
It’s hard to believe that already ten months have passed since I started working in my current position. The first eight years of my career at CSI I spent a lot more time working closely with faculty: helping them incorporate technology into the curriculum, providing training and support, as well as teaching classes through six different departments. Although we also served students through ITC and the Library, I have not had an opportunity to work as closely with student services staff. Therefore, the past ten moths have been very exciting for me. They have also been very busy, sometimes challenging, yet very rewarding. I’ve learned something new every day, and continue to do so. I’ve had the opportunity to work with and get to know our student services staff better. This has been the best part. I’ve learned about what they do and how their work directly contributes to the success of our students.

I’d like to take this opportunity to share some of what I have learned, as well as highlight some student services accomplishment over the last few months.

Did you know that….

Last year the New Student Services office

Contacted approximately 4,700 seniors

  • 1,830 from MagicValley
  • 875 from Eastern Idaho
  • 1,746 from TreasureValley
  • 150 from Northern Nevada
  • 82 from out of state

Contacted 450 juniors

Made 165 presentations at High Schools

Attended 11 College Fairs

Sponsored 4 special events on Campus (Fine Arts, Eastern ID, Northern Nevada, TreasureValley)

Hosted 450 individual campus visitors

Hosted 885 group campus visitors

Last year the Financial Aid and Scholarship office staff processed 5,251 applications for financial aid, out of which 2,683 received federal aid, and the total funds received was $12,496,406.

In 2007 the Advising Center staff

Helped 6,970 students (total of 9,224 contacts).

  • 3,591 prospective students
  • 4,039 current students
  • 1,344 returning students

901 students and 98 instructors participated in the PASS program

686 students and 77 instructors participated in the SMART program

The Admissions and Records Office processes thousands of applications for admission. Every catalog and schedule change request eventually ends up in the Records Office. They are already processing applications for graduation for this spring. Every spring many hours are put into the update of the catalog. Every semester many hours are spent updating the course schedule. They help students add or drop classes, send and receive transcripts, run and evaluate degree audits, take payments, execute tuition loan agreements, handle veteran’s services, answer FERPA related inquiries, process enrollment and degree verification requests, and the list goes on…

There are many projects that student services staff is currently working on and either plan on completing by the end of this semester or by fall. Many of these projects are complex and will take considerable time and effort but they have the potential to greatly increase access, improve services, as well as effectiveness and efficiency of our processes and workflow.

Some of these projects include:

Streamlining the online application for admission process (using different forms for different student populations) and encouraging students to apply online – this project has the potential to increase the efficiency and timeliness of application processing, reducing human error, missing data, etc.

New student orientation – availability of a new student orientation (online and/or face-to-face) has the potential to increase student success and retention

Allowing first semester students the opportunity to register for courses online and pay online

Allowing the option for online registration/payment for dual credit students

Attending training in each Jenzabar module, in order to ensure more effective and efficient use of our system and to provide access to technical support

Degree audit (building the trees and ensuring that we will have a working degree audit)

Further improving the organization, design and ease of use of the CSI Catalog

Continue to improve the accessibility, user-friendliness, content, organization, visual appeal, and security of our website and Web-based services

Develop new systems that will improve the efficiency, timeliness, and effectiveness of some of our processes and workflows (e.g. approval of some of the forms)

Kicking off the “Why CSI?” campaign - the many reasons why prospective students should choose to attend CSI

As you can see, student services staff have been working very hard and continue to do so in order to help attract and retain students, and ensure that they continue to grow and enjoy their experience at CSI.

Over the years I had the privilege to see first-hand what faculty does to ensure the success of our students and our College. Now I also understand the contributions of student services staff. Many kudos to every one of them for their hard work and dedication.

Edit Szanto


Did You Get Your PERKS Book?

If you have not had a chance to pick up your PERKS book please see Tina Standlee across from the Business office or Karon Myers in HR. There are still a few available.



March PACE Rep Meeting

2-3 PM, ADC Conference Room (GRM 223)

Ann Keane– Chair

Abby Greenfield– Recorder

Remember to keep abreast of last minute changes by e-mail.

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2008 PACE Reps

Name...... Ext...... Representing

Lauri Watkins...... 6850...... Aspen

Revis Turner...... 6688...... Canyon

Sandy Bosteder...... 6300...... Desert

Caralee Perry / Merry Olson...... 6400 / 6401...... Evergreen

Robert Milligan...... 6600...... Fine Arts

Ann Keane...... 6530...... GRM ADC

Jan Goodman...... 6513...... GRM Library

Scott Rogers...... 6470...... Gym

Kristi Bronson...... 6657...... HerrettCenter

Chance Hamilton...... 6600...... Maint

Abby Greenfield...... 736-2122...... Office on Aging

Leslee Treshow...... 6931...... Outreach Centers

Vicki Kulm...... 6801...... Shields

Zetell Nelson / Elena Butler...... 6264 / 6233...... Taylor

Kristen Pugsley / Victoria Ward...... 6273 / 6274...... Taylor

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PACE General Meeting

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


7:30 am – 9:00 am

Breakfast Will Be Served

All Professional and Classified Staff are encouraged to attend.


From the Training Committee

“The Secret”

Positive Thinking in the Work Place!

PACE Executive Committee and Training Committee

Invite you to attend the showing of

“The Secret”

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Faulkner Planetarium

9:15 am and 1:00 pm

For more information call Tina Standlee x6205

Quotes from “The Secret”
We all work with one infinite power
People think about what they don't want and attract more of the same
You get exactly what you are FEELING
What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience
VISUALIZE!!! Rehearse your future
VISUALIZE!!! See it, feel it! This is where action begins
You are invited to share your views & thoughts
“The Secret” Panel Discussion
Wednesday,March 5, 2008
Taylor 276
1:00 pm

How can you develop this state of mind?
Join the PACE Training Committee for an interactive look into the Power of Positive thinking.
It doesn’t matter if your goals are to be move up at CSI, become a successful cake baker, score straight A’s in school, lose weight, buy your dream home or make millions of dollars—the principles and strategies are the same, but they must be applied!
Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, says that Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.
True positive thinking is not just saying that everything will be okay, as a lip service, and at the same time think about failure. In order to bring beneficial changes and improvement into your life, positive thinking has to become your predominant mental attitude throughout the day. It has to turn into a way of life. Real and effective positive thinking requires that you focus on positive thoughts and positive emotions, and also take positive action.
Register today for
Power of Positive Thinking
XMSC 085 C02
March 6 – 13
9:30 – 11:00
Aspen 180


From the Wellness Committee


Employee Wellness Course PHYE 199 C02 (1 credit) for all employees/spouses; online & noon Fridays. Learn about the spokes of the Wellness Wheel: mental, physical, financial, family, social, career, and spiritual health. All of our topics will be announced and open to all employees. Please bring your lunch as join us! Our tentative schedule is:

Feb 29..Spiritual w/Jaime Kinyon Kelley, social worker at St. Luke’s MVRMC, who will lead us in a wonderful meditation

Mar 7..Social w/our very own professor Mike McKenna

Mar 14..Family/meal planning with professor Alice Anderson

Mar 21..Spring Break

Mar 28..Financial talk with personal financial planner Linda Cheney

April 4..CSI Benefits with the HR office staff – learn to use our college resources wisely and effectively


Please join your fellow coworkers to complete the Preventing Harassment course in a group setting.Expect to join in lively group discussion as we learn about the college’s policies and procedures and our own experiences with regard to discrimination and harassment. We will start with the staff version of the training (lasting about an hour to an hour andhalf) and continue with the section for supervisors. Find us in TABRm. 256 at 10 a.m. and finishing by noon on Wednesday, February 27. Treats will be provided.


The CSI Wellness Fair is scheduled for 6:30 – 9 a.m. for lipids profiles and 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. for the financial/health resources fair. FREE lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. We will have new vendors and new services and demos to participate in. There will be lots of give-aways and door prizes for attending.

Signing up for blood screenings will take place starting February 19 by calling x6269. Times will be available starting at 6:30 and at 10-minute intervals until 8:30. All current employees, their spouses and children over 18 may participate. Costs will remain at $16 for the basic lipid screening, $20 for thyroid, and $25 for the PSA. Forms will be made available online soon.

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New Faces on Campus

Rosalie Wrobel

Replacing Annette Bleich

Student Disabilities Services Office Specialist

Taylor 272 Ext. 6260

Dated Jan. 07, 2008

I was born and raised in Buffalo, NY.Then my family relocated to Harbert, MI where we lived a short walk from Lake Michigan.After Michigan I spent a year living in Miami, FL, and then relocated once again to Chicago where I worked for several large law firms.I moved to Twin Falls earlier this year after visiting family here and decided I loved the area.The only thing I miss about living in Chicago is the shopping!I live with my nephew and his wife and am eagerly awaiting the birth of their first child.

In my spare time I enjoy making jewelry and I love to travel.I am very happy to be at CSI and am enjoying meeting all the wonderful people here.



Check it out after the first of every month.


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Next Edition Scheduled For March, 2008

(Subject to Change)
