Planning Council Meeting Page 2
Meeting Minutes March 14, 2008
College of the Desert
Planning Council Meeting
February 29, 2008
8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
East Annex 4
Members Present & Representation: Zerryl Becker, Academic Senate; Dr. David Bugay, VP Human Resources; Fergus Currie, Adjunct; Terri Fleck, Classified Staff; Adrian Gonzales, Student Services Dean; Ted Grofer, Adjunct; Bina Isaac, Information Systems Dean; Pam LiCalsi, T&A Division Dean; Juan Lujan, Off Campus Programs Dean; Lisa McFadden, Student Services; Dr. Doug MacIntire, Chair, Academic Senate President; Jeff Place, ASBU Division; Dr. Diane Ramirez, VP Student Services; Wendy Sanders, HSEC Division; Ty Thomas, T&D Division; Jessica Anorve, Student; David Buttles, PHED Division; John Jaramillo, ASBU Division Dean; Chris Nelson, Student Services; Tony DiSalvo, COMM Division Dean
Members Not Present & Representation: Kathlyn Enciso, COMM Division; Rudy Hernandez, Student; Dr. John Randall, Interim VP Administrative Services; Anne Saddington, SSAR Division; Dr. Gari Browning, VP Instruction;; Marlene Reynolds, Classified Staff; Anthony Tesch, MASC Division;
In Attendance: Jerry Patton, President; Matthew Breindel, Director Institutional Research;
Call Meeting to Order – D. MacIntire called the meeting to order.
Note: MacIntire taking notes of meeting
Prioritization Process Discussion
Chris Nelson gave an overview of the whole process. Jerry Patton asks that we clarify who can submit a proposal.
Adjunct involvement? Dependent on Divisions involving adjuncts at that level.
Discussion of the Form
Give points if deans endorse the proposal? (No additional points)
Want to keep this a planning process as opposed to a resource allocation process.
Jerry Patton: Keep in mind that this is a temporary process – will be improved over time. Also should reconsider not having divisions do any prioritization.
Big picture vs. small scale: Keys are “Justification” section and the “College Objectives” section of the form.
Wendy: Feels there is a disconnection with planning. Must keep in mind improvement of learning. May be competition between groups within divisions? Is there an advantage for those with good writing skills?
Tony: Is it ever possible to have a level playing field?
Adrian: This is a rushed process this year. Also we need a statement as to what we (Planning Council/President Patton) will give a higher priority this year. Missing the big plan?
Zerryl: How to make the process more open? She tested out the form with some proposals and the form works very well. Include at the bottom of the form the ranking within the division. Also a disclaimer: This is a pilot. Ask submitters to give feedback on the process. Put all the proposals on the Portal.
Jeff: Proposals that have been on the list previous years should be given added weight or points?
Wendy: Concern that if this process does not work well for rest of the campus – negative impact to the Planning Council. College impact is the critical criteria.
Lisa: Take “optional” out of dean’s comments section.
Pam: Need liaison subcommittee for communication with campus.
Chris: Added (1) years on priority list, (2) one sentence description, (3) No points for the resources section, (4) separate mandate box.
Mandates should be given more points? Points will be used just for guidance.
Pam: Try old proposals from previous years with this form. Need rubric.
Juan: Need transparent process. Not simply putting proposals on the Portal.
Chris: email announcements.
The meeting adjourned.
Planning Council Meeting