May 28, 2015

Regular Session 7:00 PM - Library

Board Members Present: Tom Burke, Chair Jeff Clay, John Morgan Robert Buckner

Patty McLean, Steve Oberg Francis DeRoest

Board Member Absent:

Staff Present: Marilyn Applegate, Executive Assistant to Board

Jackie LaFrenz, Administrator

Jenn Berry-O’Shea

Others Present: Shannon Lester, Parent Kate Moses, New Business Manager

Casey McKinnon, FOPBS Jonnel Curtis, FOPBS

Ben Wolfe, FOPBS Emily Holiday

Yvette Caymore

Call to Order / Chair, Tom Burke, called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm and led the flag salute.
Changes to Agenda / Robert moved to move approval to hire from consent agenda to regular agenda. John seconded and motion was approved.
Consent Agenda / A motion to approve the consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the April 23, 2015 meeting was made by Francis and seconded by Robert. Motion passed.
Robert made a motion to add public comment to the agenda. John seconded motion and motion passed.
Public Comment / Robin OIson, commented that in the future when is a topic at a board meeting that may be controversial or has the potential for strong public opinion that it be handled differently than the kindergarten discussion was. She would like the board to take the time to consider public input prior to board action.
Friends of Powell Butte Annual Report / Jonell Curtis, presented the Friends of Powell Butte School annual report. Her report included the source and amount of revenue ($42,4543) and expenditures ($50,742) for 2014-15. This year the lunch program received an $8,000 grant from Les Schwab with the stipulation that $2,000 of this grant be set aside for families in need. In April kindergarten lunch prices rose $.25, 1st-5th increased $.25 and MS $.75. Milk price remained steady at $.30. The Les Schwab grant will be available in the future up to $4,000 if FOPBS can match this amount. At this time, FOPBS is unable financially to match the grant for the 2015-16 school year. An average of 110 students purchase lunch each day. FOPBS is researching other grant opportunities as without the grant the program will be approximately $16,000 under funded for next year. The board asked specific questions and made several suggestions how those monies might be met, including having a sponsor program. As of May 28, 2015, FOPBS account balance is $7,827.98.
Additionally, Jonell Curtis, Casey McKinnon, Ben Wolfe, and Gretchen Chadwick are stepping down from the FOPBS. Remaining board members are Christine Brown and Jeff Baisch. Jonell urged anyone interested in serving on the board to contact Casey or her.
Approval to Hire / A request was presented to hire Kate Moses, Business/Operations Manager, Maggie Townsend, Administrative Assistant, Naomi Piehl, Kindergarten, and Aubrey Wardle, MS Language Arts.
Kate Moses was introduced as the new Business/Operations Manager. Her experience and qualifications include: serving as Chief of Staff to the Vice Chancellor at the University of California, Davis for the past 8 years and receiving her Masters of Public Administration from California State University.
Following discussion, John moved, Francis seconded motion to approve hiring Kate Moses, Maggie Townsend, Naomi Piehl, and Aubrey Wardle. Motion passed.
Jackie shared she will be recommending a math candidate pending him receiving his math endorsement. Interviews for P.E. and 4th grade will be happening in the next week or so.
Board Conference / Marilyn distributed information on the Oregon School Board summer conference, July 17-19th at the Bend Riverhouse. She asked that any board members that would like to attend to let her know and she will register them for the conference. Patty shared that she would like to attend.
Financial Report / At a previous board meeting the board discussed establishment of a set reserve amount or percentage of the budget. They suggested contacting Brenda Bartlett, auditor, for her advice. Marilyn Brenda’s response and the process.
Marilyn recapped the year-to-date financials. PBCCS has received $2,217,728 (incl. $22,712.77 from the ’13-14 true-up and charter rate adjustment of $25,938.30) in state school funds passed through from Crook County. Our budget projected $1,163,077. Other projected revenue was cash carry-over $300,000 (received $425,796); student body funds $40,000 (received $104,729), grants/donations $0 (received $19,110) for a total revenue increase of $264,286.30. To date expenditures are $915,310.59. She is anticipating a year end carry-over of $549,614.41. There was no discussion.
Place Based Coordinator / Jackie presented a proposal for Jenn Berry-O’Shea to be made a full-time place-based coordinator. She explained in order for PBCCS to continue to move forward with our mission and vision that it is necessary to have a staff member dedicated to planning excursions, building community partners, developing age appropriate curriculum, and mentoring our staff in our mission. Unfortunately, most of our certified staff do not know how to embrace place-based learning and the PBCCS mission.
Marilyn presented how this position will be funded. Following discussion, John moved and Patty seconded a motion to add a full-time place-based coordinator position.
Discussed, Jenn possibly subbing, academic mentoring, teaching teachers how to do place-based education, talked about the experience – lack of experience and need support how to embrace a place-based mission and learning. Hoping this will also provide time to support students who are struggling or above – they want us to implement RTI and we don’t have the staff to implement. John moved to add the place-based based coordinator position, Patty seconded. Motion passed.
Consideration of Activity Bus / Tom shared that Carl, our bus driver, talked with him about the possibility of purchasing an activity bus that would have exterior luggage storage and a larger engine. Tom asked Marilyn to research options. Marilyn shared that at this time we do not plan to refit our 2000 Bluebird to meet the 2017 regulations due to the cost. We will be able to run this bus until 2025. In researching bus options, she found a used activity bus for $65,000, however, it is now sold and she was unable to find any other used buses to meet the requirements Carl suggested. Pricing for a new bus is around $105 - $125,000.
Administrator’s Report / Jackie’s administrative report included the following:
·  FOPBS had a very successful carnival
·  OMSI presented at our annual STEAM night
·  We have completed the Smarter Balance testing, results will be available in August;
·  Worked with “Younity” on an anti-bullying campaign. Younity received a Facebook grant to share their program with schools. We are a pilot program for Younity’s program and they recently conducted a staff seminar, a student assembly for 4-6 including a poster contest;
·  Continuing to interview. John asked if we were still looking for substitutes. Jackie shared that we signed up with Subfinder this year and have been able to fill most requests;
·  River Keepers held their culmination for all Crook County students K-5, celebrating community partners, the closing of two schools and opening of a new school. This program was very successful for all of our students.
·  Our annual BBQ included a musical presentation and culmination of watershed projects was held May 22nd;
·  Jackie recapped May field excursions. We have rented a bus from CCSD to make our afternoon bus run while our bus was on field trips.
·  8th grade graduation will be next Wednesday at 7:00 PM. A breakfast for 8th graders and their families will be provided by the middle school teachers at 8:00 AM
·  Three students did not go on 8th grade trip;
·  Jackie completed the ’13-14 annual report. Dave Holmberg will be presenting this report to CCSD Board on June 15th. He has requested that she and some of our board members attend this meeting. John and Francis indicated they are available to attend;
·  We have one more year as an ONREP stewardship school. This past Tuesday was our last professional development with ONREP for this year;
·  The PE grant report is due next week and reports for the Gray Family Foundation and Diack grants will be due before the end of June;
·  SB290 staff evaluations are due to the ESD next week;
·  We are looking for a permanent bus driver, Carl will substitute for us;
·  Jackie shared that she has spent considerable time looking at administrator evaluations. However she does not feel it is her responsibility to find an evaluation tool, but the boards. She is happy to do a self-evaluation. John and Robert agreed to work on an administrator evaluation;
·  In completing the annual report, she recognized that the board is out of compliance with no board evaluation or professional development process in place;
·  Jackie also expressed concern that board members do not seem to have the passion needed for the school and the momentum to move out of the infantile into the adolescent stage. As several board members have expressed to her in the recent past that they are wanting off the board, she is concerned about the board’s long term goals and what they see as their responsibilities. Jackie distributed a board self-evaluation and governance questions.
·  She expressed her concern regarding the FOPBS as she was told by one board member that they were disappointed that she did not step in to resolve an issue between a parent and a FOPBS board member. Jackie shared that she did not feel that it was her place to do that and the board
Jackie concerned – about FOPBS, concurred that PBCCS and FOPBS need to remain separate entities. This is not Jackie’s problem.
Adjourn / There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:58

Respectfully Submitted: Approved by:

Marilyn Applegate Tom Burke


Board Executive Assistant Board Chair