701 Ridgewood Rd., Township of Washington, NJ 07676 • (201) 664-0880 • Fax (201) 722-1542 •

Frank Connelly


Christopher Mello

Assistant Principal

Dear Parent/Guardian:

I hope you are having arelaxing and enjoyablesummer. We are eager to start the 2016-2017 school year and we anticipate many great and memorable moments in the coming year. This year marks an exciting time for your child in our district, when he/she moves from the Middle School to the Jr./Sr. High School. We are proud that your child will be participating in the Westwood Regional Jr./Sr. High School tradition of academic, athletic, and extra-curricular excellence. In the spirit of starting this new chapter in your child’s educational experience in the best possible way, the Jr./Sr. High School administrative team has organized an orientation for all incoming 8th grade students, so that they may become better acquainted and more comfortable in their new school.

On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 9:00 A.M., in the Campbell Auditorium of the Jr./Sr. High School, students will have an opportunity to meet me and my administrative team to hear about the school and will be able to ask any questions they may have concerning their transition between the Middle School and the Jr. High School. Following this informative session, students willbe given a tour of the building, learn about their locks and locker, be given their schedule, meet the Student Assistance Counselor (SAC), and engage in a question/answer session with Peer Pals who will answer questions from a student’s perspective.

If for any reason your childcannot attend the 8th Grade Orientation on August 17, a makeup session will be held on August 24 at 9:00 A.M. We look forward to seeing you in August, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


Frank Connelly
