Drum Point PTA

41 Drum Point Road, Brick, NJ 08723


The Drum Point PTA is seeking interested people to fill the following positions that are up for elections this year.


The following positions are up for election this year for a two year term. The term starts July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2018.

The positions that will be open are President, First Vice President and Secretary. The duties of each position are as follows:


1.  Will have a working knowledge of parliamentary law and procedures and a thorough understanding of the bylaws and rules of the organization.

2.  Preside and maintain order at all meeting and remain impartial. Call meetings to order on time.

3.  Prepare an agenda for each meeting.

4.  Have a copy of the current NJPTA approved bylaws with them at every meeting.

5.  Vote when voting is by ballot; in other cases may vote to create or break ties (Do not reflect or show your vote if by voice or hand, just include your vote in count.)

6.  The President may spend up to $100.00 at their discretion with prior approval from the executive committee.

7.  Keeps vice president up to date on information pertaining to the administration and workings of DP PTA.

8.  Represents the PTA at all district or state functions when invited or assign alternate.

9.  Attend as many school functions as possible. Appoint vice president (if unavailable select another officer) to take over when unable to attend such functions.

10.  Work with the chairpersons and school administration to set up calendar of PTA activities/fund raisers for the school year.

11.  Ensures that all committees are represented at meetings and that all updates are given prior to meetings.

12.  Approve all correspondence issued by DP PTA. Sign all contracts for the association as “President”.

13.  Share all National PTA, NJPTA and County PTA mailings and other information with all unit members, especially chairpersons.

14.  Complete the report forms from NJPTA or County PTA in a timely fashion. Return the NJPTA form for change of officers immediately following elections, or see that the Recording Secretary does so.

15.  Will coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the DP PTA. Perform other such duties as prescribe in the bylaws.

16.  Turn over all files, documents, including PTA Presidents Package upon leaving office.


1.  Act as an aide to the President

2.  In the absence of the President or the President’s inability to serve, preside and perform the duties of the president. Preside at meetings when the President is unable to attend. Attend all county or state meetings if the President is unable to do so.

3.  Provides guidance to and works closely with fundraising/ways and means committee.

4.  Have a working knowledge of all committees. Have a working knowledge of DP PTA bylaws.

5.  Share in the supervision and support of all committees under the direction of the President.

6.  Coordinate Volunteer List with the Membership chair for distribution to appropriate committee chair people.

7.  Should a vacancy occur in the office of president, the vice president will assume the duties of president until an election by majority vote of the executive board can take place.

8.  Organize and communicate with the standing committee chairs.


1.  Is the custodian of all legal documents, original approved bylaws.

2.  Will have copy of bylaws and updated membership list at all times.

3.  Will record minutes at executive committee, executive board and general membership meetings, in accordance with the NJPTA Secretary’s guide and as stated in the bylaws. Keep minutes in bound book.

4.  Send names and addressed of the elected officers to the NJPTA and County PTA immediately following the elections. Must also be filed if same officers remain in office.

5.  Maintain a permanent file of minutes, committee reports, and membership list and other records of the association (these are official documents; minutes can be subpoenaed in a court of law)

6.  Bring to each meeting the following: Copy of current NJPTA approved bylaws, standing rules, membership list, agenda minutes of previous meeting, including treasurers report, list of all committees, chair people and phone numbers.

7.  Keep record of attendance at all meetings.

8.  Minutes may be tape recorded and transcribed for approval.

9.  Verbal or written presentation of previous month’s minutes to be approved and filed. Please note that minutes must be read at each meeting and may not be “dispensed of”.

10.  Delivers all book and records to successor when then term has expired.

11.  Conduct official correspondence of DP PTA as directed by the president

12.  Read all correspondence received at executive board meetings and general membership meetings when applicable.

13.  Send thank you notes as required by the president or executive committee.

14.  Maintain up to date file of all correspondence.

15.  Keep a PTA yearbook of PTA activities for the year to include a chronology of flyers, newsletters, press releases, fundraiser or program event notices, etc.

16.  Maintain PTA bulletin board in the main hallway.

17.  Requests/files building permits for PTA functions.

If you are interested in a position please indicate on this form which position you are interested in and why. Also please include a short resume of your PTA experiences and any other information that may be helpful in deciding the best candidate for the positions. Please return this form and your resume in an envelope by March 2, 2016 to the attention of Amy Sammarco, PTA Nominating Committee Chairman.

The Committee’s choice will be revealed at the March 16th PTA Meeting. After which, if there is anyone still interested in running from the floor they would submit their letter of intent to the President, Secretary and the Chairman of the Nominating committee byApril 28. If it is not received by that date then they can't run from the floor. Elections will be held at the May 18th PTA Meeting, with new officers being sworn in at the June 3rd PTA Meeting.

Thank you for all your support in PTA.

Amy Sammarco, Chairman

I am interested in the position of:

______President ______First Vice President
