Alternative Learning & National Costing Model Conference

Feedback from delegates

Session title /  / 
Roz Bendall Intro / 1 (How important and useful NTCP could be; not to rely on the data!) / 1 (History of NTCP)
Robin Field-Smith HMIC / 3 (clear message on future of NCM; current situation)
Sarah Woodward: West Mercia / 4 (case studies of real-world NTCM examples; ) / 3 (Did not explain how used for decision-making – more about justification and pricing;
Diane Hopkins, Gloucestershire / 2 (case studies of real-world NTCM examples; )
Helen Smith, Bedfordshire.
The bigger picture: ABC in forces / 3 (how ABC fits with NTC model) / 6 (not involved in this; would have liked more detail/conclusions)
Dmitry Dorsky, B-Plan / 11 / 1
Workgroups / 10 (gaining other forces’ ideas and examples of how they will use NTCM as a management tool; not as far behind as I thought with NCM; discussing how other forces are using the model – good/bad experiences; sharing problems and solutions; finding we’re not alone in the difficulties of applying the model; being able to feedback issues to the Implementation Group; ) / 7 (Two groups in 1 classroom; these should have been done 4-5 yrs ago and added little value; didn’t really find out new ways of using NCM – I thought others were doing really great things with it to aid planning; wanted to u/stand more about the model, how it works and benefits it will have; expected more guidance – felt like a research mission; not enough time to talk about applying the NTCM; not as involving or productive as I’d hoped; not enough time – could have done with 2 days just on costing)
using the model / 9 / 1 (almost felt too scripted and answers already decided;)
costing enhancements / 2 (attempts to cost alternative learning;) / 4 (Would have liked more answers: just got more questions)
Hans Dirkzwager, BT / 15 (BT’s ‘hothouse’ concept; ) / 5 (Interesting but not useful; theoretical – some real examples would have been useful)
Mark Osborne, NCALT / 9 (Learned NCALT are doing something ‘top secret’ on custody: being introduced to the options and choices of e-learning; how NCALT is being used and who is using it) / 1 (This was an insult to my intelligence and to other TMs considering how long NCALT has been about; )
Learning Outreach Team / 7
Steve Cullen, West Mercia / 1 using e-learning as clear part of operational process / 7 (Interesting but not linked to alternative learning subject; limited link to training plan)
Jean Garrod, Centrex / 2 / 2 (Models for Learning – again)
Peter Neyroud, NPIA / 18 / 2 (too quick – why ‘obviously’? Not obvious to me; not really any use)
Scottie Addison, HMIC / 10 (The idea of protected learning time – make this happen!)
Seminars / 10 (Insight into what’s going on elsewhere; what packages are being used – how they’re being implemented) / Could have been longer
Using PNAs, Rachel Cragg, Centrex / 3 / 2xToo short
IPR, Richard McCracken, OU / 2 (very dry – but would still have included it)
ANPR, Lesley Pritchard, Herts; Debbie Ganz / 2 (looking at e-learning packages delivered by other forces)
Implementing MLE into the MPS : Ian Ellis, Donna Hayes / 4
Responsive Innovations: LOT / 5 (NCALT aspirations on product/service developments; presentation on virtual classrooms; Where alternative learning is going; opened my eyes to a whole range of possibilities and opportunities; ) / 1 Mixed messages re customer focus - MLE will be forced on all forces in same format rather than looking at required outcomes and alternative ways of meeting needs.
Networking / 15 (More opportunities please; sense of moving forward together towards a more positive outcome in training; new ideas; sharing experience and best practice)
Presentations / 6 (too fast, not informative enough, too dry; some contained basic information that should be a given; how undeveloped/unclear direction is; flat, unengaging presentations that told us what we already know but not how to fix it! hearing that a BCU has fiddled its figures; hearing that there should be a national approach to evaluation, but not that there is one)
Facilities / Good facilities, catering / Screen moving; TVs in rooms not working

Future conference ideas

Topic / Delegate Comments
Assessment / Work-based assessment to include PRDLDP, IPLDP, PIP; links between e-learning and assessment/portfolio building and eveidence for accreditation; more from NCALT; NOS/A1 etc;
Alternative learning / CBA (cost benefit analysis) of blended learning; More info on LOT – how do these benefit forces; overcoming barriers to alternative learning; case studies on implementing different alternative learning techniques; discussion re future of e-learning; virtual classrooms; recognised e-learning training products/companies and protocols; full demo of NCALT packages; embedding e-learning through cultural change interventions; not just a ‘tick in a box’ the dangers of the misapplication of e-learning; whether Centrex have supported forces in delivering key legislation updates; alternative learning update; Getting buy-in to protected learning time; More specialist seminars; workshops highlighting online learning materials; looking at current e-learning – ALMs delivered by other forces that may be of interest; blended learning – best practice guidelines; measure of alternative learning and performance; case study from a force showing the implementation, development, use of NCALT; breakdown of IT requirements etc, barriers encountered, etc; good practice case studies in using blended learning and MLE; integrating MLE with force HR IT systems; enforcement of national ICT infrastructure protocols; open learning for public consumption, provided by the police service – content, context, accessibility; mobile data; e-learning packages; other forces’ use of e-learning; NCALT and MLE – which forces use the system and who have their own LMS
QA, Evaluation, Models for Learning / QA and evaluation including blended and traditional learning; MfL for practitioners; linking different aspects of the learning cycle and those responsible – more matrix than silo approach; insight into the learning cycle and case studies highlighting use in forces; All practitioners in forces need to understand how to apply Models for Learning in practice – regional workshops; QA; QA to meet requirements of all frameworks; QA & Evaluation of blended learning;e-development – version of ICF as driving the learning cycle; Development and impact of e-learning
National/local learning programmes / Learning and Development Strategy; how to deliver a blended learning strategy with no/little growth and competing demands; Performance Management framework for L&D; need to agree some learning measures to support benchmarking like operational colleagues; IPLDP 12 months’ on; CLDP; Integrating national and local programmes/systems to best effect – consistency and flexibility; Pipeline of Centrex products; MOPI; PIP;
NPIA / Updates re NPIA esp. in relation to L&D and technology; more presentations like NPIA that update us on things we don’t know;
ACPO / ACPO level buy-in and updating of issues around L&D and links to ‘business’ performance; how are forces going to be encouraged to have one corporate approach?
Costing issues / Where financial efficiencies have been achieved; Specific costing agenda for 2 days – with practitioners from other forces; Direction on how to cost training; Examples of when things went wrong and how problems were overcome i.e. not just forces who had it easy; Future plans/way forward/progress of the model/How it affects performance and links to it; More on NCM; More benchmarking: with comparison data available; decision on governance of benchmarking system; Small workgroups enabling forces to discuss and share experiences with the compilation of the model; Using for predictions and scenario planning; more concrete examples of how the model can be used dynamically to aid business planning; Guidance on how to cost training/e-learning/work-based assessment: simplified Manual of Guidance; current progress of NTCM; capturing e-learning; ALMs within NTCM; HMIC/HO use and intentions of NCM for cost savings/HO funding and grant decisions; Costed training Plan – best practice guidelines; training on the costed plan – what info should be included and why and how, what should the plan be used for? Exact definition of all the required entries on the costed plan and how to calculate the figures so that everyone is using a standard method; Qualitative uses of comparison data; specific guidance and direction with regards to the costed model; more time to work together on general application issues; direction on what falls into the alternative learning ‘basket’ for costings; guidance on collecting costing model data e.g. staff costs – average/actuals; include directions on how to cost e-learning in model;
Staffing issues / Succession planning – police officers, police staff; career planning for Heads of L&D; Development needs/toolkit for Training Managers and co-ordinators – covering HO, Centrex, best practice, networks/links, tips, FAQs;
General / More of same with updates on progress x 3: Get other forces here and on board – HMIC; Learning and retention; elective learning; more focus on implementing things now, not just in the future; why not use some alternative learning methods to deliver e.g. video-conference; opportunities to use e-learning, pre- or post-conference workbooks; comparison of force experience using other e-learning systems e.g. knowledge solutions; working together more interactively to find solutions; Little to take back to force which may jeopardise future attendance; organisers should collate in advance top 3 problems forces have in common and try to have a solution(s) to discuss; what issues/comment arose from this conference and how these had been progressed – update on points raised – to go out as document in advance; possibly workshops depending what you’re going to do with the outputs of them; inform delegates what’s going on to force things forward and make presentations/flipcharts available to all delegates; more often (2ce a year?); more encouragement of shared best practice; longer seminars; evening function??? This has been a very useful 2 days!