Energy audit
-Abstract -
- National legislation for energy audit for buildings
- Short presentation of the TargovisteSchool and energy consumption
- The energy performance certificate
- Measure to improve the energy efficiency in building
- Economic evaluation
- Conclusions
- National legislation for energy audit for buildings
Energy audit for buildings are regulated by law no. 372/2005 regarding the energy performance for buildings and Ordinance no. 157/2007 on 1/02/2007 issued by the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Turism regarding the methodology of calculating the energy performance of buildings.
This legislation is a transposition of the European Directive no. 2002/91/CE regarding the energy performance of the buildings. The energy audits for the buildings are performed by authorized auditors.
- Short description of TargovisteSpecialSchool and energy consumption
SpecialSchool Targoviste provides educational-therapeutic services specific for pre-scholar, primary, secondary and vocational grades to children and teenagers with different disability levels who showed difficulties concerning integration in ordinary kindergartens and schools.
The school functions in a single four floor and attic building. There are 22 classrooms , a Biology Lab and a Computer/Physics-Chemistry Lab provided with 9 computers.
Human resources are represented by 68 titular teachers and 42 acting teachers (special education teachers, specific therapies teachers , etc).
There are 254 students attending this scholar year and they have different disability levels.
Characteristics of the building:
Height: – Sbpartial+P+3E+M
Built-up area: – 732,67 mp
Total built-up area: – 3.479,83 mp
Total useful area: – 3.148,67 mp
Volume of the building: – 7.102,00 mc
Data consumption was provided by the school personal and it was centralized in the following figure:
Figure 1. Electricity consumption for 2007, 2008, 2009
Figure 2. Thermal agent consumption
For heating the building it is used district heat produced and distributed from a centralized location. In the building there are not domestic hot water.
- The energy performance certificate
The Energy Performance Certificate or Certificate of Energy is a document which centralized the results of an energy and thermal analysis, declaring and certifying, in a unitary form, the energy performance of a building, discussing in detail the main energy features of the construction and its related facilities.
The school building was classified into Class B, with an annual specific energy consumption of 134.11 kWh/m2 year.
In the annex are specified also the values of the resistance to heat flow (R-Value) for all the elements of the building envelope and other information about heating system.
- Measuresto improve the energy efficiency in building
The audit report includes the measures to improve the energy efficiency in building
The measures:
C1. External wall insulation
To improve thermal protection of the exterior walls was proposed to be mounted a thermally insulated exterior cladding system which consists of expanded polystyrene 8 cm thickness together with a reinforced mortar based of 6 mm thickness, and a fabric fiberglass, and of the grade level with expanded polystyrene of 5 cm thickness.
This solution has several benefits:
-reduce heat/cold transmission , reduce cost with fuels,
- correct the thermal bridge, and the risk of condensation of the walls surface,
- it can improve the appearance of the building,
- during the installation work it does not affect the activities in the building.
As adisadvantagelifetimeguaranteed, usuallyno more than20 years.
I1. Intervention on the heating system
Replace the district heating system with a new heating system boiler supplied with natural gas.
The heating system boiler is very practically, has low operation cots and ensures a high comfort level. So the source of thermal agent will be local.
Also it is needed to be mounted new radiator system and a circulating pomp.
I2. Intervention on the heating system and on the domestic hot water system
Domestic hot water is produces by the heating system boiler and itisneededfor household consumption. The heating system boiler produce also heat.
I3. Intervention on electrical system
To reduce power consumption:
- replace the old lamps with economic lamps,
- turn off all the electrical equipment,
- turn the light when we leave the room
- educate children and teachers to the importance of reducing the energy consumption
- posters with rules,
- posters with ecological content.
I4. Adding a domestic hot water system
Adding a separated electrical boilers for every floor to produce domestic hot water.
The advantageof adoptingthis solutionconsists of:
•Comfort-unlimited access tohot water;
•Health-because of itsbacteriadoes not spread;
•Itsaves money-convertsall the energyinhot water;
•Itsaves time-hot waterisdeliveredinstantly;
•Itsaveswater-only theamount of waterisheated;
•Protectionisprovided-exclude the possibilityof an explosioncaused bygas leakorcarbonmonoxide poisoning;
•Compared tocentralizedsystemsdo not loseenergy throughheat transferbetweenwater pipesandconcrete walls;
Disadvantagesof this methodare:
•the costof obtaininghot waterbasedelectricityis high;
•electrical resistancebased on whichhot watercangetdamagedduetothe municipalwaterhardness;
•providedwaterflowismuch smaller.
Packages of measures:
Package of measures / modernization measuresPM1 / C1+I1
PM2 / C1+I2
For every solution it was calculated the R values, and other specific values needed to technical analysis.
- Economic evaluation
The results of
Solution / CostEURO / ∆E
year / c
kWh / ∆CE
year / ∆NPV
euro / e
kW / RP
Years / observation
C1 / 48000 / 103606 / 0,064 / 6630,78 / -299647,46 / 0,023 / 5,5
I1 / 75000 / 104837 / 0,064 / 6709,57 / -1303358,13 / 0,048 / 7,7
I2 / 82000 / 81835 / 0,064 / 5237,44 / -78301,06 / 0,067 / 9,8 / not feasible , e>c
PM1 / 123000 / 190975 / 0,064 / 12222,4 / -251088,04 / 0,043 / 7,1
PM2 / 13000 / 167973 / 0,064 / 10750,27 / -199030,98 / 0,052 / 8,2
∆E = heat savings achievedby applyingmodernizationsolution
c= energy specific cost
∆NPV= net present value
e= cost of saved energy
RP = recovery period
- Conclusions
In conclusion it was recommended to adopt Measure C1, because the cost for a unit of the thermal energy is lower comparing with the actual cost. Also the payback period is the smallest and consists in the thermal insulation with EPS of 8 cm of the exterior walls and with EPS of 5 cm of the grade level.
Energy Audit Targoviste Special Scholl – Romanian version
Questionnaire for energy audit for Targoviste Special School
Thermal Images- TargovisteSpecialSchool