Study Guide For 4th A&P I Test

Chapter 11

  1. What are the parts of a neuron? What are the functions of the various parts?
  2. What are unipolar, bipolar and multipolar neurons? Where can you find these neurons? Which is the most common type of neuron?
  3. Understand the role of the various components that facilitate neurotransmission across a synapse.
  4. How is a nerve depolarized and repolarized? What are the phases that lead to the development of an action potential?
  5. What is meant by the Central Nervous System?
  6. What types of neuroglial cells are found in the CNS? What are their functions?
  7. What are Schwann cells and what is their function?
  8. What is the most common neurotransmitter secreted by motor nerves innervating skeletal muscles? What is the role of acetylcholinestrase at a synapse?
  9. What is the absolute refractory period in a nerve?
  10. What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?
  11. What are ganglia?
  12. What is salutatory conduction? In which nerves can you see this type of conduction?
  13. What are ependymal cells and how do they function?
  14. What are the functions of Schwann cells and oligodendrogliocytes?
  15. How does the interior surface of a resting neuron differ from

Chapter 12

  1. Identify the parts and lobes of the brain and understand their basic functions. Focus only on regions that you have looked at in the lab.
  2. Which regions form the brain stem?
  3. How is the brain protected?
  4. What is the blood brain barrier and why is it important?
  5. Study a cross section of the spinal cord, and understand how it is protected.
  6. What are some clinical conditions that may arise from injuries and abnormalities in the spinal cord ?
  7. Study and understand the distribution pattern of the white matter and gray matter in the brain and spinal cord.
  8. What are brain waves and why are they important? How can the brain waves be examined in an individual?
  9. Understand the phases of the sleep cycle. How does this cycle change with age?
  10. What are the consequences of traumatic brain injury?

Chapter 13

  1. What are the names and functions of the twelve cranial nerves?What is unique about the accessory nerve? Study the major branches of the cranial nerves that you examined in the lab.
  2. How many spinal nerves do we have? Understand the structure and function of a spinal nerve. What might happen if the ventral root of a spinal nerve were closed? What might an injury to the dorsal root result in?
  3. Many stimuli can be processed in the spinal column through a reflex arc. Study the various components of a reflex arc, and understand how this arc functions.
  4. Where can you find nerve plexuses? Understand the distribution and major function of the various plexuses that you examined in the lab.
  5. Study the various types of reflexes. What reflex is involved in a patellar “knee jerk”? What are inborn or intrinsic reflexes?
  6. What are sensory receptors and how can they be classified? What are the functions of the various receptors?
  7. What are afferent and efferent neurons?
  8. Compare regeneration in the CNS and PNS. What prevents regeneration in the CNS? How is axonal regeneration achieved in thePNS?

Chapter 14

  1. What are the differences between somatic and autonomic nervous systems?
  2. What are the divisions of the autonomic nervous system? How do the divisions differ in their structure and function?
  3. What are the pathways of sympathetic innervations?
  4. What prepares the body for the fight or flight response? What role does the adrenal medulla play in the ANS?
  5. How do somatic reflexes differ from visceral reflexes?
  6. What are splanchnic nerves?
  7. What are cholinergic and adrenergic neurons? Where can they be found?
  8. What are cholinergic receptors and what do they bind?
  9. What are the two types of adrenergic receptors and where can they be found?
  10. How do various drugs affect the autonomic nervous system?
  11. What are sympathetic and parasympathetic tones? What is meant by cooperative effects in the ANS?
  12. What are some unique roles of the sympathetic nervous system?
  13. How is ANS functioning controlled?
  14. What causes ANS impairment in youth? What are the effects of age on ANS?

Chapter 16

1. Learn the location, secretion and function of the major endocrine glands that were shown to you in the lab. Understand how these glands are controlled and what might be the consequences of malfunctioning of these glands.