Other Revelations
Just as the birth of a child is an entrance into light, literally speaking, and the beginning of an entirely new way of life, so each successive initiation is in an exactly similar manner an entrance into light, involving the revelation of a different world to the one hitherto known, and the undergoing of entirely new experiences. RI 664
It should here be pointed out that individualization is a crisis and not an unfoldment. This is of real importance and should be borne in mind in all consideration of this difficult subject. It is the result of development, but such development need not lead to this particular crisis. What causes this crisis in the lives of souls remains as yet hidden in the consciousness of the planetary Logos and is only revealed at initiation. EP2 212
When I here use the word "soul" I refer not only to the individual soul of man but to the soul also of the planetary Logos, both of which are the result of the union of spirit and matter, of the Father aspect and the Mother aspect. This is a great mystery which only initiation can reveal. EH 158
Yet, the questions, What is Life? or What is Energy? or What is the process of Becoming and the nature of Being? remain unanswered. The problem as to the Why and the Wherefore is regarded as fruitless and speculative and almost insoluble.
Nevertheless, through pure reason, and through the correct functioning of the intuition these problems can be solved and these questions answered. Their solution is one of the ordinary revelations and attainments of initiation. WM 450-451
This is one of the great revelations at initiation: the unveiling to the initiate of the particular cosmic center whence emanates the type of force or energy which he, the initiate, will be concerned with when he becomes in due course of time a solar Pitri, or divine manasaputra to coming humanity. CF 881-882
Sagittarius coming between Capricorn and Aquarius. This is a temporary emphasis and will change in another world cycle. This is one of the mysteries revealed at Initiation. EA 35
Later, another Pole Star will take the place of Polaris, owing to the interplay of forces in the universe and the general shift and movement. But the name and quality of this star will only be revealed at initiation. EA 197
Every Cross has its exoteric significance and with this all astrologers are somewhat familiar; it has also its esoteric meaning and import and this is as yet an untried field of investigation; and it has its spiritual importance, and this of course is only revealed at the major initiations. EA 336
A man will reincarnate again and again in the various subraces of a root race until a certain cycle has been covered; then he may undergo a pralayic condition until in a later (and sometimes much later) root race he will respond to its vibratory call, and the egoic impulse to incarnate will again be felt. In illustration of this, we should bear in mind that the more advanced humanity of today did not incarnate until the fourth root race. These cycles are one of the mysteries of initiation, though one of the earlier mysteries, and are revealed at the second initiation as they enable the initiate to comprehend his position, to see somewhat the nature of the karmic impulse, and to read his own record in the astral light. CF 738
It is not possible to enlarge upon the underlying truth which is hidden in the karmic history of our planetary Logos, and is revealed as part of the teaching given to initiates of the second degree. CF 893
...one of the mysteries revealed at initiation is that of the logoic center which our scheme represents, and the type of electrical fire which is flowing through it. The "Seven Brothers," or the seven types of fohatic force, express Themselves through the seven centers, and the One Who is animating our scheme stands revealed at the third Initiation. CF 358
What will be the objective and the consummation of the activity of the Cardinal Cross during the next solar system is hidden in the revelation which comes to the man who has taken the third initiation. It is connected naturally with the Spirit or first aspect of divinity, or with the Monad and with the expression of the divine consciousness. Until a man has, however, taken this initiation, he profits not from anything that I could tell him in this connection. For its impartation also, words are useless and in fact do not exist. EA 279-280
We are now to touch upon the profoundest mystery of the whole manifested solar system--the mystery spoken of by H. P. B. as the mystery of electricity. It is intimately connected with the life of God as demonstrated through His seven Centers, the seven Heavenly Men, the Divine Manasaputras. This problem is not soluble as yet exoterically and but little can be revealed to the general public. This is for three reasons:
First, the stage reached by man does not permit of his correct apprehension of these abstractions.
Second, the greater part of the possible explanation is only revealed to initiates who have passed the third Initiation, and even to them in a carefully guarded manner. CF 259
The omnipresence of divinity within all forms pours in upon the consciousness of the initiate, and the mystery of time, space and electricity stands revealed. The major effect of this revelation (prior to the third initiation) is to bring to the disciple a realization of the "great heresy of separateness," as it focuses in him, the separated fully conscious individual--aware of his past, conscious now of his ray and its conditioning power, focused in his own aspiration, and yet part of the great whole of nature. RI 40
It is not easy for me to give more information concerning the moon and its phases, as it constitutes one of the major mysteries to be revealed at the third initiation. EH 342
Considering the same subject from below upwards it is the animal in the third kingdom which individualizes. Viewing it from above downwards it is the fifth kingdom, the spiritual, which ensouls the third and produces the fourth, or self-conscious human kingdom. These figures should be studied for they hold the mystery hid, and though the true occult meaning will not be revealed until the third major Initiation, nor fully comprehended until the fifth, yet light may stream in on a difficult point. CF 687-688
We might here note the fact that the word Ibez is literally in the nature of an acrostic veiling the true name of the planetary Logos of the earth, one of Whose principles is working in Sanat Kumara, making Him thus a direct incarnation of the planetary Logos and an expression of His divine consciousness. These four letters are the first letters of the real names of the four Avatars on the four globes of our earth chain who have embodied four of the divine principles. The letters I B E Z are not the true Sensar letters, if such an inaccurate expression can be used of an ideographic language, but are simply a Europeanized distortion. The true meaning is only conveyed at the fourth initiation when the nature of the planetary Logos is revealed and His four Avatars are definitely contacted through the direct mediatory work of Sanat Kumara. WM 379
The Lord of the World is, we are told, the sole repository of the will and the purpose of His overshadowing, cosmic soul. These two words--will and purpose--are not identical in meaning. Sanat Kumara and His Council at Shamballa are the only Beings upon our planet Who know just what is the nature of the divine purpose. It is Their function and obligation to work that purpose out into manifestation, and this They do by the use of the will. The will everimplements the purpose. The repository of the will aspect of man's innate divinity is to be found at the base of the spine; this can only function correctly and be the agent of the divine will after the third initiation. The head center is the one which is the custodian of the purpose; the center at the base of the spine indicates the will as it implements the purpose. The purpose is slowly, very slowly, revealed to the initiate during the final five initiations and this only becomes possible after the Initiation of Renunciation. RI 714-715
The word "revelation" is one that has been greatly misused by the mystics of the Church and of the great world religions; by them, its use is usually of a selfish nature and the concept implied is that revelation is the due reward, conceded to the mystic because of his struggles and his deep search for God. Then, suddenly, God is revealed to him; suddenly the Angel speaks; suddenly his search seems ended and reward in the form of revelation is accorded him. This procedure and sequence of events has been the ordinary form for centuries and all the time the idea of God Transcendent dominated religious thought. But the revelation accorded is, in reality, related (until the sixth Initiation) to God Immanent, to God in form, to God in the human heart, and to that veiled and hidden supreme Reality which motivates all existence and which is for ever consciousness aware of itself. Revelation is a progress of penetration: first into the Mind, then into the Heart, and lastly into the Purpose of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.
The agent of revelation is, for the first two initiations, the Soul and--for that reason--the first initiation is said to be (and with truth) the expression of the man's own inner divinity. This is the reason why these first two initiations are regarded as "initiations of the threshold." It is here that the work of the Christ or Whoever is the cyclic Head of the Hierarchy should be considered, working in cooperation with the Soul of the initiate upon the plane of the Soul, the mental plane; the Son of Mind is set free and then the higher initiations become possible. After that, the One Initiator can be faced or confronted step by step and revelation is accorded of the world soul, of the planetary consciousness--that of which the Soul or the individual consciousness is an integral part.
After the sixth Initiation of Decision, the revelation begins to shift on to cosmic levels and off the cosmic physical plane. A developed wisdom then grows in relation to God Transcendent. The initiate now has knowledge of God Immanent within the planetary sphere and can now add, to knowledge, wisdom and can learn to give correct and understanding interpretation to that which is being revealed to him, stage by stage, as he demonstrates that he is initiate. After the sixth initiation the initiate begins to penetrate, through his projected spiritual awareness, on to cosmic levels where he contacts unimagined revelations. DNA2 434
From the standpoint of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID, to Whom our solar system is but a center (which center being one of the three truths revealed at the seventh Initiation).... CF 847
Creativity was one of the three words which I gave you earlier (see page 340) in connection with this sixth initiation. The final four initiations are all distinguished by a "revelation in the living light." At the sixth initiation the Master is brought to an understanding of the nature of creation, of the reason for the intelligent manifestation of substantial forms and their creation to provide forms for Being and for Life, and of the quality of that which He--in the future--must and will create. At the seventh Initiation of Resurrection, He is accorded a revelation of the quality which must express itself through all created forms: the quality of love-wisdom which has animated our planetary Logos and is the basic quality of our entire solar system. In other spheres and in other solar systems and on other cosmic planes, other qualities, unknown to us, may be demonstrated by the appropriate initiates; but those who attain resurrection and liberation upon our planet will always be spiritually qualified by divine love, and that will also be the underlying quality of all that they may later create when freed from our planet. You can see, therefore, why the phrase "God is Love" is really our planetary keynote.
At the eighth Initiation of Transition the purpose of all our planetary activity is revealed to the Master, and all Masters or initiates of this eighth initiation (working either through the Hierarchy or in Shamballa) are needed at this initiation so as to stimulate the point of tension of the new initiate in order to make the revelation possible.
It might be said that They act like a lens through which the living light flows which makes the revelation possible, and They also fulfill the need of acting as a protecting factor. This protection is needed because at this initiation the initiate is shown not only the eternal good underlying planetary purpose, but he is allowed "to see that which is hidden behind the fast sealed door and be in touch with cosmic evil for it can no longer hurt him."...
At these three final initiations, therefore, the significance of creation, of quality and of purpose are successively revealed to the Master, and that which makes the revelation possible is not only the action of the One Initiator and of the initiating group (when such a group is required), but the major factor is the developed sensitivity of the initiate himself--a sensitivity which has developed through many aeons of lives and of vital experience.
The objective of the evolutionary process to which all lives on our planet have to submit has been to develop this sensitivity which will make revelation possible, and it might be said that (from one definite angle) the goal of all experience has been revelation--each revelation "carrying the initiate closer to the Heart of the Sun wherein all things are known and felt, and through which all forms, all beings and all things can be bathed in love." Ponder on these words, for the microcosmic correspondence to the macrocosmic fact is full of teaching value. See to it that "each lesson learned each day, each revelation grasped and understood, makes your heart full of love and enables you to love your fellowmen with ardent, fiery warmth." I am quoting some ancient aphorisms for disciples.
At the ninth Initiation of Refusal, the revelation presented to the Master concerns the nature of Being and of existence. There is naught I can say to you which could be in any way explanatory of Being, for Being is related to THAT which creates, to the universal point of planetary or solar Life which is, and has ever been, responsible for the life of all forms from the greatest manifestation to the smallest. When that revelation is accorded to the initiate, he for the first time receives his initial contact with what is called in the occult and esoteric books "the Central Spiritual Sun." He realizes for himself that those words concern a basic fact and are related to the purpose of the solar system, just as "the Heart of the Sun" revealed to him the quality of the solar system. When it is realized that our planetary purpose is mysteriously related to the revelation of love upon our little planet, the Earth, through the process of creation, the concept emerges that there is the probability that our planet has a unique relation to the Heart of the Sun. There are many hints for you in what I have said; they are hints to me also, only I can bring to their expansion into ascertained fact a wider knowledge than is as yet your possession. RI 726-728