Bevan Commission Meeting
Date of meeting:Thursday 16th March 2017
Time of meeting: 08:30-16:00
Venue for meeting: School of Management, Swansea University Bay Campus
Version: v1.0
Present: / Name: / Identification:
Professor Sir Mansel Aylward / MA
Professor Bim Bhowmick / BB
Nygaire Bevan / NB
Mary Cowern / MC
Professor Trevor Jones / TJ
Juliet Luporini / JL
Professor Ewan Macdonald / EM
Chris Martin / CM
Professor John Wyn Owen / JWO
Professor Phil Routledge / PR
Sir Paul Williams / PW
Helen Howson (Director) / HH
Elizabeth Jones (Secretariat) / EJ
Apologies: / Name:
Sir Anthony Newman Taylor
Dame Carol Black
Dr Helen Patterson
Ann Lloyd
Professor Michael Marmot
Sir Ian Carruthers
Professor Andrew Morris
Lieutenant General (Retired) Louis Lillywhite
Fran Targett
Welcome and introductions
Sir Mansel Aylward / Professor Sir Mansel Aylward (MA) chaired the meeting. He welcomed Commissioners, and passed on his apologies for his absence during the last months.
MA thanked Chris Martin(CM) for Chairing the last meeting in MA’s absence.
Praise was given in recognition of the very busy and successful events leading up to Christmas, including:
  • the Bevan Innovation Hub – inaugural meeting
  • the Bevan Innovators Showcase event
  • the Bevan Plenary meeting
MA congratulated the team for their hard work and for winning the MediWales Award for Links with Industry, at the recent Awards ceremony in Cardiff.
MA thanked those who attended the Bevan Commission launch event the previous afternoon and the pre evening supper.
Commissioner Honours / MA announced the following Commissioners’ honours and passed on his sincerest congratulations to both in recognition of the outstanding honour they had received:
  • Lt General Louis Lillywhite - Master General of the Army Medical Services
  • Sir Paul Williams - appointment by His Royal Highness The Duke of
Gloucester as Grand Prior for Wales with effect from St. John’s Day, 24 June, 2017
Reflection on previous day’s events:
Bevan Commission Academy Official Launch and the Evaluation of the Bevan Innovators / MAopened with his reflections upon the previous day’s events.
He felt that the launch and the evening seminar both went exceptionally well and with very good attendance. He expressed his thanks and pride in the achievements of the Commission and the work if the Academy, particularly the Exemplars. He congratulated all involved for achieving such outstanding success, as demonstrated by Professor Nick Rich.
He then invited comments from the Commissioners.
Bevan Academy Launch , Wednesday 15th March:
Commissioners wished to thank Professor Nick Rich for his lecture on Bevan Innovators: Concept, Journey and Early Findings.
Several comments were received from Commissioners on the huge importance and uniquely significant research findings of the work of the Advocates.
After an in-depth discussion, it was agreed that the final report, once completed and the projects needed to be shared widely via extensive communication and media channels, thereby raising the profile of the Commission and its Academy.
A pre evening event, preceding the next plenary meeting in June should be arranged with a theme to help engage local public service leaders, third sector, academics and other partners supporting discussion around a prudent social model of health.
ACTION: Continue to work with business,academia and other partners to identify opportunities to strengthen research and evaluation of the already excellent progress made, including the health strand of the City Deal programme.
ACTION: Progress options for the pre-plenary event in North Wales
Minutes of the last meeting and declarations of interest/Action points
Sir Mansel Aylward / Minutes of the December meeting were approved, with a request for clarification on the attendance numbers for December’s event mentioned on page 2
All action points are complete.
There were no declarations of interest.
ACTION: Clarification of minute as above, number of attendees at December event.
ACTION: Invite Chief Medical Officer to the Plenary Meeting in North Wales in June.
Bevan Commission Work Plan Update/ Review
Helen Howson / Helen Howson (HH) presented the areas agreed to date and received formal approval of the work plan. Some discussion took place on global/ planetary health which was agreed to be included as an additional component.
It was clarified that the reports to Welsh Government on the work of the Commission was undertaken against 4 general objectives reflecting the total work of the Commission and it’s Academy.
The Commissioners recognised the need to ensure that the forward work programme should be aligned with the business plan
A discussion then took place around the next stage(s) of business planning. It was agreed that the plan for the next 3 - 5 years should include financial performance and income generation opportunities (at both national and international levels) to ensure planning for longer term financial security.
The longer term vision of the Commission was also discussed and consideration was given to the options for various delivery and financial models to support this. Work is currently underway by final year students reviewing future business model options for the Commission which will be used to inform its thinking on this.
ACTION: A business plan to be developed with a clear strategy for long term financial security
ACTION: JWO agreed to share a briefing paper entitled: “New Realities for Global Health People’s Wellbeing” and provide a list of other organisations addressing this
ACTION: JWO to providea short paper setting out further details on global health for further discussion in the future and also a short paragraph for inclusion into the priorities paper.
Quality Paper
Ewan MacDonald/ Sir Mansel Aylward / MA acknowledged and thanked Professor Don Berwick for his constructive feedback and comments which were noted for their significant importance. The paper was discussed at length and further amendments were suggested It was agreed that the paper should be published as a discussion document, subject to some final amendments raised in the meeting.
ACTION: HH to amend text to reflect the issues raised in the meeting.
ACTION: MA to write an accompanying note on the Quality Paper.
ACTION: The Quality Paper to be published on the website and via other media channels and included in discussions with HB / Trusts at the forthcoming meetings.
Publications Strategy & Communications Update
Helen Howson / HH introduced the draft publications strategy (paper tabled) which set out a number of potential options for the Bevan Commissions future publications HH invited discussion from Commissioners,welcoming comments on the type of future publications the Commission might wish to produce in the future and the part they might play in this.
The Commissioners felt the paper was helpful and endorsed the various approaches which should be determined at each stage.
They also endorsed the need for shorter and different styles of communications on varying topics such as that illustrated in the draft Prudent Focus (DNA) paper.
The Prudent Focus paper was very well received with a unanimous decision to test out the format as a standard for future papers.It was agreed that further detailed comments on its content would be sought before sharing more widely
ACTION: Retain and test out the format of the Prudent Focus paper for future papers.
ACTION: Gain feedback on content, finalise and publish the Prudent Focus paper via communications and media outlets, monitoring its impact in creating wider dialogue and action.
Future Prudent Model of Health paper and next steps
Helen Howson / A number of points were raised in addressing the future Prudent Model of Health, including;
  • Feedback from the Panel event in December which was summarised(report tabled)
  • Further feedback will be gathered from Health Boards and Trusts through the visits to further inform the final paper
  • Paper to be finalised before recess in July. The paper will be discussed more fully at the next meeting in June

Update on the Bevan Advocates
Helen Howson / HH provided an update on the Bevan Advocates who were meeting at the same time and will join the Commissioners for lunch. A short biography of the Advocates were circulated for information
All Commissioners agreed that the work being carried out by the Advocates was a great team effort with unprecedented enthusiasm; the Advocates’ future work is eagerly awaited.
An update was also provided on the work being carried out with the Women’s Institutes, as a wider social movement for change – a first meeting with representatives from all federations across Wales was planned for May. Dialogue had also taken place with the Community Health Councils.
Lunch with the Bevan Advocates / Commissioners retired to hold a working lunch with the Bevan Advocates.
Parliamentary Review of Health and Social Care
Sir Mansel Aylward
Discussion with Dr Ruth Hussey (Chair of the PR) by video conference / MA provided an introduction to the parliamentary review and provided a brief background to the review before the Commissioners were introduced via Skype, to Dr Ruth Hussey (RH).
RH gave a very informative presentation on the review and asked that the paper be circulated to Commissioners.
Some questions were received and responded to by RH, with the following actions agreed:
ACTION: Circulation of the Parliamentary Review of Health and Social Carecall for evidence papers.
ACTION: Circulation of the updated version of Prudent Model of Health to the Parliamentary Review once published
Prudent Healthcare Update
Helen Howson
Measure of success, IMTPs, HB visits and communications / HH updated upon a number of actions taking place on prudent healthcare. They included;
  • Prudent healthcare has now been included into the IMTP plans and each HB/Trust will need to ensure an update is included on their actions and progress in this area
  • A Prudent Healthcare Communication plan is being devised by NHS Confederation
  • Professor Marcus Longley is undertaking some research in this area – further details are currently being sought.
  • Prudent Healthcare will be included for discussion into the forthcoming visits to HB/Trusts
Discussion arose around engagement with Health Boards and Trusts. It was agreed that the meetings need to be well-prepared for in advance to gain the most benefit. Commissioners were encouraged to attend and to confirm their availability with Elizabeth Jones.
As part of the discussion, specific actions were agreed in relation to the logistical arrangements of the meetings themselves:
ACTION: Two issues to discuss with health boards were:
  1. the application of prudence
  2. the future models of prudent healthcare
ACTION: At least an hour and a half slot for meetings with health boards to ensure sufficient time for a quality, robust debate on prudent healthcare and the future model for health.
ACTION: Circulate dates of health board meetings to Commissioners and for them to confirm their attendance.
Bevan Commission Constitution
Mansel Aylward / MA talked through the proposed Bevan Commission Constitution document. The document which has been led by Fran Targett now reflects the Commissioners feedback from the last meeting.
Some discussion took place around the legality and jurisdiction of the Commission and its Constitution. It was agreed that further advice and counsel would be sought in order to be confident of the role and its legal status.MA agreed to circulate the document reflecting his own comments so that the document can be formally signed off.
ACTION: MA to add final comments to the draft Constitution document for circulation and approval to Commissioners.
ACTION: HH to link with Fran and seek further advice regarding the Commission’s status and Constitution and to engage with Swansea University in relation to its own governance model.
Future Directions and ways of working
Mansel Aylward and Helen Howson / MA discussed the future membership of the Commission.
Some replacements were needed as a number of members had recently resigned. These included Tony Callard, ElizabethRobbe, Ruth Duneen,
Some members had not attended for some time (Clare Gerada, Sir Ian Caruthers) and the Chair should write to these outlining the position, consistent with the Constitution. Members were asked to give some thought to potential replacement members who would need to be set in place.
ACTION: Chair to write to those members who had not attended for some time
A discussion then arose around the links between membership and the constitution: the Commission’s academic freedom and the connections to Swansea University’s governance were highlighted. The need for sound governance and the option of a possible ethics committee was discussed.
The role of Communications Officer is currently being recruited. A discussion took place around the importance of this role and its relevance to the wider audience of the Academy’s research and findings on national and international levels.
Other matters also discussed which related to the future sustainability of the Bevan Commission included:
  • Bevan business plan outlining it proposals for future sustainability
  • Student paper – presenting further options for its sustainability including SME and registered charity etc.
  • Bevan Trust Fund - establishing a Bevan trust Fund
  • Leadership Masters - jointly undertaking this with Swansea University where fees/ income would be shared
  • Bevan Ambassadors
The subject of Bevan Ambassadors was explained by MA. A meeting with Michael Sheen is being set up to consider the how the Commission might work with MS and other potential Ambassadors in the future.
Future Conference / Meetings - Mansel Aylward/ Helen Howson
AOB / Future events were discussed, including the National Conference on the 14th September at Swansea University’s Great Hall and the Plenary meeting on the following day, 15th September. Sir Michael Marmott is a confirmed speaker at the conference.
It was noted that the next Plenary meeting will be held in North Wales on Anglesey on the 14th June.
Other meeting dates included;
14th September Conference / 15th September Meeting Swansea
8th December Meeting Cardiff
ACTION: Circulation of events calendar to Commissioners.
ACTION: Commissioners to confirm attendance at all future events, most crucially the National Conference in September.


Reoccurring Actions
Action / Who By / Completion date
A1 / Once signed off upload previous meeting minutes to web site / Secretariat / Following each plenary meeting
A2 / Produce meeting minutes / Secretariat / Following each plenary meeting
A3 / Produce quarterly report based and upload to web / Secretariat / Following each plenary meeting
Completed Actions
MA1 / May 2015 / Circulate a list of innovative practices within Wales to the Commission once completed by Welsh Government. / Secretariat / October 2016 / CM to follow up on Innovative Practice in Wales with Innovation Cymru and report back. / On-going
SEP1 / Sept 2016 / Distribute introductory prudent film used at conference to NHS Chairs and Chief Execs / HH / Dec 2016 / Cannot do this yet as film is being re-edited
Update – film received an distributed
SEP2 / Sept 2016 / Review engagement with local and national politician in Wales. / Secretariat / On-going.
Only Labour so far
DEC1 / Dec 2016 / Highlight Bevan Exemplar work for widespread adoption / SC, HH / Feb 2016 / HH to met with Andrew Goodhall to discuss
DEC2 / Dec 2016 / Explore links with Health Economists / finance to support Bevan Academy / SC HH / HH met with Both
DEC3 / Dec 2016 / Re-circulate Innovation Hub agreement to Commissioners. / Secretariat / Completed
DEC4 / Dec 2016 / Circulate the New strategy of digital health. / Secretariat / Completed
DEC5 / Dec 2016 / Invite CMO to next meeting. / HH / Completed but CMO not available
DEC6 / Dec 2016 / Send out Nick Rich presentation, and once received send out the report / Secretariat / Completed
DEC7 / Dec 2016 / Commissioners to comment on Social Model Paper 1 within the next 2 weeks. / All / Discussed at June BC Meeting
DEC8 / Dec 2016 / Final draft of Social Model Paper 2 to be on-going. / Discussed at June BC Meeting
DEC9 / Dec 2016 / Recirculate David Jenkins workforce report to Commissioners. / Secretariat / Completed
DEC10 / Dec 2016 / Quality Assurance paper to be shared electronically and finalised. / HH/LL/EMC / Discussed at June BC Meeting
DEC11 / Dec 2016 / FT and HH to reflect and amend constitution / FT/HH / Completed
DEC12 / Dec 2016 / Explore the online storage of documents to facilitate communication with Commissioners / HH/LL/EMC / Ongoing, related to implementation of new website
DEC13 / Dec 2016 / List of student research projects to be circulated / TP / Completed
DEC14 / Dec 2016 / Summary report from Exemplar showcase to be circulated / Secretariat / Completed
DEC15 / Dec 2016 / circulate press release for the Medi Wales Award / Secretariat / Completed
New Actions
No / Date Created / Action / Who By / Proposed Completion Date / Comments / Status
MAR1 / Mar 17 / Continue to work with business, academia and other partners to identify opportunities to strengthen research and evaluation of the already excellent progress made, including the health strand of the City Deal programme / Secretariat / Ongoing
MAR2 / Mar 17 / Progress options for the pre-plenary event in North Wales / Secretariat / Completed
MAR3 / Mar 17 / A business plan to be developed with a clear strategy for long term financial security / Secretariat / For discussion at June BC Meeting
MAR4 / Mar 17 / JWO agreed to share a briefing paper entitled: “New Realities for Global Health People’s Wellbeing” and provide a list of other organisations addressing this / JWO / Completed for June meeting
MAR5 / Mar 17 / JWO to provide a short paper setting out further details on global health for further discussion in the future and also a short paragraph for inclusion into the priorities paper / JWO / Completed for June meeting
MAR6 / Mar 17 / HH to amend text to reflect the issues raised in the meeting. / HH / Completed
MAR7 / Mar 17 / MA to write an accompanying note on the Quality Paper / MA / Completed
MAR8 / Mar 17 / The Quality Paper to be published on the website and via other media channels and included in discussions with HB / Trusts at the forthcoming meetings / Secretariat / ISBNs purchased and paperwill be publishedwhen approved.
MAR9 / Mar 17 / Retain and test out the format of the Prudent Focus paper for future papers / Secretariat / Discussed at June BC Meeting
MAR10 / Mar 17 / Gain feedback on content, finalise and publish the Prudent Focus paper via communications and media outlets, monitoring its impact in creating wider dialogue and action / Secretariat / Discussed at June BC Meeting
MAR11 / Mar 17 / Circulation of the Parliamentary Review of Health and Social Care papers. / Secretariat / Discussed at June BC Meeting
MAR12 / Mar 17 / Circulation of the Prudent Model of Health to the PR once published / Secretariat / Discussed at June BC Meeting
MAR13 / Mar 17 / Two issues to discuss with health boards were:
  1. the application of prudence
  2. the future models of prudent healthcare
/ Commissioners / Discussed at June BC Meeting
MAR14 / Mar 17 / At least an hour and a half slot for meetings with health boards to ensure sufficient time for a quality, robust debate on prudent healthcare and the future model for health / Secretariat / Discussed at June BC Meeting
MAR15 / Mar 17 / Circulate dates of health board meetings to Commissioners and for them to confirm their attendance / Secretariat
Commissioners / Completed
MAR16 / Mar 17 / MA to add final comments to the draft Constitution document for circulation and approval to Commissioners / MA / Completed
MAR17 / Mar 17 / HH to link with Fran and seek further advice regarding the Commission’s status and Constitution and to engage with Swansea University in relation to its own governance model / HH / Completed
MAR18 / Mar 17 / Chair to write to those members who had not attended for some time / MA / ongoing
MAR19 / Mar 17 / Circulation of events calendar to Commissioners / Secretariat / Completed
MAR20 / Mar 17 / Commissioners to confirm attendance at all future events, most crucially the National Conference in September / Commissioners / Completed

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