
Dear Parents and Carers,

We are planning to take all three Reception classes on an educational visit to the Horniman Museum on Tuesday 4th July 2017.

The children will leave school at 9.30 am and return at 15.00 pm

They will travel by coach. Please make sure your child arrives on time at 9:00am so that we do not miss the coach.

The children will be visiting the Robot Zoo exhibition and the Aquarium which are both at the Horniman Museum. This visit will be part of our learning around mini-beasts and animal habitats.

The adults responsible for the visit are Rebecca Suffield/ Ayse Barut/ Peri Chatzikyriakidis

All children will require a packed lunch for this trip. If you require a school packed lunch for your child please indicate so, on the slip at the bottom of this letter. If you are providing your child’s packed lunch please remember to keep it nut free and that drinks should not be in glass bottles and not fizzy. We would recommend sending your child’s lunch in a backpack so that they can carry it easily and still have their hands free.

The full cost of the visit will be £9.58. This must be paid in full before the date of the visit. (By law we are not allowed to charge for visits which take place during the school day. However, we do ask for a contribution from each child. If we do not collect the required amount the visit cannot take place).

The children are not allowed to bring spending money.

Please complete and sign this slip and return it to the school office by Monday 26th June 2017.

For this trip to go ahead we would have to have a 1:2 ratio. Therefore we would like to ask for at least 13 parent volunteers per class. We hope you can help.


The Reception Team


Name of trip: Date:

I / we give permission for (child’s name)...... in class ……..

I have read the list of activities in which my child will take part and agree to my child taking part.

I enclose £...... towards the cost of the visit.

signed...... dated......

I am able to volunteer My contact number is………………………….

My child will require a school packed lunch Yes / No