Williamson American Legion
OUR MOTTO P.O. Box 158, 6206 Lake Avenue OUR AIM
Williamson, NY 14589
Dave Madison
Terry Pulver
Tim George Gushue
Tim Ginett
James D. Hoffman
Dick Baxter
Dennis McCarthy
Dick Baxter
Peter Evans
Chuck Brust
Ray Cook
Dean Sheffield
Tim Huff ’18
George Gushue ‘19
Bill Gleichauf’20
POST #394
The October 12, 2017 meeting of Williamson American Legion Post 394 was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Commander Dave Madison with 27members present.
Minutes–Dick Baxter - Bill Gleichaufmade a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the September 14, 2017meeting and accept as distributed. Seconded by Ray Cookand carried.
Finance Report – Dick Baxter - Jerry Slater made a motion to approve the Finance Report as given. Seconded by Paul Goodell and carried.
Bell Jar Report- Dick Baxter - Jerry Slater made a motion to approve the Bell Jar Report as given. Seconded by Paul Goodell and carried.
Thank you to Sallie Dunning for a delicious meatloaf dinner!
Committee Reports
Membership...Terry Pulver:
92 of 198 paid for 46.4%. Reminder to pay before October 31st.
Fellowship Room…Bill Gleichauf:
We have a new weekend food menu.
Color Guard… Tim Huff:
We assisted Sodus with a funeral on October 11th. Thank you to those who helped pick up flags at Sunnyside and Pultneyville cemeteries. Tim proposed fixing flag holders as 78 need repairs. He suggests we use plastic holders and take grave markers to funeral ceremonies.
SAL…Dave Madison:
Next breakfast is on October 14th.
ALR… Jerry Slater:
The next food box delivery is November 18th. Ontario Rod & Gun Club helped make deck and stairs for a Veteran in need. Ontario Rod & Gun Club donated $5,000 to the food box program.
Boy Scouts…No report.
Post Property…Tim Huff:
We are doing away with storage in the dining room and moving to the north porch. A contractor will complete.
Sick Call…Dick Baxter:
John Becker is at Rochester General Hospital. Ken Miller was operated on today and is at DeMay.
Service Officer… Ray Cook:
We are too late for the National Commander’s visit.
Unfinished business… None
New Business:
Register with the Middle School by November 2nd to attend the Veterans recognition and brunch on Thursday, November 9th.
Dave Madison – You can now charge items at Breen’s SHOP ‘n SAVE but must sign receipt and state what the purchased items are for. Write down items needed for the post on a list locatedin the kitchen.
Dennis McCarthy – we have a great fundraising opportunity coming up – a turkey raffle at the Post on Saturday, December 9th from 1-4 pm. Dick Baxter made a motion to proceed with the turkey raffle. Seconded by Jerry Slater and carried.
Dick Baxter – there is a ceremony for Gold Star families at Sampson Veterans Memorial Cemetery on October 14th.
Jerry Slater – Veterans Outreach in Rochester lost a $3 million-dollar grant. This will affect Wayne County to help with rent subsidies etc.
Dave Madison - Kids Christmas Party – is on Sunday, December 3rdfrom 1-4 pm– Flier will be in the newsletter.
Adult Christmas party – Saturday, December 16th. Sign up in Fellowship room. Bring a dessert to pass.
Tim Huff proposed putting on sign out front “We kneel for God and stand for the National Anthem and the flag.” Dick Baxter made a motion to approve. Seconded by Jerry Slater and carried.
Correspondence…Dave Madison:
Thank you from Beau Burlee for Boys State trip.
Legion Drawing…Harold Stryker - $25.25
Drink ticket raffle – Bill Gleichauf, Ray Walvoord and Herb Gravelle
Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.
The November 9, 2017 meeting of Williamson American Legion Post #394 was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by Commander Dave Madisonwith 18 members present.
Minutes - Jim Hoffman – minutes not completed due to vacation. Ray Cook made a motion to table approval of minutes from October meeting until next month. Seconded byJerry Slaterand carried.
Finance Report – Chuck Brust–Jerry Slater made a motion to approve the Finance Report as given. Seconded by Paul Goodelland carried.
Bell Jar – Chuck Brust – Jerry Slater made a motion to accept the Bell Jar report as given. Seconded by Ray Cookand carried.
Committee Reports
Membership...Terry Pulver:
We have 111 paid of 198 members for 56%.
Sick Call…Dave Madison:
Dick Baxter. Dean Sheffield added Jerry Collier and Ken Miller.
Fellowship Room… No report.
Color Guard… Tim Huff:
No report.
ALR…Jerry Slater:
The next delivery of food boxes is Saturday, November 18th. We have 28-30. Each receives an average of four boxes. The Christmas delivery is on Saturday, December 16th. 22 families will receive presents. More help is needed. We meet at Gus’s at 8:00 a.m. and get started at 9:00 a.m.
County…No report.
Kitchen…Dave Madison:
We are ready for Veterans Day dinner this Saturday evening.
Oratorical… Dave Madison:
We are working on getting a coach at school and possibly having a home schooled candidate.
Website….Jim Hoffman:
Email what pictures or information you have regarding post activities to . It will get it posted on the post website and Facebook through Jamie Sonneville.
Boy Scouts…Dave Madison:
Every chartering organization of a Boy Scout troop must individually decide whether to admit girls in to their troop. Ray Cook made a motion not to admit girls. Seconded by Jerry Slater and carried.
Post Property …Dave Madison:
Dave is working on fixing the sign out front. Dennis McCarthy explained a new Wi-Fi link is needed.
Service Officer…Ray Cook:
The VA is issuing new ID cards on line.
Unfinished Business… None
New Business
Dennis McCarthy gave an update on the holiday raffle on December 9th. The SAL is cooking. Proceeds to be split three ways with the SAL and Auxiliary included.
George Gushue said post member Jim Goodness passed. Commander Madison stated the Charter will be draped at the Veterans Day dinner this Saturday.
Commander Madison advises that they Seventh District Auxiliary annual Christmas gift wrapping event is on Sunday, November 19th and Monday, November 20th from 9:30 am until 3:00 p.m. at the VA Hospital in Canandaigua.
Jerry Slater reminded everyone there is a Viet Nam War Commemoration Ceremony at the VFW Post in Palmyra this Saturday, Veterans Day, November 11th at 1:30 p.m.Brunch at 11:30 a.m.
Correspondence… None
Legion Meeting Drawing... Herb Gravelle - $18.
Drink tickets – Terry Pulver and Gordon Wilfeard.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Our Auxiliary meeting consisted of veteran's night dinner; members volunteered to serve that night 11/11 and pies will be their dessert. We'll have a short meeting 11/9 at 6pm; no dinner.
The children's Christmas party invitations are going out; hoping for a good number of kids to partake in our holiday craft and refreshments on 12/3.
We thanked Sallie Dunning for her great work on the valances for the main room and we will be reimbursing her for her expenses.
We're trying a new money-making project next year; more to come.
HOLIDAY STOCKINGS FOR VETERANS in the works! Please bring items for stockings to meeting or to downstairs by 11/11 and they will be picked up at that time. NO food, snack items or candy; NO razors or glass; NO religious items; NO lighters, candles, or flammable items. Thank you all for your contributions.
Seasonal "doings" are coming up; please be safe but have a great time!
For God and country,
Carol Steaderman, President
Pease take moment to remember our shut ins:
Duane Frey, Room 151, Wayne County Nursing Home, 1529 Nye Rd., Lyons, NY14489
Jerry Collier, 3261 Shepherd Road, Williamson, NY 14589
Ken Miller, DeMay Living Center, 100 Sunset Drive, and Newark, NY 14513
John Becker, Clifton Springs Hospital and Clinic, Room 3201A, 2 Coulter Road, Clifton Springs, NY 14432
Veterans Day Ceremony, Williamson American Legion Post 394, Saturday, November 11, 2017, 11:00 a.m.
SAL Breakfast, Sunday, November 19, 2017, 8:00a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Children’s Christmas Party – Sunday, December 3, 2017, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Pearl Harbor Remembrance, Thursday, December 7, 2017, 6:45 p.m., Old Court House, Lyons, refreshments following at Lyons post
Williamson American Legion Post 394 Holiday Gathering and Raffle – Saturday, December 9, 2017 1:00p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Next County Meeting – Tuesday,December 12,2017, Lyons
Next Meeting–Thursday, December 14, 2017; dinner 6:30 p.m.; meeting 7:30 p.m.
Adult Christmas Party (Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and ALR) Saturday, December 16, 2017, Cocktails 5:00 p.m., Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Sign up in Fellowship Room – bring a dessert to pass
Fellowship Room Hours
Monday, 3-7:00 PM
Tuesday, 4-7:00 PM
Wednesday, 4-8:00 PM
Thursday, 3-8:00 PM
Friday, 4-10:00 PM
Saturday, 1-10 PM
Sunday 1-6PM
Bar Menu
Available Friday and Saturday, 5-8 pm
Sunday 1-4 pm
Pizza Logs $5
Mozzarella Sticks $5
Jalapeno Poppers $5
French Fries $3
Onion Rings $3
Fried Mushrooms $4
Wings $9 Doz
Appetizer Platter: 2- Pizza Logs 2-Mozz Sticks 6-Wings and Fries orRings $10
Mild, Medium, Hot, Garlic Parm