November 16, 2016

A regular meeting of the Board of Education, Newark Central School District, Newark, New York was held on November 16, 2016,at the MiddleSchool. Trustees present were: Susie Crothers Earl, Eric DeTaeye, Russell Harris,Thomas Ledbetter, Yvonne MacTaggart, Jim Miranda and Rebecca Vermeulen. Also present were: Matt Cook, Superintendent; Krista Lewis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction andEd Gnau, Assistant Superintendent for Business / Clerk of the Board

Mr. Harris called the meeting to order at6:30PM.

The board judged artwork at 6:30 PM.

Motion was made by Mr. Ledbetter and seconded by Mrs. Earl to adjourn to executive session for the purpose of discussing the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation in executive session at 6:40 PM. CARRIED: 6– 0

Mrs. MacTaggart arrived at 6:45 PM.

By consensus, the board exited from executive session at 7:00 PM.

The Board said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion was made byMr. Ledbetterand seconded byMrs. Earlto approve theBoard Agenda. CARRIED: 7– 0

Motion was made by Mrs. MacTaggart and seconded byMr. Ledbetterto approve the Board of Education Meeting Minutes from November 2, 2016. CARRIED: 7 – 0

Middle School staff updated the board on the Middle School Building Plan for Excellence.

Jennifer Singer and Monica Stadler presented the District’s Special Education Plan.

Motion was made by Mr. Ledbetter and seconded by Mrs. Earl to approve the District’s Special Education Plan. CARRIED: 7 – 0

Mr. Cook gave an update on the Strategic Plan, including parent and student surveys that will be going on in the near future.

Mr. Gnau gave an update on the lead testing.

Mr. Cook discussed Board Ends and achieving Board ends in a separate Life Skills course or integrating them into courses already offered.

Mr. Ledbetter discussed his research into Life Skills courses.

The board allowed for public comment.

The board reviewed the Consent Agenda.

Motion was made by Mr. Ledbetter and seconded byMrs. Earlto approve theConsent Agenda.

CARRIED: 7 – 0


10.1.1Treasurer’s Reports for the following funds dated October 31, 2016: Fund Lunch Fund and Agency Fund Fund Funds Market Savings Accounts Activity Funds Fund – Bus Purchases Service Fund Fund – Excel Project

10.1.2General Fund Warrants A26, A29, A30, A31, A32, A33, A35

10.1.3School Lunch Fund Warrant C3

10.1.4Federal Fund Warrants F9 and F10

10.1.5Capital Project Warrants H6 and H7

10.1.6AP Summary dated November 9, 2017


10.2.1APPOINTMENTS the creation of a part-time .38 FTE Clerical position at the Bus Garage. the following part-time teacher assistants for the 21st Century Program from November 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 at their current hourly rate pending negotiations for 1.00 hours per day at the Middle School: (grant funded)

Roberta Otero - $13.46 per hour

Wendy Caffee - $14.90 per hour the following part-time teacher assistant for the 21st Century Program from November 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 at his current hourly rate pending negotiations for 1.50 hours per day at the Middle School: (grant funded)

Joseph Marro - $10.96 per hour Isaiah Lyon as a Substitute Student Worker in all buildings as needed effective November 3, 2016 through June 30, 2017 at a rate of $9.00 per hour. the following coaching assignments:

Winter 2016-17SportSalary

Samantha StauringVar. Cheerleading$1961

Gregory CashdollarMod. Wrestling$1961 the probationary appointment of Donald Ginther, pursuant to Civil Service Law, in the title of Custodian at a salary of $19,370 effective November 7, 2016 at the High School, for a period not less than eight (8) weeks or more than twenty-six (26) weeks. Be it further resolved that the Board extends the probationary period to twenty-six (26) weeks. (Previously appointed to a provisional position) the salary for Varsity Girls Basketball from $5104 to $6280 to due an increase in the years of coaching experience for Justin Fladd.



10.4.1Approve the following recommendations from the Committee on Special Education from October 14, 2016; October 18, 2016; October 24, 2016; October 25, 2016; October 26, 2016; October 27, 2016; October 28, 2016; October 31, 2016; November 2, 2016; November 3, 2016; November 4, 2016; November 7, 2016 and November 9, 2016; and Committee on Preschool Special Education from November 9, 2016.

Motion was made by Mr. Ledbetter and seconded by Mrs. Vermeulen to approve disposition of Policy 8470 (Home Instruction / Home Schooling). CARRIED: 7 – 0

Motion was made by Mrs. Vermeulen and seconded by Mrs. Earl to perform the 1st Reading of the following policies. CARRIED: 7 – 0

6410Staff Acceptable Use Policy

6411Use of Email in the District

7316Student Use of Personal Technology

Mr. Harris reviewed future agenda items.

Motion was made byMrs. Earland seconded byMr. Ledbetterto adjourn the meeting at8:50PM.


Edward K. Gnau


Board of Education