October Pacer


Newsletter of the Anderson Road Runners Club

www.andersonroadrunners.org November 2005

Another Successful Run the Mounds Race

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October Pacer

Thank you -- Thank you What a great group of fellow runners as well as my friends who rolled up their sleeves to pitch in and make the 2005 RTM a great success. I can't begin to express my gratitude to each and everyone who had any part of this successful event. Every person from our ARRC both runner and volunteer were so valuable to make this work.

Of course you know that this was my first experience being the Race Directorfor our biggest fund raiser of the year. I was really taken back with all that really goes into RTM's. Bob Hart was a real helper in that he had great records from past years for me to refer to. He had to put up with a few phone calls from me also. Carolyn McKinney working behind the scenes was doing above and beyond what a busy person should be asked to do. She picked up the mail, processed each application, and then recorded all the info onto her computer. If something was missing or could not be read, Carolyn would e-mail or call to make sure our records were correct. I leaned hard on our president, SteveHagensieker as well as our secretary, Robin Gerhart. They both were great to work with and theykept my spirits up with encouraging words of wisdom. On race day Steve took the scoring and Robin worked the walk inregistration as well as the pre-registration. They were flawless and well prepared as usual.

What a great group of volunteers this year. People would come up and ask to volunteer and to do anything needed. Some changed jobs to help in a crucial area just minutes before the race started. I just love all of you for being so willing to help in any way. What about our on Wally Post ? I was so proud oh Wally to stand up there and sing our National Anthem so well. I just gaveWally a 5 year contract which is renewable for 20 years.

I hope that you can see that I am pleased with what took place. Of course we would not be saying this without our great sponsors. We had 10 sponsors who put up money to support this event.5 of those 10 are ARRC members. Now isn't that something to have our fellow runners step up and make a valuable contribution by the way of money to help our club do wonderful things for the running community.

Proceeds from RTM will be put to use via the Fun Run, Cross Country Youth Program, and our Scholarship program. We will also use some in our general fund for the various needs that come up.

So I just say again and again a real BIG THANK YOU SO MUCH. Your ole buddy BK

Full results in this issue of the Pacer

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October Pacer

Reflections of a First-Time marathoner –Ann Morris

Shortly after noon on Sunday, Nov. 13th, I became a member of the marathoners' society. In the days now since the marathon, I have thought about the past year's journey to that point. I wish to share some of my thoughts with my friends in the club. I wish to doso to perhaps bring back pleasant memories of each person's own first marathon for the veterans , and to offer runners who have not yet made this voyage some insights into the mentality of someone who chooses to run the marathon.

I first entertained the thought of running a marathon as I helped Carolyn train for the Indy Mini this past winter. My previous running had consisted of no more than a 4 mile run, still mainly for the purposes of stress reduction and weight control. I had run a few road races by then, but had not crossed over that line to training. As we surpassed each of my previous long run maximums, I started to welcome the physical challenge of the longer distance. I decided to enter the June3rd Sunburst half marathon, and if that went well, then I would enter a marathon.

Well, that did not go well - Murphy's law applied. Although discouraged from registering for a marathon at that point, I did not eliminate the idea either. In late September at the Bluffton Half, I did meet my goal of under 2 hours and at that point, I registered for the Huntington marathon. I felt at that point that if people who had not run halves faster than 2 hours could do a marathon, so could I.

However, even though I thought I had the physical capability to do the marathon, I continued to question my mental strength and motivations to do a marathon. Even as of race day, I was not sure why I was doing this. Between the 18-19 mile mark when the ball of my right foot began to sting and burn as if on fire, I again questioned why am I doing this (veterans, have you been there?).

Now that I have completed my first marathon, and by official timing doing so under my secret goal of under 4 hours, I now know why I did this. It was not to show that I could set a goal and accomplish it. I have accomplished other things in my life over time. It was not because running marathons will be an important part of my life-I'm not sure if I'll ever run another (although at least now I'm not saying the NEVER AGAIN that I did immediately after the race on Sunday). However, I recognize I now define my self concept to include the statement, "I am a runner" As a runner (rather than a recreational jogger or couch potato for that matter), running is simply something I do and enjoy. I treasure the bonds I have with other runners in the club. By running a marathon, I now feel closer to some other runners just because we have shared the experience of running that race. It was this same desire to experience running as true runner that prompted me to run that infamous 15K trail run. Even though further trail runs are NOT in my future, this, too was an experience in the world of running that brought me closer to some of our club members that do this type of run.

So, I am a marathoner. I am a runner. I am an Anderson Road Runners member. These I am , along with other things. I will continue to enjoy being all these things. Running a marathon is something that a runner does, especially if one is a Road Runner.

Happy Holidays to all. I am thankful for the support of all of you. ANN


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October Pacer

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October Pacer

Household Finance

GMAC Mortgage

Anderson Family YMCA

The Running Company

GNC at the Mall

Pay Less Cross Street

Blimpies Subs and Salads

Old National Bank

Robert Loose Funeral Home

Rax Restaurant downtown

1 2 One promotions

Gwinn’s Drug Store

Anderson Foot & Ankle Center

Anderson Center for Sight

Lutz Insurance

Jennifer Bridges Massage

Standt’s of Anderson

Copy Connection

Surbaugh and Son

The Herald Bulletin

Rayl Surveying & Engineering

Baylor and Associates, Inc.

Star China

Art’s Trim Shop

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October Pacer

Walk the Walk The Year Is Counting Down

Greg Smith

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October Pacer

Greetings Walkers and Runners!! I am still winding down from Run and Walk the Mounds. My heart felt congratulations to Bob Kearns for his tireless efforts on making this race a continuing success and all of the numerous volunteers for their efforts also. The course changes and the water stop at 1.5 miles were all positive changes in estimation. No mater how many times I do the trails at Mounds, the trails are still a big challenge. The walker numbers were down with the weather change; but I hope that they increase next year. Well done everyone!!!!!!!!

As you have heard me say before, don’t let your mind write checks that your body can’t cash. It’s been four and half months since my knee surgery. I’ve been off crutches for three months. I keep thinking that I can just go out and do what I did a year ago. My body keeps reminding me that I just can’t go that fast. I am about two or three minutes slower a mile than when I was healthy. I am really happy that I can do any comfortable walking at all; but that competitive urge still burns to go after it. Without the major knee pain I still feel like all I should have to do is flip the switch to the on position and go like heck. I missed walking so bad I want the instant return to speed. The work remains to get back where I was if it is possible. My countdown to the HUFF is now at four plus weeks and six weeks to the Siberian Express. Well for now, distance has more priority than speed.

The year is winding down. The Thursday Night races are finished and there is one race (Kris Kringle) left with the Road Series. My thanks to everyone for their help and patience with me scoring the Road Series. Being hurt and sometimes on crutches made things more interesting in a way I would not like to repeat in the near or distant future. Hope to see you all at the Thanksgiving two lap race. Hope to see you at Mounds. I’ll be the one lost on the trails after dark with the headlamp. See Ya!

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October Pacer


RTM Females
47:34:00 / 259 / Proctor / Haley
40:27:00 / 108 / Godeke / Alexis
41:31:00 / 191 / Dudley / Natalie
42:50:00 / 204 / Vogel / Verena
36:27:00 / 161 / Horner / Kim
43:49:00 / 81 / DeLong / Candace
49:31:00 / 180 / Mitsch / Kristen
49:40:00 / 173 / Long / Mandy
49:48:00 / 234 / Tolbert / Kasey
49:51:00 / 179 / Bird / Maggie
50:23:00 / 283 / Adair / Jamie
51:40:00 / 73 / Wetli / Ellen
52:26:00 / 193 / Simmons / Katie
52:52:00 / 134 / Putnam / Kelsey
55:54:00 / 210 / Hall / Kelsi
56:02:00 / 174 / Long / Jenna
56:22:00 / 222 / Russell / Susie
62:30:00 / 153 / Robertson / Kelly
35:49:00 / 78 / Young / Rachel
37:47:00 / 139 / Abbey / Erin
43:10:00 / 247 / Bauson / Sarah
43:58:00 / 53 / McCall / Kelly
45:39:00 / 70 / Neureuther / Earlene
46:42:00 / 71 / Grimm / Elizabeth
48:18:00 / 271 / Carroll / Laura
48:26:00 / 208 / Jones / Kenna
49:51:00 / 275 / Eads / Justine
54:00:00 / 273 / Willis / Amy
54:19:00 / 250 / Garratt / Valerie
59:26:00 / 76 / Butler-lennon / Stephanie
38:56:00 / 268 / Holzhausen / Amanda
43:49:00 / 253 / Meister / Kimberly
48:33:00 / 267 / Miller / Tricia
48:38:00 / 85 / Kenny / Kathy
50:19:00 / 186 / Grimes / Stephenie
51:34:00 / 286 / Hicks / Ann
51:49:00 / 185 / McKinley / Jaime
55:27:00 / 106 / Collins / Megan
61:37:00 / 260 / Hartley / Janelle
33:30:00 / 6 / Mertz / Pam
36:34:00 / 141 / McCool / Amee
39:39:00 / 205 / Babin-Nelson / Michele
41:26:00 / 7 / Michael / Lory
42:30:00 / 27 / Robertson / Sherry
45:01:00 / 82 / Rodgers / Tammy
45:33:00 / 20 / Gamble / Connie
46:31:00 / 55 / Kroll / Ana
55:12:00 / 43 / Eaton / Gretchen
55:31:00 / 151 / Anderson / Mary
66:13:00 / 129 / Wright / Melanie
40:45:00 / 149 / Grile / Janice
42:36:00 / 206 / Hall / Shari
48:12:00 / 147 / Moran / Stephanie
49:18:00 / 236 / Reinhardt / Tatti
50:15:00 / 177 / Away / Blown
50:45:00 / 148 / Hanauer / Holly
54:09:00 / 98 / Banks / Jamie
55:03:00 / 245 / Harden / Vicky
61:15:00 / 216 / Soverns / Laura
42:51:00 / 144 / Haynes / Debbie
43:53:00 / 64 / Burrows / Roxane
45:17:00 / 1 / Morris / Ann
48:47:00 / 254 / Bauson / Cassie
51:31:00 / 136 / Dietrich / Darlene
53:28:00 / 282 / Adair / Sherry
53:43:00 / 102 / Ferris-Smith / Sandy
53:58:00 / 89 / Zarse / Kim
55:36:00 / 152 / Anderson / Dee
55:45:00 / 284 / Anderson / Pam
58:27:00 / 14 / Ringo / Janice
43:09:00 / 146 / Stayton / Barb
43:26:00 / 281 / Wilson / Debra
51:13:00 / 244 / Tetrault / Robin
54:19:00 / 128 / Stromski / Cheryl
55:24:00 / 93 / Williamson / Christine
56:09:00 / 57 / Harry / Debbie
57:13:00 / 280 / Sulanke / Janelle
59:01:00 / 19 / Patterson / Margie
63:02:00 / 12 / Ryan / Helen
47:40:00 / 47 / Scrogham / Barb
59:52:00 / 123 / Magrath / Susan
62:31:00 / 21 / Fullhart / Connie
69:34:00 / 75 / Cline / Susan
53:09:00 / 48 / Miller / Pat
53:29:00 / 51 / Deer / Betty
54:52:00 / 197 / Kleinknigh / Sarah
55:00:00 / 87 / Scott / Linda
70 & over
68:19:00 / 16 / West / Edna


Kyle Baker Overall Masters John Schmitz

11 & under

43:17:00 / 218 / Yandl / Eric / M / 11&under
32:38:00 / 198 / Webb / Mason / M / 12to14
35:36:00 / 211 / Moran / Thomas / M / 12to14
37:27:00 / 285 / Hopper / Tyler / M / 12to14
39:25:00 / 238 / Pierce / Jeremy / M / 12to14
39:46:00 / 224 / Rayl / Logan / M / 12to14
39:53:00 / 212 / Soverns / Chris / M / 12to14