Commerce and Information Technology



Business Technology Applications is a one-credit foundation course designed to assist students in developing technological proficiencies in word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, communication, Internet use, ethics and careers using technology applications. Simulations and projects promoting teamwork, leadership, and workplace skills offer further opportunities for applications of knowledge and skills. There are no prerequisites for this course.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a co-curricular component of this course. This student organization enhances classroom instruction, develops leadership skills, and provides opportunities for professional growth and service.


Commerce and Information Technology

Computer Hardware and Software

Data Input Skills

Word Processing Applications

Spreadsheets Applications



Database Applications

Presentation Applications

Internet Applications

Career Opportunities

Workplace Skills

Financial Literacy

Commerce and Information Technology

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS to be answered during the course

1What criteria should a person or business use in selecting hardware and software in various environments? Why are these important? 2How are self-assessments helpful in career planning? What is your self-assessment ranking and how will it help you in the future? 3How do you create and format a variety of personal and business related documents? 4How do you professionally create and develop business documents? Why is this process important? 5How do spreadsheet applications simplify data commonly used in business settings? 6How do database applications simplify data commonly used in business settings? 7How is multimedia software used to enhance informational presentations? 8How does being financially responsible affect your personal and professional life? 9How do emerging technologies and innovations affect your cultural, social, economic, environmental and political life? 10What skills are more important in the workplace – performance skills or interpersonal skills? 11How does participating in a CTSO (FBLA) affect one’s leadership and teamwork skills?


The goal of Business Technology Applications is to prepare students for a world of work that includes technological and 21st century computer skills. Employability skills will be developed to assist students in procuring entry-level employment, as well as becoming wise consumers and team players.

Available Student Industry Credentials—IC3


Class Notebook. You should take class notes and keep any handouts given by the teacher. The information collected should be kept neat and arranged chronologically in your notebook. (Approximately 10% of grade)

Daily Work. Daily work consists of application exercises, producing documents, class discussions, research, and reading. All assignments are subject to grading. No points will be given for unlabeled work or work turned in without a computer printed name. Frequently, grading rubrics will be provided for students to evaluate their own work before handing it in. (Approximately 30% of grade)

Homework. Homework will be assigned as needed. In some instances, students will access or contribute to an online tool, such as a blog or wiki. (Approximately 10% of grade)

Group Work/Projects. Due to an increase in demand by the business world for students who are able to work in teams, group projects will be assigned periodically. Group members will evaluate each other as to the amount and quality of work performed. Team member evaluations will be considered in the final grading process by the instructor. (Approximately 15% of grade)

Exams. Exams will be given on a regular basis on concepts and principles learned in class. Each exam will be evaluated on a 100 point scale. Some exams will be objective in nature while others will be done as applications on the computer. (Approximately 25% of grade)

Projects. Individual projects incorporating concepts learned will be assigned at least once per nine weeks. Projects will require time outside of class to help with preparation. Projects may include Career Portfolio, Office 2010 simulation, Internet Safety publication, How To Project presentation/ movie. (Approximately 10% of grade)


--Follow directions and class routines and procedures.

--BRING NECESSARY MATERIALS TO CLASS EVERYDAY! These are a writing utensil, paper and notebook.

--Pay class fee of $30.

--Check my website or class moodle for missed work. Students must make up work within the time frame designated by the Student Code of Conduct. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN MAKE UP WORK OR SCHEDULE MAKEUP TESTS. The class moodle ( contains assignments by the week. We will try to stay on schedule as much as possible. However, you should check my teacher website to determine what we actually do each day in class. Go to the Calhoun County website ( and type in my teacher number at the bottom which is 167. This will take you to my webpage where you can obtain the day’s assignments.


·  Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.

·  Respect others and their property.

·  Follow class procedures and routines.

·  NO food, gum, candy or drink in the classroom.

·  To maintain a positive learning environment, it is imperative that no one talk while someone else is talking or TYPE while someone else is talking. It is impossible in this setting to understand instructions given or questions asked if computers are being used while instructions are being given.

·  You must follow the posted class rules, those enumerated in the Calhoun County Board of Education Code of Student Conduct, and those in the Computer Room Student Contract. Some examples of incidents which would require discipline are talking out of turn, talking to friends during class time, inattentiveness, coming to class without materials, out of seat without permission, sleeping/head down in class, being disrespectful or discourteous, putting down other students, disturbing others during class time, being antagonistic toward class routines, or damaging equipment.

·  Unless designated as a class assignment, E-mailing, listening to music, playing Internet games, tampering with or accessing another student’s files, or accessing a program without permission is strictly prohibited.

·  If class rules are not followed, you will receive a discipline notice followed by an after-school detention slip or a discipline packet assignment to take home. Repeated violations will result in a call to a parent and/or office referral for discipline. Cheating or computer violations will result in IMMEDIATE office referral.

A=90-100; B=80-89; C=70-79; D=60-69; F=59 and below