Ocean Energy in the United States: Closing the Achievement Gap
Karen Blixen said that “the cure anything is salt water.” In 1964, I doubt she understood the application of this statement to today’s energy crisis. The ocean is a mostly untapped source of predictable, clean energy. Governments and private companies around the world have recognized the potential for ocean energy to curb the environmental effects of energy production. Portugal and the United Kingdom in particular have implemented many ocean energy projects that now supply a significant portion of their country’s energy needs. However, the United States has lagged behind because the regulatory hurdles facing the implementation of these innovative technologies hinder proper development of ocean energy. The process is too complicated, and coordination or preemption of state law is necessary to facilitate development.
Marine hydrokinetic energy, also known as ocean energy, is the process of using hydrokinetic technology to harness the energy of moving water in the oceans, including waves, tides, and ocean currents. It differs from dams because it captures energy of moving water without the impoundment or diversion required by many conventional hydroelectric facilities. Ocean energy technology in 2010 is developmentallywhere wind power was in the 1980s. The current technology is capable of supplying between two and five percent of the world's current energy consumption and ten percent of the United States’ current consumption. The technology has on many different models and concepts, but few have made it to installation, as is common with emerging renewable technology.
The European Energy Association estimates that, globally, the oceans could yield more than five times the electricity the world uses in a year if only 0.1% of the ocean’s energy could be captured. This could be done if current technology was perfected. This enormous source of energy is particularly attractive because ocean energy production produces zero greenhouse gas emissions, making it much cleaner than traditional energy sources. It is also less aesthetically disruptive than giant wind turbines because they are much smaller. Tidal turbines can even be located beneath the ocean surface and cannot be seen or heard. Unlike dams, this technology does not involve restraining natural water flow which can drastically change the surrounding landscapes. Marine energy technology can interfere with marine life; however, the environmental impact has not been studied extensively. Technology can be places such that it doesn't interfere with migration routes or fishing areas. In some cases, these systems can create greater and more diverse marine life by creating artificial reefs.
Another important characteristic of ocean energy is its predictability and reliability. Unlike the wind, tides and waves can be predicted far in advance (days for waves, and centuries for tides). They also generally come only from one or two directions, so the machines used to capture this energy do not need to be as complex to capture energy from every direction. Additionally, water is 830 times denser than air; for a given electricity output, tidal turbines can be much smaller than equivalent wind turbines. The ocean holds a vast resource of non-polluting, endlessly renewable energy that should be explored to take advantage of its benefits.
Although the potential of ocean energy looks bright, there are significant hurdles, including regulatory costs, development costs, and potential environmental impact. The regulatory hurdles are discussed below. As with most new energy generators, there are high entry costs, which makes competition with mature technology particularly difficult. The cost of wave and tidal energy is between forty and fifty cents per kilowatt hour, while the average energy cost in the United States is about seven to eight cents per kilowatt hour. With the current cost over five times the price of electricity, cost reduction is important to success of ocean energy technology.
However, such cost reductions are often seen in emerging technology; for example, wind energy cost has fallen by eighty percent in the last twenty-five years. Wind energy was about 40 cents when initially developed, but is now at around seven cents per kilowatt hour; the same cost decrease is expectedwith marine energy technology.As ocean energy technology is about twenty-five years behind wind energy technology, competitive costs could result with time, new technology, and economies of scale with larger projects. Once the technology is in place, costs are limited to maintenance costs, as there are no input costs, such as coal.
Although the environmentally impact on our oceans appears minimal, ocean energy technology is so new and so diverse, no one is completely aware of the true effects on the environment. Additionally, the standards for environmental impact are higher than in the past due to increased environmental awareness. The full effect cannot be fully known without implementation. The potential impacts include: alteration to sediments and seabed, effects of noise and electromagnetic fields on marine animal behavior and migration, impact due to physical barriers on migration, toxicity of hydraulic chemicals and paint. As each technology may affect the environment differently and so few projects have been implemented at a full-scale, many environmental advocates fear that ocean energy projects could have a variety of adverse effects, including unforeseen effects.
There are a wide variety of devices designed to capture ocean energy, though few have reached implementation. Devices designed to capture wave energy typically havetwo or more independent parts of the device move relative to each other. At least one part is displaced by the waves and reacts with the other device, which moves pistons and create energy. Some wave energy converters. Some capture energy as waves crash over the device, while others take advantage of the energy produced by oscillation before waves break. This allows wave energy converters to be located many miles offshore.
One of the earliest successful wave energy converters is known as the Pelamis Wave Energy Converter. The converter resembles a sea snake which sits on water halfway submerged. It is six hundred feet long and thirteen feet in diameter. It produces energy as waves travel perpendicularly to the converter, swinging the individual portions of the snake about at the hinged joints; the joints move pistons within the snake which produces energy which is sent to shore through a seabed cable.
The Pelamis Converter has been successfully installed in Scotland and Portugal.Three machines are currently installed in Portugal, making it the first commercial wave farm with more than one device. Each converter can capture up to 750 kilowatt hours; although they usually capture between twenty-five and forty percent of the total capacity. It is designed to be deployed between two and fifteen miles off the coast. Developers of the Pelamis converter contend that the environmental effects are minimal because of the relatively slow movement of the device, the lack of toxic fluids or anti-fouling paint necessary to operate, and the negligible noise it creates. New Pelamis Converter projects are being considered at many locations in Europe and North America.
Tidal energy devices can be deployed in tidal zones, ocean currents, and river currents. They capture energy from the flow of water across or through a device which powers a generator without impounding or diverting the flow of the water. These devices operate like wind energy conversion devices work. They can be located entirely beneath the water’s surface so they do not interfere with navigation and produce no aesthetic disruption to the coast. In the past, particularly high tidal range and flow velocity was needed to extract energy; however, technological development has increased the number of places where this technology could be implemented.
One technology which has been successful is the OpenHydro tidal turbine. The OpenHydro system is a giant propeller which sits on the ocean floor and uses tidal currents to turn turbines which powers a motor and sends energy through a transmission line to the shore. Its design is unique because it is slow moving and has open center which decreases the impact on marine mammals. Successful OpenHydro projects have been implemented in Nova Scotia and Scotland. Expansion into France and Washington State is expected. The Pelamis Converter and the OpenHydro turbine are just two of the many devices that have been developed; however, few actually reach implementation due to cost and regulatory hurdles.
The Complex Regulatory Scheme in the United States
The United States lags behind European nations in the implementation of marine hydrokinetic technology. Although lesser tax subsidies and governmental investment play a part in this development gap, the complex regulatory process in the United States is the most significant problem facing implementation. Although the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) supports marine hydrokinetic development, multiple federal and state agencies have an interest in the permitting process. Coordination and preemption are necessary to facilitate proper development of marine hydrokinetic technology.
The regulatory process was designed over a half century ago for conventional hydroelectric plants and is not suited for advanced wave and tidal energy conversion technologies. Although FERC has responded to criticism from the industry, many federal and state agencies have veto power over these projects. Because approval is needed for so many sources, regulatory uncertainty inhibits developers’ ability to obtain capital.
To operate a marine hydrokinetic generation facility, the facility must obtain a lease and a permit. FERC has jurisdiction over the licensing process needed to obtain a permit for every marine hydrokinetic project, regardless of where it located. States have exclusive jurisdiction over the leasing process for projects located three nautical miles off the state’s coastline. For projects located on the outer continental shelf (the part of the continental shelf greater than three nautical miles from shore, where the state’s jurisdiction ends to approximately 200 nautical miles offshore), the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement(BOEMRE), formerly known as theMinerals Management Service(MMS) has exclusive jurisdiction to grant leases. BOEMRE is part of the Dept. of the Interior.
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 granted MMS this authority to develop offshore renewable projects, but limited the ability to obtain a lease to U.S. individuals and companies only. A lease is generally obtained prior to beginning the licensing procedure. A lease includes the exclusive property right to the water column and the ocean floor in the leased area and the right to an easement for transmission line if a FERC permit is obtained. It typically takes between one and two and a half years to obtain a lease. If only one party is seeking a lease for a particular location, the initial lease costs twenty-five cents and acre, plus annual rent. If multiple parties are interested in the location, the parties make a closed bid to determine the price and the winner of the lease.
Once the lease is obtained, FERC has jurisdiction under the Federal Power Act over all hydrokinetic projects to grant permits. Prior to 2008 all marine hydrokinetic projects were required to obtain a preliminary license and traditional license in order to construct and operate a project. The preliminary permit simply maintains priority of an application site for three years in order to conduct feasibility studies. However, it does not authorize any construction. It is often used with other licenses to reserve areas for future build-out of existing projects.
If the feasibility study produced good results, the developer would then need to obtain a traditional license which authorized construction and operation. The Federal Power Act requires that licenses “be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for developing a waterway for beneficial public purposes, including power; protection, mitigation, and enhancement of fish and wildlife; and other beneficial public uses.” The original permit is usually valid for fifty years, and requires re-licensure every thirty to fifty years. This process is extremely time consuming and costly. The permit requires an extensive environmental impact study, which is extremely difficult to do prior to implementation. Because the technology is so new, there are few environmental studies, so developers must start from scratch. Developers estimated that it took five years and millions of dollars to get an operational prototype in place under this licensing process. As of November 2010, no marine hydrokinetic had successfully obtained a traditional permit.
The traditional licensing process was criticized for requiring full formal licensing process prior to pilot testing because developers had to go through the whole process to do even a small prototype test. FERC responded to these criticisms and developed a conditioned license and a pilot project licensing procedure. The conditioned license grants a license pending actions by other regulatory agencies (usually environmental agencies). The goal of the conditioned license is to prevent delays in non-construction activities, such as raising capital. Once the conditions of the conditioned license have been fulfilled, the license then operates as the traditional license, which allows construction and operation. Although one conditioned license was granted to the Makah Bay Project (which is discussed below), the project was abandoned before the conditions were met.
Another very promising development by FERC was the implementation of Expedited Licensing for Pilot Hydrokinetic Projects. This was a further attempt by FERC to explore“ways to reduce the regulatory barriers to realize the amazing potential of this domestic renewable power source.” FERC’s goal was to meet the needs of entities testing the new technology (including grid interconnection) while minimizing environmental effects. The Pilot Permit allows developers to test new technologies, evaluate sites, and observe environmental effects while generating electricity. This short term license allows for FERC and other agencies’ input, and, if successful, allows for complete licensing in as little as six months.
The permit guards against environmental harm because the license is for limited energy production for a short time, and it requires a project shutdown and removal plan should regulators grow concerns about the impact. Although applicants are still expected to consult with affected federal, state, and local resource agencies, Indian tribes, non-governmental agencies, and members of the public in preparing a pilot project application, the pilot permit waives many of the requirements of the traditional permit. Some of these groups may still have veto power over the pilot project.
Developers recognize that FERC has implemented these changes to the licensing project to help the developers succeed. However, FERC regulations often aren't the problem; it is other federal agencies which require additional information or constrains. Because many of these projects are located on the Outer Continental Shelf (which is under federal jurisdiction), they are subject to these greater restraints than conventional power plants (which are largely regulated by the states). Currently, ten wave energy and seventeen tidal energy pilot permits have been granted, with a total capacity of over 5,000 megawatts.
The Makah Bay Wave Project
The failed Makah Bay Wave Project, developed by Finerva Renewables, Inc., illustrates the regulatory hurdles which developers in the United States face. It is the only marine hydrokinetic project to ever receive a conditioned license from FERC. The project was located in the Pacific Ocean in Makah Bay, several miles offshore of Waatch Point Clallam County, Washington. This area is part of a marine sanctuary. The project was expected to take up twenty-nine acres and produce 1,500 megawatts of energy annually. This can power about 130 homes.
The technology behind the project was the AquaBUOY, a steel wave energy converter with a mooring/anchoring system, an electrical connection system, and an almost 4 mile-long, direct current submarine transmission cable connecting from one of the AquaBuOY’s power cable to a shore station. Finerva initially planned for four 250-kilowatt hour rated steel wave energy conversion buoys, with the ability for further expansion.
After three years of attempting to obtain a traditional license, a five‐year conditioned license was issued by FERC on December 21, 2007. FERC allowed Finerva to obtain a conditioned license because full environmental evaluation was not yet complete. After 5 years, Finerva could convert the conditioned license into full license with fulfillment of conditions. Alla Weinstein, aFinerva executive commented that “permitting agencies were [un]familiar with our technology, so we had to create a permitting process as we went along.”