Y10 Space Poster

What is a poster for?

Posters are designed to display information, they are usually made up of writing and pictures. Posters are designed to be eye catching,

Your poster

Here are some things you need to think about before you start your poster:

  1. What is your poster about? (there are some ideas further on in the booklet).


  1. Who is your poster for?

Key stage 3 pupils

GCSE pupils

  1. What will your poster be used for?


To summarise a topic

To encourage pupils to find out more.

  1. Poster Ideas: The planets.
  • This would be most useful for key stage 3 pupils.
  • You could briefly introduce all the planets or concentrate on a type or just one.

The Planets:










Information that you could include:

  • The size, temperature, number of days to orbit sun, hours in one day, distance from the sun.
  • Who it is named after.

Useful websites:

  1. The life cycle of a star.
  • This would be most useful for GCSE pupils.
  • You could describe each stage.

Life cycle of a star like the sun:

  1. Nebular collapses due to gravity.
  2. Forms a star like our sun.
  3. Expands to form a red giant.
  4. Outer layers of the stars drift away to for a dense white dwarf.

Life cycle of a star bigger than our sun:

  1. Large nebular collapses due to gravity.
  2. Forms a star bigger than our sun.
  3. Expands to form a Super-massive red giant.
  4. Red giant collapses violently in a supernova explosion.
  5. Super dense neutron star is formed.

Useful websites:

  1. Natural Satellites ( Comets, Asteroids, meteors).
  • This would be suitable for GCSE.
  • You could briefly explain each or describe one in detail and name famous ones.

A Comet

  • Comets are made up of ice and snow.
  • They are a few kilometres across.
  • They orbit the sun elliptically ( in a squashed circle)
  • They have a head called the nucleus which is surrounded by the coma (light reflected from the sun).
  • They have a tail which can be 150 Km long! This is made from dust particles.

An Asteroid

  • Asteroids are made up of rock and dirt.
  • They orbit the sun.
  • It is said to have been an asteroid that hit the Earth and wiped out the dinosaurs.


  • Meteors are usually small particles no larger than a grain of sand that enter our atmosphere.
  • Most will evaporate well before they hit the Earths surface but those who don’t are called Meteorites.

Useful websites

  1. The big Bang.
  • This would be useful to GCSE students.
  • You could describe the theory or compare it to other theories.
  • You could look at the evidence for it (red shift).

The theory.

  • It began with all the matter in the universe, as we know it today, began in a very tiny, hot and compacted point.
  • At the moment of the big bang, the point began expanding like a balloon.
  • Before the big bang, nothing existed, not even space. Space and time.
  • Galaxies observed from ground-based and space telescopes confirm that galaxies are moving away from the Earth.

Useful websites

How do I use Microsoft publisher?

1. Firstly we will log in as a class. You should have a screen that looks like this:

2. To add a title, click on INSERT scroll down to PICTURE and then WORD ART:

Choose the style you want click on it then type in your title.

Your title could be at the top, middle, diagonal any way you want.

  1. To add writing:

Click on INSERT then scroll down to TEXT BOX and click on it, draw your text box any size you want:

Write in your text box and move it anywhere you want.

To add colour to your text box double click on the border of your box and this box will appear:

Choose a colour and click on OK:

  1. To add a picture:

Choose the picture you want, right click on it and click on COPY.

Go into publisher, right click and click on PASTE

You can then move around your text and pictures to where you want them:

  1. To colour the background:

Click on the rectangle at the side of the screen:

Draw a square over the full size of the paper:

Right click and click on FORMAT AUTOSHAPE

Choose fill colour and click on OK:

Your poster then may look like this:

Right click on the page click on ORDER and then SEND TO BACK.

Then your poster should look something like this:

Experiment with all the things you can do and have fun!