For Current Employees


Your classification is represented by Local 258 of AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) along with approximately1050 other workers in clerical, technical, trades and service jobs with the ElkGroveUnifiedSchool District. You may not realize that you are currently an Agency Fee Payer with the Union, not a full Union Member.

Local 258 will represent you on all matters covered by our contract, by negotiating the best contract we can and enforcing it through the contract’s grievance procedure. But there are many areas beyond the contract that Union Members are represented in and that Agency Fee Payers just don’t receive. What will happen to your health benefits and their costs, and whether there will be more wage and benefit concessions are two issues in which Agency Fee Payers don’t have a say.

In assessing the relative merits of remaining an Agency Fee Payer – especially at a time like this – versus joining Local 258 and becoming a full Member, you might want to consider the following comparison of benefits of each status:

Union Agency Fee

Member Payer

Part of the Union effort in support of better conditions and rights for classified Yes No

staff - job security, wages, health benefits, seniority rights, fair treatment?

Surveyed on potential contract proposals? Yes Yes

Can vote to approve or reject the contract and other special issues? Yes No

Access to basic Union enforcement of the contract? Yes Yes

Access to Union representation in all employment matters with the District Yes No

including the many issues that fall outside the contract?

Have a say in the Union’s decision-making process on important issues that arise Yes No

during the contract term including EGBERT, health benefits, lottery issues, etc.?

Can vote on who will represent you in the workplace (Stewards) as well as who Yes No

will serve as Union Officers and lead negotiating efforts on your behalf?

Can serve as Steward, Officer, committee member, negotiating team member, and Yes No

represent fellow members on critical issues?

Access to Union counseling and advice regarding work-related injuries – referral Yes No

to a Worker’s Compensation Attorney?

Access to various discount benefits available to members only, including personal Yes No

legal consult, loans and credit card, scholarship programs for members and families?

Membership Matters – We’re Stronger Together! Join Local 258 Today! Contact us at 686-6633 or