkin in half diagonally.
2.  Fold corners to meet at the top point.
3.  Fold bottom point 2/3 way to top and fold back onto itself.
4.  Turn Napkin over bringing corners together, tucking one into the other.
5.  Peel two top corners to make crown. Open base of fold and stand upright.

IV. Generalization:

1.  What is Napkin Folding?

2.  What size of table napkin use in formal dinner?

3.  What are the different styles of napkin folding you’ve learned?

V. Application:

Students will practice and perform different kinds of napkin folds as many as they can and only in 2 minutes.

VI. Evaluation:

In evaluating your Napkin Folds is guided with the score of the following:


1 = Needs Improvement

5 = Best

Criteria / Scores
5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Number of Napkin Folds
Crisp, neat folds
Visual appeal
Demonstration fold same as display
Total Score

VII. Assignment:

1.  What is silverware?

2.  Give some care of silverware.

3.  Cut pictures of silverware.

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