Year 10 Australian History

Study Guide 3 – Topic 7: People Power and Politics in the Post-War Period

Outcomes: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.7, 5.8, 5.10

Inquiry questions:

·  What role has Australia played in international affairs in the post-war period?

·  What have been some important political developments in post-war Australian history?

·  How have significant individuals and groups exercised their democratic rights in the post-war period?


Section A: Australia as a Global Citizen (Mandatory)

·  The formation and organisation of the United Nations

·  Australia’s early role in the United Nations (Dr H V Evatt)

·  Australia’s role in the United Nations, including


- UN conventions (Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948)

·  Intervention and peace keeping in East Timor (INTERFET) - 1999

·  Regional agreements involving Australia

-  ANZUS (1951)

-  SEATO (1954)

-  Colombo Plan (1950)

-  APEC (1989)

·  Australia and the United Nations today

Section B: People Power Events and Issues

ONE event/issue and ONE individual from the following:

Events/issues Individuals

·  Freedom Rides Charles Perkins

·  Women’s Liberation Germaine Greer

·  Green bans Jack Mundey

·  Whitlam dismissal Sir John Kerr

·  Green politics Bob Brown

·  Republicanism Paul Keating

·  One Nation Pauline Hanson

Section C: Prime Ministers and their Policies

One prime minister from the post-war period

Prime Minister Policy

Gough Whitlam (ALP) 1972-75 Multi-culturalism

Year 10 Australian History

Study Guide 4 – Topic 8: Australia’s Social and Cultural History in the Post-War Period

Outcomes: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

Inquiry questions:

·  What have been the major social and cultural features of a post-war decade?


Post-war Australia

The impact of changing technology on everyday life in post-war Australia:

-  housing

-  home appliances

-  entertainment

-  transport

-  communications

For this aspect of the topic, you should be able to outline the impact of the main technological changes over time on everyday life in post-war Australia.

Decade Study

The social and cultural features of ONE post-war decade, including:

-  fashion

-  music

-  entertainment

-  sport

-  British or American cultural influences on popular culture.

Decade: This part of the course is covered by your research assessment task on a chosen post-WWII decade (either the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s).

For this aspect of the topic, you should be able to:

§  Describe the main social and cultural features of the decade

§  Outline the main influences of Britain or the USA on Australian popular culture

§  Assess the impact of the chosen decade on shaping Australian identity