TALENT DAY 2017-18

Talent Day for LKG is scheduled on 8th , 9th & 10th Nov. You are requested to tick any three events that your child would like to participate and send it back on or before 13th Sep. Prelims will be conducted as per the dates given. Film songs, rhymes and devotional songs are not allowed for Western Dance. Selected students will be intimated through the school diary. As these competitions are part of the internal programme parents will not be allowed to witness the events. Wish you all the very best and thank you for your co-operation.

Principal’s Sign......

Name: …………………….. Class: …. Div:.....Roll no:......

Sl. No. / Events(LKG) / Time
(Max) / Criteria / Prelims
Dates / Tick the Events
1 / Story telling (Eng) / 3 / Theme , Pronunciation, Fluency &clarity , Facial expression& action , Voice modulation / 26th Sept
2 / Story telling (Mal) / 3 / Theme , Pronunciation, Fluency &clarity , Facial expression& action , Voice modulation / 27th Sept
3 / Western Dance / 3 / Perfection, Expression , Variety of steps& body movements, Costume , rhythm, / 28nd Sept
4 / Fancy Dress (Music, Living things and professional make up are not allowed.) / 1 / Costume, Make-up, Expression , Dialogue, Confidence / No Prelims

Signature of the Parent…………………………


TALENT DAY 2017-18

Talent Day for UKG is scheduled on 8th, 9th & 10th Nov. You are requested to tick any three events that your child would like to participate and send it back on or before 13th Sept. Prelims will be conducted as per the dates given. Film songs, rhymes and devotional songs are not allowed for Dances. Selected students will be intimated through the school diary. . As these competitions are part of the internal programme parents will not be allowed to witness the events. Wish you all the very best and thank you for your co-operation.

Principal’s Sign......

Name : …………………….. Class: …. Div :….Roll No:......

Sl. No. / Events(UKG) / Time
(Max) / Criteria / Preliminary
Dates / Tick the events
1 / Speech(Eng) Topic- Good Manners / 3 / Content ,Pronunciation, Confidence ,Fluency & Clarity,voice modulation / 25th Sept
2 / Story telling (Eng) / 3 / Theme, Pronunciation, Fluency &clarity , Facial expression , Voice modulation / 26th Sept
3 / Story telling (Mal) / 3 / Theme, Pronunciation, Fluency &clarity , Facial expression&actions , Voice modulation / 27th Sept
4 / Western Dance / 3 / Perfection, Expression , Variety of steps& body movements, Costume , rhythm, / 28nd Sept
5 / Baby Prince and Princess / 1st round-Self introduction round(prelims without costume)For finals-costume, adapt tune &question round / 4th Oct
6 / Fancy Dress(Music, Living things and professional make up are not allowed.) / 1 / Costume, Make-up, Expression & Dialogue, Confidence / No Prelims
7 / Folk Dance / 5 / Selection of song, Expression, Variety of steps, Costume, Presentation / 3rd Oct

Signature of the Parent…………………………


TALENT DAY 2017-18

Talent Day for class I is scheduled on 8th, 9th & 10th Nov. You are requested to tick any three events that your child would like to participate and send it back on or before 13th Sep. Prelims will be conducted as per the dates given. Film songs, rhymes and devotional songs are not allowed for Dances. Selected students will be intimated through the school diary. As these competitions are part of the internal programme parents will not be allowed to witness the events. Wish you all the very best and thank you for your co-operation.

Principal’s Sign......

Name: …………………….. Class: …. Div: .Roll No:......

Sl. No. / Events for Class I / Time
Max / Criteria / Prelims Dates / Tick the events
1 / Story telling (Eng) / 3 / Theme , Pronunciation, Fluency &clarity , Facial expression Actions , Voice modulation / 26nd Sep
2 / Story telling (Mal) / 3 / Theme , Pronunciation, Fluency &clarity , Facial expression Actions , Voice modulation / 27rd Sep
3 / Western Dance / 5 / Perfection, Expression , Variety of steps& Body movements, Prop, Costume , Rhythm, / 28th Sep
4 / Folk Dance / 5 / Costume Stage appearance, Thalam, Bhavam, Perfection in adavu, Variety of steps,Prop / 3rd Oct
5 / Smart Patrician / 1st round-Self introduction round(prelims without costume)For finals-costume, Adaptune &Question round / 4th Oct
6 / Fancy Dress (Music, Living things and professional make up are not allowed.) / 1 / Costume, Make-up, Expression & Dialogue, Confidence / No Prelims

Signature of the Parent…………………………


TALENT DAY 2017-18

Talent Day for class II is scheduled on 8th, 9th & 10th Nov. You are requested to tick any three events that your child would like to participate and send it back on or before 13th Sept. Prelims will be conducted as per the dates given. Film songs, rhymes and devotional songs are not allowed. Selected students will be intimated through the school diary. . As these competitions are part of the internal programme parents will not be allowed to witness the events. Wish you all the very best and thank you for your co-operation.

Principal’s Sign......

Name: …………………….. Class: …. Div:….Roll No:......

Sl. No. / Events for class II / Time
Max / Criteria / Prelims
Dates / Tick the events
1 / Story Telling (Eng) / 3 / Theme/selection, Pronunciation, Fluency &clarity , Facial expression , Voice modulation / 26th Sep
2 / Western Dance / 5 / Perfection, Expression , Variety of steps& body movements, Costume , rhythm, / 28th Sep
3 / Folk Dance / 5 / Costume stage appearance, thalam, bhavam, perfection in adavu,variety of steps / 3rd Oct
4 / Smart Patrician / 1st round-Self introduction round(prelims without costume)For finals-Costume,Adaptune &Question round / 4th Oct
5 / Bharathanatyam / 7 / Costume Stage appearance, Thalam, Bhavam, Perfection in adavu,Perfection in mudras / 5th Oct
6 / Fancy Dress (Music, Living things and professional make up are not allowed.) / 1 / Costume, Make-up, Expression & Dialogue, Confidence / No Prelims

Signature of the Parent…………………………


TALENT DAY 2017-18

Talent Day for class III is scheduled on 8th , 9th & 10th Nov. You are requested to tick any three events that your child would like to participate and send it back on or before 13th Sept. Prelims will be conducted as per the dates given. Film songs, rhymes and devotional songs are not allowed for dances. Selected students will be intimated through the school diary. . As these competitions are part of the internal programme parents will not be allowed to witness the events. Wish you all the very best and thank you for your co-operation.

Principal’s Sign......

Name: …………………….. Class: …. Div:….Roll No:......

Sl. No. / Events for class III / Time
Max / Criteria / Prelims
Dates / Tick the events
1 / Declamation(Speech of any great personalities-eg: Abdul Kalam , Indira Gandhi etc) / 3 / Content, Pronunciation, Confidence, Fluency & Clarity, Voice modulation, Costume. / 22nd Sep
2 / Adaptune / 3 / Confidence, Variety& selection of steps, Rhythm, Ability to adapt, Perfection / 26th Sep
3 / Monoact / 5 / Voice modulation , Theme, Face expression & Actions , Perfection / 27th Oct
4 / Western Dance / 5 / Perfection, Expression , Variety of steps& Body movements, Costume , Rhythm,Prop / 28th Sep
5 / Folk Dance / 5 / Costume& Stage appearance, Thalam, Bhavam, Perfection in adavu,Variety of steps,Prop / 3rd Oct
6 / Smart Patrician / 1st round-Self introduction round(prelims without costume)For finals-Costume, Adaptune&Question round / 4th Oct
7 / Bharathanatyam / 7 / Costume&stage appearance, Thalam, Bhavam, Perfection in adavu, Perfection in mudras / 5th Oct
8 / Recitation (Hindi) / 5 / Introduction, Delivery, Pronunciation, Voice Modulation,Selection of Poem. / 6th Oct
9 / Fancy Dress (Music, Living things and professional make up are not allowed.) / 1 / Costume, Make-up, Expression & Dialogue, Confidence / No Prelims

Signature of the Parent…………………………

Group Events
1 / Choral Recitation(Selection will be done by the class teachers)
2 / Group Story Telling(Selection will be done by the class teachers)
3 / Choral Recitation(Selection will be done by the class teachers)
4 / Group Song(Selection will be done by the class teachers)
5 / Choral Recitation(Selection will be done by the class teachers)
6 / Skit(Selection will be done by the class teachers)