N.F. Railway
(Electrical Department)
Tender Notice No. SR.DEE/GH/20 of 2015-16 Dt. 09-02-2016
Open sealed Tender is invited from licensed Electrical Contractors for the following work:-
1. Tender No. EL/GH/708 dtd. 09-02-2016
Name of work:-At KYQ : Unscheduled repairing of LHB type AC Coaches at KYQ
Coaching Depot.
Tender value : Rs. 38, 02,573.00
Earnest Money : Rs. 76,060.00
Completion period : 120 Days
Cost of tender paper : Rs.3000.00
1. Tender paper (non-transferable and non-refundable) can be had from the office of the Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer, N.F.Railway, Guwahati, Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer. N.F. Railway, Lumding and Divisional Electrical Engineer, N. F. Railway, Maligaon on any working day w.e.f. 01.03.2016 only in money receipt per set of Tender paper & those who want Tender Paper by Postal Dak shall remit Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) extra per set Tender paper by DD in favour of FA & CAO /NF Railway/MLG payable at MLG as postal charge. Railway will not take any responsibility for postal delay, if any.
2.The cost of Tender form should be remitted to the Divisional Cashier, NF Railway, Guwahati, MaligaonLumding to be credited to allocation Z-650 and money receipt so obtained should be submitted in original with letter of request to the Sr. Divisional Electrical Engineer, Guwahati, Lumding and Divisional Electrical Engineer, Maligaon for issue of tender documents. Direct payment to the office of the undersigned will not be entertained.
3. Sealed Tender should be dropped in Tender boxes kept in the office of Chief Electrical Engineer,N.F.Railway, Maligaon,Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer, N. F. Railway, Guwahati, Senior Divisional ElectricalEngineer, N.F.Railway, Lumding and Divisional Electrical Engineer, N.F. Railway, Maligaon within 13 Hrs.of 15/03/2016. The Tender boxes will be sealed at 13 Hrs. of15/03/2016. The Tender box will be opened at 15 Hrs. of17/03/2016in the office of Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer, N.F. Railway, Guwahati. The Tenderers should strictly follow the instruction given in the General information, Special Condition, Guidelines which are available in the Tender documents. In case of any unusual occurrence viz. Strike or Holiday etc, the dropping ofTender documents and opening of Tender will be done on the following working days at the schedule time.
4. Earnest Money deposit shall have to be furnished in the form of cash, Banker Cheque/ Demand Draft drawn in favour of FA & CAO /NF Railway/MLG payable at MLG. In case of Cash payment , it should be remitted to the Divisional Cashier , N.F. Railway, Guwahati, MaligaonLumding to be credited to allocation Z-650 and money receipt so obtained should be submitted in original along with the tender document. Tender Form which is not accompanied with the earnest money deposit will summarily be rejected. Railways decision in this regard will be final.
5.For all tenders the following documents should be submitted along with tender documents at a the time of dropping of tenderer and attested by gazettedofficer :-
a)Tenderer should submit their bank account no., name of the bank and bank specific code no. in separate sheet, Current valid sales tax G. registration no./TIN no. and PAN Card .
b)Tenderer have to be submitted valid Electrical Contractor license, possessing valid Electrical Contractor’s license as per Indian Electricity Rules and also submit letter of confirmation of employment of Electrical Supervisor along with current & valid Electrical Supervisor License for the respective category of works.
c)The Tenderers must submit a letter of confirmation of Employment of Electrical Engineering Graduate / Diploma Engineer along with their offer as per clause 30 of the tender booklet.
d)Tenderer should submit organization setup ,Machinery & Plant available and Tools & plant available on hand (own) and proposed to be inducted (own and hired to be given separately) for the subject work.
6. The tender notice & tender paper is also available on N.F. Rly. Website i.e. govt.inand the tender paper can be down loaded and used as tender document for submitting the offer. This facility is available free of cost. However, the cost of tender paper, as indicated above will have to be paid by the tenderer inthe form of Bank Draft payable in favour of FA & CAO/ N.F.Rly/Maligaon at the time of dropping of down loaded tender documents. This should be paid separately and not included in Earnest Money. If the down loaded tender document is not accompanied with the cost, as detailed above, the offer will be summarily rejected.It may be noted that complete print out of down loaded documents only shall be considered as valid. Xerox of down loaded documents shall be considered invalid. Railway Administration will not be responsible for any delay/difficulties/ inaccessibility of the down loading facility for any reason whatsoever. In case of any discrepancy between the tender documents down loaded from internet and the master copy available in the offices, the later shall prevail and will be binding on the tenderer(s). No claim on this account will be entertained.
7. Performance Guarantee/FDR:The successfulContractor should give a performance Guarantee bond/FDR in the form of a irrevocable bank guarantee amounting to 5(five) % of the contract value within 30 daysfrom the date of issue of letter of acceptance (LOA).Extension of time for submission of PG beyond 30(thirty) days and up to 60 days from the date of issue of LOA may be given by the Authority who is competent to sign the contract agreement. However, a penal interest of 15% per annum shall be charged for delay beyond 30 (thirty) days, i.e. from 31st day after the date of issue of LOA. In case the contractor fails to submit the requisite PG even after 60 days from the date of issue of LOA, the contract shall be terminated duly forfeiting EMD and other dues , if any payable against that contract. The failed contractor shall be debarred from participating in re-tender for that work.
8. In absence of the full set of documents, the offer may be rejected. On the top of theEnvelope containing tender documents the Tender No. & opening date should be mentioned. Offers which are incomplete, unsigned & conditional will be summarily rejected.
Note :-1. For one tender, only one sealed envelope containing tender documents will be entertained. Any special condition etc. in separate sealed envelope will not be considered for the same tender.
2. The applicant should submit one application for one particular Tender to get the Tender paper.
Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer,
N. F. Railway, Guwahati.
For & on behalf of the President of India.
No. EL/29/GH/Tender/ Dated.09-02-2016.
Copy to :
1.CPRO/MLG –Together with 20 copies of above tender notice for arranging immediate publication in daily national News paper of all National News paper including Assam, West Bengal, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Bihar, Tripura etc.necessary fund is available during 2015-2016 against 03-733-21.
2. CEE/MLG They are requested to close the Tender box at 13 Hrs. of
3.Sr.DEE/LMG 15/03/2016 with proper seal and send to this office within 12
Hrs. of 17/03/2016positively in sealed condition.
4. DFM/GHY: He is also requested to make it convenient to attend the above Tender opening on specified date and time.
5. Copy forwarded for information and display in the Notice Board for wide Circulation to
a CEE,CE,CME.CSTE,FA & CAO and CVO, Chief Auditor/MLG.
b Chief Auditor/MLG.
c CMD/N. F. Railway/MLG.
i. All Electrical supervisor of LMG Division.
j. OC/ Panbazar, Police station.
k. OC/ GRPF/ GHY Station.
Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer,
N. F. Railway, Guwahati. For & on behalf of the President of India