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INEE Minimum Standards
Institutionalization Plan (TEMPLATE)
[Name of Organization]
-Background on INEE: The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) is a global, open network of NGOs, UN agencies, donors, practitioners, researchers and individuals from affected populations working together within a humanitarian and development framework to ensure the right to education in emergencies and post-crisis reconstruction.
-Importance of Education in Emergencies: Education is a fundamental human right for all people and while critical for all children, it is especially critical for the tens of millions of children and youth affected by conflict and disasters. Yet, it is often significantly disrupted in emergency situations, denying learners the transformative effects of quality education. Education in emergencies comprises learning opportunities for all ages. It ensures dignity and sustains life by offering safe spaces for learning, where children and youth who need other assistance can be identified and supported. Education opportunities also mitigate the psychosocial impact of conflict and disasters by providing a sense of routine, stability, structure and hope for the future.
-Relevance to the Organization:
(This section responds to questions such as: How have the INEE Minimum Standards enhanced your past and current work, or how will the INEE Minimum Standards enhance your future work? How is your organization already applying the INEE Minimum Standards? How has your organization engaged with INEE? )
[Purpose/Aim of the Institutionalization Plan]:
This section responds to questions such as: How and in what areas does your organization plan to apply the INEE Minimum Standards? For example, will it be used as a framework for developing new education projects? For monitoring and evaluation of current projects? For promoting good education practices throughout the organization as a whole? Will your organization focus on policy, human resources, program or project development, etc.?
[Main Activities or Areas of Focus for Institutionalizing the INEE Minimum Standards]
This section should name the points from the Institutionalization Checklist that your organization will implement.
- Area 1:
- Area 2:
- Area 3:
Work Plan / Time Frame
This section should break down all the finer points within the areas of focus named above and explain what actions will be taken, what the outputs will be, when they will be finished, who will finish them and the status of the project - not started, ongoing or completed.
Area 1:Action / Output / When / Who / Status
Area 2
Action / Output / When / Who / Status
Area 3
Action / Output / When / Who / Status