concluded under Provision of § 566 and following Law No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code in wording of later legal regulations (further only „Commercial Code“), (further only „Contract“)


...... , residence: ...... , ID No: ...... , acting through: ...... , entered in the Commercial Register with the Regional Court ...... , section: ...... , file No...... /.....

(further only „Mandator“)


...... , born.: ...... , birth ID No.: ...... /..., address: ...... , account no: ...... /....

(further only „Mandatary“)

(further together as „Contracting parties“)

under the following conditions:


Subject of the Contract

1.1  Mandatary is obliged to perform for the Mandator all and any activities at the position of the business director which bring or could bring benefits for the Mandator or are in his/her interest and Mandator is obliged to pay to the Mandatary a reward for the performance of these activities. The content of these activities will be especially the supervision over the business agenda of the company, responsibility for the fulfillment of the business plan of the company, searching for business opportunities and business partners of the company, participation in the negotiations with the potential business partners and partners of the company, negotiation of the conditions of cooperation with the potential partners of the company, and concluding contracts, elaboration of the strategic plans of trading, submission of the concepts of development of the company and improvement proposals in the field of commerce.


Reward of the Mandatary

2.1 The reward of the Mandatary is, on the basis of the mutual agreement of Contracting parties ...... EUR a month (further only „Reward“). This way determined Reward is fixed and stable and includes all and any expenses of the Mandatary which the Mandatary uses in the course of the performance of activities under this Contract. Date of payment of the Reward for the performance of activities of the Mandatary under this Contract is, for the period of the previous month, till the end of the following calendar month at the latest.

2.2 The Contracting parties agreed that the Mandatary will be entitled to the claimable reward once in a calendar half-year amounting to ...... EUR under the condition that the business plan of the company has been fulfilled which will form Annex No. 1 to this Contract (further only „Claimable reward“). When the claim arises to the Claimable reward it will be due to payment up to 30 days after the lapse of the corresponding calendar half-year.


Rights and Obligations of Contracting parties

3.1 Mandatary is obliged to perform activities under point 1.1. of this Contract with the due care and to inform the Mandator of the facts which he/she learns in the course of their performance and which may influence further duration of this Contract.

3.2 Mandator is obliged to provide the Mandatary with the needed cooperation in the course of the duration of this Contract.

3.3 Mandatary is obliged to keep secret all facts he/she learned in connection to the activities under this Contract.