Surra (Trypanosoma evansi)

OIE Reference Laboratory Reports

Activities in 2010

Name of disease (or topic) for which you are a designated OIE Reference Laboratory: / Surra (Trypanosoma evansi)
Address of laboratory: / Institute of Tropical Medicine
Department of Parasitology
Nationalestraat 155
B-2000 Belgium
Tel.: / (+32-3) 247.65.34
Fax: / (+32-3) 247.63.73
e-mail address: /
website: /
Name of Head of Laboratory (Responsible Official): / Philippe Büscher
Name of OIE Reference Expert: / Filip Claes
Name of writer of this report
(if different from above):

Part I: Summary of general activities related to the disease

1. Test(s) in use/or available for the specified disease/topic at your laboratory

Test / For / Specificity / Total
CATT / Antibody / Horse, mule, dog, camel, donkey / 515
ELISA / Antibody / Camel / 110
Immune trypanolysis / Antibody / Camel, horse, dog / 116


/ DNA / Camel, horse, dog / 12

Thin film and thick smear

/ Parasite / Dog, horse / 292

Countries for which tests were carried out: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, UK, The Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland.

2. Production and distribution of diagnostic reagents

Type of reagent / Amount supplied nationally
(including for own use) / Amount supplied to other countries

CATT antigen

/ 2000 tests / 29000

CATT positive control serum

/ 8 vials of 0.5 ml / 116 vials of 0.5 ml

CATT negative control serum

/ 8 vials of 0.5 ml / 116 vials of 0.5 ml

VSG RoTat 1.2 purified antigen

/ 5 mg / 45 mg

Countries to which reagents were delivered: Italy, France, Germany, Spain, South Africa, Mauretania, Somalia, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Singapore, China, South Korea, Hong-Kong, Mongolia, Thailand, The Philippines

Overview of tests performed and CATT produced over 2008 to 2010


Part II: Activities specifically related to the mandate
of OIE Reference Laboratories

3. International harmonisation and standardisation of methods for diagnostic testing or the production and testing of vaccines

International ring trial on the sensitivity and specificity of antigen prepared in different laboratories for diagnosis of T. equiperdum/T. evansi in Complement Fixation Test and Immunofluorescence Test. Organised by Dr Soldan from Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA Weybridge, UK).

4. Preparation and supply of international reference standards for diagnostic tests or vaccines

Not applicable

5. Research and development of new procedures for diagnosis and control

As part of a PhD study of Stijn Rogé, antigens for T. evansi diagnosis are produced in the yeast Pichia pastoris. The antigens produced are Invariable Surface Glycoprotein 75 and Variable Surface Glycoprotein RoTat 1.2. Currently, expression and purification of both proteins have been achieved and their diagnostic potential has been proven in ELISA on a panel of experimentally infected goats and of naturally infected dromedary camel. A publication has been submitted to Veterinary Parasitology and is under review. The intention is to use these antigens in other test formats such as indirect agglutination and/or lateral flow.

As subject of an MSc thesis by Céline GUERIN, a q-PCR has been developed for T. evansi diagnosis targeting the gene for RoTat 1.2 VSG. The title of the thesis is: Diagnostic des infections à Trypanozoon par PCR quantitative en temps réel. Intérêt particulier du diagnostic différentiel entre T. equiperdum et T. evansi

6. Collection, analysis and dissemination of epizootiological data relevant to international disease control

Not applicable

7. Provision of consultant expertise to OIE or to OIE Members

Reviewing chapter on SURRA the OIE Terrestrial Manual or Code,

FAO/IAEA joint division consultants meeting to develop a roadmap for the implementation of modern OIE principles and methods of diagnostic test validation, 6-9 September 2010, Vienna, Austria

8. Provision of scientific and technical training to personnel from other OIE Members

PhD training and thesis: Hagos Ashenafi Tafesse (KULeuven, Addis Ababa University), 2006-2010. Control of Equine Trypanosomosis (Trypanosoma equiperdum and T. evansi) in the Arsi and Bale highlands of Ethiopia. Promotor

9. Provision of diagnostic testing facilities to other OIE Members

Diagnostic CATT/T. evansi -2010 / Primary diagnosis
Country / Species / N-tests
Austria / Dog / 1
Belgium / Dog / 29
Belgium / Horse / 6
Germany / Dog / 133
Germany / Mule / 1
Finland / Horse / 10
France / Horse / 8
France / Dog / 4
Ireland / Dog / 4
Norway / Dog / 0
Portugal / Dog / 1
Sweden / Dog / 8
Sweden / Horse / 1
U.K. / Dog / 88
U.K. / Horse / 7
Netherlands / Horse / 45
Netherlands / Dog / 165
France / Donkey / 1
Austria / Dog / 2
Switzerland / Dog / 1
Microscopic parasite detection - 2010 / Primary diagnosis
Country / Species / N-tests
Ireland / Dog / 4
U.K. / Dog / 87
U.K. / Horse / 3
Belgium / Dog / 27
Belgium / Horse / 6
Netherlands / Horse / 22
Netherlands / Dog / 134
France / Dog / 4
France / Horse / 5
Trypanolysis T. evansi - 2010 / Confirmation diagnosis
Country / Species / N-tests
Germany / Dog / 1
U.K. / Dog / 1
Spain / Horse / 1
Spain / Horse / 2
France / Camel / 111
Diagnostic ELISA/T. evansi - 2010 / Primary diagnosis
Country / Species / N-tests
France / Camels / 111
PCR/T. evansi - 2010 / Confirmation diagnosis
Country / Species / N-tests
France / Camel / 10
Spain / Horse / 1
Germany / Dog / 1

10. Organisation of international scientific meetings on behalf of OIE or other international bodies

Not applicable

11. Participation in international scientific collaborative studies

Control of equine trypanosomosis (Trypanosoma equiperdum and T. evansi) in the Arsi and Bale highlands of Ethiopia, 2006-2010 Ethiopia

Full genome sequencing of 4 Trypanosoma equiperdum and 1 Trypanosoma evansi strain in collaboration with the Wellcome Trust Centre of Excellence for Molecular Parasitology, Glasgow, Scotland (collaboration with prof J.D. Barry).

12. Publication and dissemination of information relevant to the work of OIE (including list of scientific publications, internet publishing activities, presentations at international conferences)

¡  Presentations at international conferences and meetings

Abdelrahman,M.M., Elrayah,I.E., Büscher,P. What is the risk for human infection with Trypanosoma evansi in Sudan? Meeting of the Ad Hoc Group on Non Tsetse Transmitted Animal Trypanosomoses (NTTAT), 23 May 2010, Paris, France

¡  Scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals

Gari, F.R., Hagos, A., Alemu, T., Goddeeris, B. & Claes, F. (2010). Comparative diagnosis of parasitological, serological, and molecular tests in dourine-supected horses. Trop Anim Health Prod, 42, 1649-1654.

Hagos, A., Degefa, G., Yacob, H., Fikru, R., Alemu, T., Feseha, G., Claes, F. & Goddeeris, B. M. (2010). Seroepidemiological survey of Trypanozoon infection in horses in the suspected dourine-infected Bale highlands of the Oromia region, Ethiopia. Revue Scientifique et Technique Office International Des Epizooties, 29, 649-654.

Hagos, A., Goddeeris, B., Yilkal, K., Alemu, T., Fikru, R., Yacob, H. T., Feseha, G. & Claes, F. (2010). Efficacy of cymelarsan and diminasan against Trypanosoma equiperdum infections in mice and horses. Veterinary Parasitology, 171, 200-206.

Hagos, A., Abebe, G., Büscher, P., Goddeeris, B. M. & Claes, F. (2010). Serological and parasitological survey of dourine in the Arsi-Bale highlands of Ethiopia. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 42, 769-776.

13. Inscription of diagnostic kits on the OIE Register

i) Did you participate in expert panels for the validation of candidate kits for inscription on the OIE Register? If yes, for which kits?


ii) Did you submit to the OIE candidate kits for inscription on the OIE Register? If yes, for which kits?



Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010 5